Wednesday, 22 January 2025

The Lake in Winter

Thanks to everyone for comments yesterday, I'm glad most people didn't take me too seriously!

On Sunday morning I decided to go and look at the nearest body of water in the hope that the reflection of light on water would improve a dull day.

This is Needham Lake, next door to where the big boot-sale is held on Saturdays later in the year. I wasn't the only person to have the idea and there were families everywhere with children on scooters and in pushchairs walking the circular path round the lake. There's a bit about the lake HERE.

Most of the birds on the lake were mallard ducks, and various gulls, moorhens and a couple of swans.

The only other interesting bird was a little egret - below cleaning his feathers- a poor photo  - who flew off when I got a bit closer.

It was 3℃, damp and chilly and I didn't hang around long.

Back Tomorrow


  1. It's very soothing being near any body of water isn't it. Not quite as much when it's busy and damp, but it's always worth a trip out. ❤️

  2. I love the snowy scene plate in your top picture ! Beautiful ! 💐x

    1. That design of plates were made in this country for export to the US

  3. On the news this morning, they said that the weather was very January and your pictures show that, but the pictures are great and birds are beautiful.

    1. Vey dull January again today, fog and drizzle is so depressing

  4. It looks like a nice place to walk. I must admit that I just want to hunker down during the winter months, I hate the cold and I'm getting worse as I get older, but having a dog makes you get out for a walk, and I'm always glad when I do. I find being out in nature, no matter what time of year it is, does me the world of good.

    1. It has play equipment and cafe so gets very popular at weekends now

  5. It looks a damp day, somehow. I bet it's lovely when the sun shines, but seeing all the water birds is a delight any day.

  6. I miss open water. Everything here is iced over!

    1. Our temps are just above freezing but such grey skies - horrible.

  7. Cold but so beautiful and restful. xx

  8. What a lovely place to walk. Cali G

  9. My favorite walk when I can get there, is a retention pond, small but full of wildlife, always good to see in any weather. I agree, a water view is always good.

  10. I miss my walks along water as it is too cold here to go out. Warming a bit today, started out -1°F but it will get up to 20°F - a mini heatwave! ;)

  11. It will be too cold outside for me today. It got down to -14 here last night. We are up to 7F now. However, the temperature is supposed to moderate over the rest of the week. For that, I am grateful.

  12. That looks cold. I hope this grey weather doesn’t last too much longer, it really is miserable.

  13. It has been warming up, but any water is still frozen here and we got a bit of snow today.
    I hope you are not in the path of the newest storm to hit the UK very soon.

    God bless.

  14. The water is still and like glass. Not a ripple. Walking where there are water views is always lovely. The lake must attract lots of wildlife.

  15. There's beauty to be found in the bleakest of days. It looks lovely there by the lake. Xx

  16. I've walked there several times. It's a pretty little place. It can get quite busy in the summer I think!
