Thursday, 30 January 2025

The Week

 Thanks for the messages on Monday. Nothing was wrong but nothing much was happening this week apart from lots of tidying up and reading and I knew I wouldn't be able to conjure up ideas for blog posts.

 I had a few days under the weather last week with no energy, but struggled on as the Surrey family were here for the weekend. They were away in Thailand for Christmas so hadn't had Christmas presents from every one.
 I made Quorn korma curry plus Indian bits for 11 on Saturday evening. The Suffolk families were here too so cousins could spend as much time as possible together, and then we went out for a big family meal at a local pub on Sunday lunchtime before they headed off home.
 I've never complained about a meal out before but as we were booking a table for 12 (BiL came too) son did  a pre-order. Unfortunately they had forgotten we had pre-ordered and we ended up waiting well over an hour for our meal - you can imagine how 'hangry' the 5 grandchildren got! I wasn't impressed at all so negotiated a discount off our bill. The food wasn't the best anyway - cold plates make cold vegetables. We won't go there again! It's BiL's local and he said they never seem to have enough staff even on a normal evening.

So since Sunday I've been resting up and reading between stripping beds, cleaning the bathroom, doing washing, sorting toys back onto the shelves in the small bedroom and generally tidying up after having 4 extra people in the house. Nothing interesting. Nothing to blog about - Oh I see I just have!

Also this week I'm sure I aged as my 70+ driving licence renewal form came through the post, ready for April - it was easy to fill in so that's been done, and then, just to make me remember I'm almost 70 my knees started hurting even when not getting up from a chair!
All Jolly Good Fun!

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  1. Sue , you managed to do a lot after having some days with low energy! And I sympathise about the knees .It takes a bit of getting used to when we can't just power on through the way we might once have done .Hope you will feel " recharged " soon .Helen

    1. I don't like feeling slow after years of being busy - but I suppose it comes to everyone at sometime

  2. Hope you're feeling your energy return! I often think I've got nothing much to write about, just boring everyday stuff, but people seem to like reading it! Knees are traitors I think, they let us down just when we need them - my left knee often just collapses all of a sudden for no good reason (it doesn't really hurt most of the time so I don't know why it just gives way).

    1. Suddenly found knees hurting during the night - horrible

  3. The 70+ licence is inferior. You can't drive big vans anymore for one thing, only little ones.

  4. Families are lovely, but they are tiring when you're not used to company. Sad, but true.

    1. It's lovely to see them all - but 5 children under 9 create quite a whirlwind of energy!

  5. I've just done the DVLA thing too. You can apply to keep the "big van/minibus" bit, but I haven't needed that since before Covid, so I decided to omit it. Well done for negotiating discount. A few years back, family members went out for a pre ordered Xmas meal, and they'd completely forgotten to cook the vegetarian meal. The member of the party who'd organised it made an incredible fuss, and got the entire bill cancelled ! It was £100s.
    I hope your energy levels pick up soon 🙂

    1. I have no intention of driving anything bigger than my car so no problem.
      It was a very disappointing experience at the pub

  6. Some days, although lots happens, it isn't often 'story-worthy', I am trying to encourage myself to appreciate these quiet gentle nothing days. I am work in progress!
    Hopefully once you've fully recovered, the weather behaves a little better, you'll feel more like yourself again :)

    1. Always cleaning I could do but I choose to ignore the dust for much of the time!

  7. Glad you enjoyed happy family time. I would recommend Pure Xtracts turmeric massage oil for your knees or any other aches and pains, you can buy them online. I find them very good.

  8. It sounds like both a busy week and one where you would deserve a good rest after! So glad you were with your family but I'm sure the restaurant situation was not at all pleasant!

  9. It's wonderful to see them all but also nice when they go home and it's quiet again. ;) Hope your knees feel better and the weather gives you some nice days to get out for a walk, Sue.

  10. It's nice to have family visit and then nice when they go home too!

  11. Despite the less-than-ideal pub meal gathering the family together is lovely. Busy and tiring but still very nice.
    As Fiona states, Turmeric is very good.

  12. I agree with Sooze above; sometimes the blogs that just relate the day's "goings on" are the ones I turn to first.

  13. My body seems to hurt more with every passing day. I defrosted the garage freezer today and have just finished wiping it all down. Now my back hurts and my stomach aches. I'm so unfit it's shameful :/ I've just had a cup of tea and some painkillers. Hope they kick in soon. I know what you mean about knees too. My left knee often gives way for no apparent reason!

  14. I hope your energy is returning or at the very least returns soon. How disappointing that the local was not ready for you even after preordering. Glad you managed a discount.

    God bless.

  15. Tired after your visitors even though they were very welcome. Take care. Catriona

  16. That's hard about the meal and it's such a shame for the kids. At least you know to avoid it in future.

    Sending hugs x

  17. It's infuriating when something like that happens at a restaurant when you've taken the trouble to pre order! Good for you negotiating a discount on the bill. I always politely let staff know if the meal or service seriously disappoints and tell them why I'm not leaving a tip, if they don't know they'll assume it's fine.

  18. What a shame that the family meal was spoilt by the wait for food and then cold plates, it's good that you negotiated a discount you deserved it.

    It can be hard thinking of something to post about occasionally can't it. As my blog is usually relatively picture heavy I use photos as my inspiration. Using housework or keeping fit would be a huge no-no for me, I can just imagine the posts ... today I did no ironing, today I did no dusting, today I did no press-ups. ;-)

  19. It’s surprising how often restaurants fail to heat plates. A very simple thing and yet if you don’t do it, it ruins the meal. We had this in a restaurant in Krakow recently and they said they couldn’t warm the plates because they were hand painted. As a visitor to the country I didn’t want an argument but was itching to say well in that case why are you using them?
