Brought home from the library van yesterday were these few. I've only got nine others reserved so at this rate I'll be running out of reading matter. I'd better do a search to find some others to reserve.
I know I'll like the crime by Ann Granger and Candice Robb and the book by Claire Keegan will be another quick read. The other two are an unknown quantity so I'll see how they go.
These were the books brought home last month. I didn't read the Ann Cleeves book as it was one of the series with Vera's finale on TV over Christmas. I also didn't read the two by Louise Scarr. I still have two of these below to read.
Right, I'm off to check my book of books read and Fantastic Fiction to see if any of my favourite authors have written anything new that I can reserve.
Those look perfect to curl up with.
ReplyDeleteFF - one of my favourite sites!
DeleteThat of course is the problem. Writers do not keep up with our reading of them. Sad Vera is leaving the stage but there is a whole backlog on Iplayer to read.