Monday, 13 January 2025

The Coldest Day?

 There are mentions in British folklore books that January 13th is always the coldest day of the year. I don't know how someone came up with this date back in history (except that it was the first day of The Great Frost of 1205) as surely it must depend on where you live. 

Saturday was the coldest day here for a while, with a hard frost overnight and then fog in the morning and the frost and bits of fog hung around all day - not a lot of sun as on previous days. I'd already decided I wasn't going anywhere so didn't put the windscreen cover on the car. It's annoying that the garage isn't big enough to get my car into when the weather is so cold but the windscreen cover works well for when I know I'm going out early after a frosty night. 

In some books today is St Hilary's Day, but in others it's the 14th, I wrote about him last year so won't repeat myself,  last year the 13th wasn't at all cold and we'd not had many frosts, this year there have been frosts every night for a week.

Tonight is the first Full Moon of 2024 - The Stay at Home Moon. I've not been staying at home as much as I thought because as well as Keep Moving Group and shopping, I booked a swim, picked up DiL and the two grandchildren from school one afternoon when Son had the car, visited YD and EGD yesterday and today have an unexpected trip to the dentist after a filling or a tooth - not quite sure which yet- broke just after Christmas. Thankfully the one benefit of having to go private due to there being no NHS dentists is getting into see someone quickly - although it'll cost me a chunk of money. 

Thank you to everyone for comments on Saturday. It's amusing that my post about seeing someone they recognise on TV seemed to morph into comments about  meeting someone famous. I've never met anyone famous - I feel I'm missing out.

Back Tomorrow


  1. I thought I had commented about recognising someone on the telly - must have forgotten to 'publish'. Naver mind.
    It certainly was cold over the weekend, the coldest so far this winter, but if that's all the cold we will get, great!!

    1. Apologies, just found you comment in spam and a dozen others that weren't there the other day!

  2. Well it was definitely much colder here on the 11th of January than it is today on the 13th!
