Thursday, 2 January 2025

January Days and Thank You

 It was really good yesterday to have so many comments - I loved them all. Special thank you and "hello" to people who'd not commented before and apologies for not replying individually. My excuse was that I was out at Son and DiL's house with the two grandchildren plus YD and EGD who came over from the coast through the very wet and windy weather (luckily it had stopped raining and blowing by evening going home time) plus BiL came too, we were all there helping to eat up their Christmas food. They are never knowingly under-catered! Now they need more visitors to help eat yesterdays food!

It was a lovely surprise to switch on the lap top when I got in to find 60+ comments, cheered me up no end because coming home after family days is still tough, even if it is the 7th Christmas.
It's good to know from Debs that my punctuation is appreciated as I'm not always sure I have apostrophes in the right place! and I know I use far too many exclamation marks!!

So,  here we go into January..................

The January page from 'An Illustrated Country Year' by Celia Lewis

The Anglo Saxons used the name Wulfmonath for January, the month when wolves would be hunting for food. Difficult to imagine that wolves roamed the woods and forests of England, Scotland and Wales back in the 6th Century and it must be the reason the full moon this month was called the Wolf Moon. This year it's on the 13th and was also known as the Moon After Yule and, according to my new book  - Everyday Folklore by Liza Frank, it's also known as the Stay At Home Moon - which, considering tomorrows post is called  'Just Stay In January', is very apt! (Although they may well have made up that moon name, as I've never come across it anywhere else).

January is usually colder than December and this is one of the best known sayings..............

As the day lengthens, so the cold strengthens

Other sayings for the month include.............


When oak trees bend with snow in January, good crops may be expected.

In January much rain and little snow is bad for mountains, valleys and trees

Mild weather isn't recommended, so it's probably good that the weather forecast is for a spell of colder weather over the next few days. 

 A January spring is good for nothing

January warm, the Lord have mercy

Us gardeners always want good frosts in winter to kill off all the nasties that lurk in the soil. Most years recently our winters just haven't been cold enough.


Janus am I; oldest of potentates;
  Forward I look, and backward, and below
I count, as god of avenues and gates,
  The years that through my portals come and go.

I block the roads, and drift the fields with snow;
  I chase the wild-fowl from the frozen fen;
My frosts congeal the rivers in their flow,
  My fires light up the hearths and hearts of men.

Longfellow -  Poets calendar

Back Tomorrow


  1. I'm hoping a cold January affects the slug and snail population!

    1. Me too - there was an invasion of large slugs here last year

  2. After yesterday's gloom and damp, it's going to be a bright and frosty morning, here. Much better! ;)

    1. Much brighter today here too - I didn't venture far to test the temperature

  3. I'm slowly digging myself out of a dark place and back to where I can comment and let you know how much I love your blog. Thank you for all that you share

  4. There are things that just don't ever get "easy" as far as the loss of a much loved soulmate goes, in my experience. The only thing I've found a tiny help is to remember that I want the person back, young again, and healthy ... not just alive. It doesn't cure it, but it helps me get some perspective. Be gentle with yourself Sue. It IS hard. It just IS.

    Today we drove an hour upcountry to be with our Goddaughter on her birthday - number 46, and we've celebrated every one of them with her. I try to remember the good things, especially when life is tough. There are good things, I've just got to "count my blessings".

    Happy New Year to you. May it be full of small, happy surprises and nothing you can't handle.

    1. I'm hoping for a good year - sunny and warm summer preferably.
      Always difficult going home alone after a lovely day with family. I'm coping best I can

  5. I do love the cover of that book. It was still pitch dark here just after 8:00 Now half an hour later, I can see the daylight creeping in, but I still haven't had the courage to look outside and see what it's actually doing today. I only hope we don't get snow.

    1. I need to pop out tomorrow, hopefully before any snow arrives! Although the forecast has changed and it might not get this far east - we shall see.

  6. I'm still struggling with a cold, but I really want to go outside tomorrow night and watch the Quarantids meteor shower.

  7. New Zealand Nana2 January 2025 at 08:56

    Happy New Year from the other side of the world. We are enjoying blue skies, walking on the beach, garden fresh vegetables and enjoyable family meals with grandchildren.
    Sue, special thanks for all the time you spend writing your blog and reminding us all to enjoy the simple things in life.

    1. I do enjoy writing and it's lovely to get comments - thank you.
      I have warm weather envy!

  8. I hope you took a pack up home with you xx

    1. There's four of them and the grandchildren have hollow legs ! so I'm sure they'll manage to eat everything.

  9. We have woken to a hard frost on top of yesterday’s rain and snow. Going to stay in today and do some tidying and some cooking. Catriona

    1. Hope the weather improves for you soon and we don't get too much snow down here. Two days would be enough!

  10. It’s a lovely crisp, sunny day here in the south of England, a great improvement over the last few weeks of greyness. I love the January page.

    1. Days and days of fog and gloom are very depressing.

  11. It's so nice when people take the time to comment, isn't it, and you were well rewarded. Sounds like a nice end/beginning. I love the January page and look forward to seeing more.

    1. It was lovely to hear from people who had never commented before. Without comments it wouldn't be a conversation and I'd be talking to myself!

  12. Unfortunately, I also know how hard it can be to come home alone after family days and my heart goes out to you. I'm glad all the comments cheered you a little. xx

    1. It was lovely to find so many comments - I really was cheered up

  13. Such an interesting post and I love the pic of the wolf. The folklore thoughts on January was so clear and seemed to make perfect sense.

  14. Looking at the pic again I don't think it is a wolf, a deer more like.

    1. Yes, definitely a deer. Glad we don't have wolves!

  15. Glad to read that we need cold January, might help to get through a dreary month. Though February is so dreary, too. Hopeful New Year!

    1. Yes, two months before any signs of spring. I don't mind cold as long as it's sunny

  16. Despite the many grey, cloudy days it has been unseasonably mild, so that we are now primed to moan about cold January and February. It's good to be reminded that the lower temperatures are necessary to kill a few unwanted bugs, in the garden and amongst our population. I have been unable to get a flu jab so am wary of going where people gather (hospital appointments, for instance). But today, here in East Cornwall, the day has dawned sunny and bright and the world seems a better place.
    - Rosemary

    1. How annoying that you couldn't get a flu vaccination. The hospitals here are already full of patients with flu apparently. Best to stay at home as much as possible I think

  17. January is usually our coldest month of the year, and we are headed into a spell of very frigid weather. It will either be bundle up until one looks rather like a burly animal, or stay in where it is warm.

    God bless.

  18. I know mine isn't perfect but poor punctuation really winds me up. So does confusing 'fewer' and 'less' and that sort of thing. I'm obviously getting old!

    1. I often have to think about things like passed and past - hope I get them right. It's a long time I did the basics of English language at school!

  19. Your day with family sounds really good. Sharing holiday food and enjoying the time together makes for a perfect day.
    I once read that even light snow is considered nature's fertilizer. For Christmas, we had a light snow cover. (Light as in the bits of grass poked through.) We definitely need a hard freeze. The ground is soft.

    1. All the old folklore always say that a cold winter is best. We get too much rain nowadays

  20. That Celia Lewis image is so perfect for January. Or whenever -- it's simply a wonderful, well designed piece of art. I'm sure you had a grand time with the family and know that re-entry can be hard. But onward, my friend. Much awaits.

  21. We had snow at Thanksgiving and several minor snows after but then a warming trend hit and all the snow is gone. It is very strange to see the grass greening. It's below freezing again today but no snow in our forecast for weeks ahead. It is missed.

    1. We might get a little snow this weekend and could still get more in February - it's always a guessing game

  22. Sounds like a wonderful time spent with family. I always have way too much food when hosting people. Better to have too much food, than not enough. Leftovers are a bonus. Enjoy your day! Cali G

    1. It's always good to get the 3 Suffolk grandchildren together even if they do end up arguing!

  23. Glad you had such fun with family, Sue. Now that the gang has left my house, it is back to peace and quiet (which is good and bad at the same time if you know what I mean)!

    1. I know what you mean exactly - especially if the grandchildren end up being silly together! - then peace is good to get home to.

  24. Your influx of comments was amazing!! I too love the over use of exclamation marks, I always tend to hit the key twice ... even then I have to delete the over-over use of them!!

    It's the hardest thing coming home to an empty house after a lovely fun-filled family event isn't it. We are currently in the process of turning my Mum's bungalow into an empty house and that is hard in a similar way. All the NHS things went today, and tomorrow we have to make a list of things being donated to the BHF.

    1. Lots of people stopped lurking for the day which was lovely.
      BiL is still clearing out the last of his Dad's stuff from his house ( BiL still lives in it) and decorating at last - and father in Law died in 2017!

    2. Sadly, we have to do this much more quickly as Mum will most likely need the funds from the sale of her bungalow to fund her care home stay.

  25. Eh up Sue, a lovely and informative post m'dear, and one can never have too many exclamation marks !!!!!
    All the very best for the coming year

  26. Sue I think so many of us lurk because we really enjoy your writing but dont feel we can add anymore to what you have already said. Through your blog i have found many others I enjoy . Thank You

  27. I enjoy your blog very much and read it every day. I bought the illustrated bird book you mention in your posts for one of my friends. Wishing you a Happy and healthy NewYear.xx Jane
