Monday, 13 January 2025

The Coldest Day?

 There are mentions in British folklore books that January 13th is always the coldest day of the year. I don't know how someone came up with this date back in history (except that it was the first day of The Great Frost of 1205) as surely it must depend on where you live. 

Saturday was the coldest day here for a while, with a hard frost overnight and then fog in the morning and the frost and bits of fog hung around all day - not a lot of sun as on previous days. I'd already decided I wasn't going anywhere so didn't put the windscreen cover on the car. It's annoying that the garage isn't big enough to get my car into when the weather is so cold but the windscreen cover works well for when I know I'm going out early after a frosty night. 

In some books today is St Hilary's Day, but in others it's the 14th, I wrote about him last year so won't repeat myself,  last year the 13th wasn't at all cold and we'd not had many frosts, this year there have been frosts every night for a week.

Tonight is the first Full Moon of 2024 - The Stay at Home Moon. I've not been staying at home as much as I thought because as well as Keep Moving Group and shopping, I booked a swim, picked up DiL and the two grandchildren from school one afternoon when Son had the car, visited YD and EGD yesterday and today have an unexpected trip to the dentist after a filling or a tooth - not quite sure which yet- broke just after Christmas. Thankfully the one benefit of having to go private due to there being no NHS dentists is getting into see someone quickly - although it'll cost me a chunk of money. 

Thank you to everyone for comments on Saturday. It's amusing that my post about seeing someone they recognise on TV seemed to morph into comments about  meeting someone famous. I've never met anyone famous - I feel I'm missing out.

Back Tomorrow


  1. I thought I had commented about recognising someone on the telly - must have forgotten to 'publish'. Naver mind.
    It certainly was cold over the weekend, the coldest so far this winter, but if that's all the cold we will get, great!!

    1. Apologies, just found you comment in spam and a dozen others that weren't there the other day!

    2. Aaaaahhhhh - I do sometimes forget to 'publish' so it could easily have been that! No worries. xx

  2. Well it was definitely much colder here on the 11th of January than it is today on the 13th!

  3. I love that picture of the cobweb - seeing them hung with frost or dew is one of my favourite things.

    It's actually a tiny bit warmer here, while still well below freezing. I'll just be glad if it doesn't get any colder!

    1. The yew hedge was absolutely full of frozen cobwebs on Saturday

  4. January and February are traditionally the coldest months, but at least the days are getting longer - 15 minutes a week. Hope the tooth isn't too troublesome.

  5. I've not been out for a week, but is is thawing a bit here today.

    1. The frost has gone from everywhere today, first time for ages

  6. Bury Street Dental Practice in Stowmarket are actively recruiting for new patients if your interested.

    1. I shall investigate.

      The problem with changing is that you never know who you will get and if they are kind to frightened patients or not, last time I was able to get a NHS dentist he was horrible!

  7. Cloudy and 10 degrees here in East Cornwall and the overnight frosts have ended, it seems. I'm not parting with my fluffy throw on top of the duvet though. Loving the cosiness and it's keeping me in bed later each day!

    1. Not easy to get up in winter when it's nice and warm in bed

  8. Cold here, too! It will warm up for a couple of days and then it is supposed to get even colder by next week. Too bad you can't use your garage. I'm so glad to have one!

    1. The boiler is at the back so I wouldn't be able to get the car right in even if I didn't have the bag of logs and the tumble dryer and spare furniture!

  9. Might i offrer suggestions on meeting someone ? Try a book signing is the first of his about going to an arena show with somebody very famous like Taylor Swift and pay what might require a second mortgage for a ' meet & and greet'. The meeting will be over in 2 minute.!!! Personally, do I want to meet a celeb? Unless it Michael Rosen definitely NO THANKS

    1. I can manage without meeting anyone famous! especially if I have to pay for the privilege !

  10. The frost beautifully shows up the intricacies of a spiders web doesn't it, great photo.

    1. They were everywhere on Saturday morning and very noticable

  11. Beautiful photos and it was still cold here at the weekend. Today we are 15C warmer and it’s pouring with rain. Catriona

    1. Lots warmer here and fine too - got the washing mostly dry for a change

  12. Sue, if you leave me a mailing address at, I will send you something to hold up your winter plaque. A small return for my enjoyment of your blog. I have extras.
    Kate in Aptos, California

  13. Your plants look quite frosty. The last couple days/nights have been below freezing but today is 40 degrees F. The snow is melting but still outlines all the tree branches. The ground is snow covered with bits of green grass poking through.

  14. Lovely photos. I don't know about other spots but today feels like the coldest day of our year so far. Totally frigid. I went out to fill the feeders an hour ago and my hands and feet (which were bundled!) are as cold as they were the minute I stepped inside.

    I met a lot of famous people when I was working for public television, mostly at receptions and rope lines, occasionally a longer encounter with guests to our studios or landing at the same table at someone at lunch. Most of the ones I've met are pretty much the same as everyone else, but with a cool job. And the best ones act as interested in you are you might be in them, which is a wonderful art.

  15. January is always one of our coldest months. I stay in quite a bit now, and really find things a bit boring, even with lots of hobbies.

    God bless.

  16. Lovely photos. Everything here is so snowy. It's certainly been chilly here and looking to get even colder next week. Brrr. Hope the dentist goes well and it isn't too costly!

  17. Here they are saying it is a Wolf Moon, allegedly because wolves were thought to be more active during this time of year. I haven't seen any wolves in Boston but despite living on the outskirts of the city I see coyote, possums, raccoons, and there was even a deer in my back yard (I would not have believed it but my neighbor got a picture of it leaping from my yard to hers).

    It is below freezing. I went to a hockey game with my brother and friends tonight and the security staff wouldn't let me in because my purse was too big. I had a very chilly 15 minute walk back to my car - thank goodness I had not taken a train. I was quite annoyed at missing the first part of the game.
