Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Mass Observation 12th May Diary

Today I will be writing a MASS OBSERVATION 12th May Diary

"In 2020 the Mass Observation Archive will be repeating its annual call for day diaries, capturing the everyday lives of people across the UK. The written diaries will be stored in the Archive at The Keep and be used by a wide range of people for research, teaching and learning. This is the 10th Anniversary of the 12th May Diary project.
In 1937 Mass Observation called for people from all parts of the UK to record everything they did from when they woke up in the morning to when they went to sleep at night on 12th May. This was the day of George VI’s Coronation. The resulting diaries provide a wonderful glimpse into the everyday lives of people across Britain and have become an invaluable resource for those researching countless aspects of the era.
As we post this call, the UK is in lockdown because of the COVID-19 pandemic. We don’t know how life will be on the 12th May, but we would like your help to document it. Please tell your family and friends. It will be valuable to have a collection from people of all ages across the UK."

You just need to include this below and then email your diary to them
“I donate my 12th May diary to the Mass Observation Archive. I consent to it being made publicly available as part of the Archive and assign my copyright in the diary to the Mass Observation Archive Trustees so that it can be reproduced in full or in part on websites, in publications and in broadcasts as approved by the Mass Observation Trustees. I agree to the Mass Observation Archive assuming the role of Data Controller and the Archive will be responsible for the collection and processing of personal data and ensuring that such data complies with the DPA.”

Mass Observation were also asking for lock-down diaries for however long it takes and I started to do a daily diary of thoughts and observations  but I kept forgetting to write so gave up!  Hopeless!  -just like I am at writing letters nowadays, how the heck I manage to ramble here everyday heavens knows.

Thank you to everybody for all the lovely comments yesterday.

Back Tomorrow



  1. These 2020 diary entries will make interesting reading in the future, that's for sure. Nothing like this has ever been recorded before, that's for sure.

  2. I'm glad you do "ramble here". I love reading your ramblings. I thought about keeping a Covid Diary, but knew I'd give up after a few days. I'm a bit of a butterfly at the moment, can't settle to do anything for long! Keep safe. xx

  3. Thank you, Sue, for writing about the Mass Observation. I hadn't heard of it until this time last year when a member of my U3A creative writing group wrote about it. I'd forgotten so thank you, I'm going to do my bit for it on this particularly different day in our lives. Lyn

  4. I've not heard of this before but I'm definitely going to take part today. Thank you for posting about it. :)

  5. I came across this by chance on Twitter. Definitely taking part this May 12th! This day will make very interesting reading for future generations indeed.

  6. Hello. I'm really enjoying following your blog. I've been keeping a journal since the lockdown started. I had no idea someone might be interested in it, so thank you for that information.

  7. What a great ida. I'd not heard of this before now.

  8. "Sleep, sleep, walked, got very down, sleep, ate, drank"

    1. Oh Simon -hope you aren't down now. Perhaps Cricket will be on the list to return soon

  9. I didn’t realise Mass Observation was still going! I’ve read quite a few of the WW2 diaries.

    1. They've been going ever since, now they do a lot online more people can write for them

  10. Is this what Nella Last did during the war, Sue?

  11. This is a wonderful thing for future generations. I wish they did something like this in my country. I know I would love to be able to read such an account from long ago. Will you be posting your "Day Diary" here?

  12. It'll be exciting to read what everyone did during the lockdown in many years to come. I wonder what future generations will think when they read all about how we are living at the moment.

  13. What a great idea!! Many years from now those who read them will learn a bit about what life was like during the lockdown.

    God bless.

  14. The V and A are doing something similar for their archive for future generations.
