Saturday, 4 September 2021

A Week into September

Blimey, what a gloomy week it's been here in Suffolk. Dull, dull, dull as Craig Revel-Horwood says on Strictly, which BTW,  starts on the 18th - good news indeed.

What have I been up to this week? ......... Apart, that is, from watching as much of the Paralympics as possible. There was Nana duty one day and then the dentist the next. That was the last of my 5 appointments ....................thank goodness. He told me I had coped with it all very well! 
On Thursday a man came to fill the chip in the windscreen before it got any bigger. It's been there since before March when it passed the MOT, so it was about time I got around to doing something about it. It cost me nothing as it was covered in my insurance.
A text message arrived inviting me to book the annual flu jab later this month. Might as well go and get it done. I'm afraid I don't go in for the conspiracy theories that warn us about vaccinations etc saying that it's just a way of controlling the people. Someone said at the beginning of the pandemic that it was  a plan to reduce the world population....I answered that it would take more than a few million deaths to make a difference to the world population as it is now. I even heard that Covid vaccinations included a microchip to track us...........really? They don't need to do that......we're already tracked by our mobile phones or online presence.
Anyway, that's getting too close to politics so I'll shut up. 

The small sampler I  started earlier in the summer is finished and put into a frame at last. It's been added to my "art wall". There's still room for a few more small bits if I come across something I like at a boot sale or charity shop.

     I've finished this library book below and agree with the plaudits on the cover. The thought of the Queen investigating a murder is ridiculous but somehow after reading this it seems entirely plausible!,204,203,200_.jpg

Don't bother reading it if you want something serious - because, just like Richard Osman's first crime book, - you have to forget proper police procedure. Also just like The Thursday Murder Club this is the first of a series.

Yesterday I finally got some more soil shifted from the bag out the front around to the new vegetable beds, there's still plenty of time until spring to finish, but the bag sits there shouting at me every time I go out the front of the house!                                                         

This week I'm grateful for

  • Having a day with Eldest Granddaughter before she started school, now I'll see her less often.
  • More Paralympics to enjoy on TV
  • Spotting a Painted Lady butterfly on the white Buddleia. First I've seen among all the Red Admirals, Peacocks and Cabbage White
  • The forecast for a bit of warmth on a couple of days next week

It will be a quiet weekend here I think, need to get the breadmaker on, the ironing done and maybe some scones made.

 Have a good weekend, I shall be back Monday



  1. Yay, Strictly πŸ€ͺ! Winter is definitely on the way then - I suppose it's too much to hope for that I actually know who any of the "celebrities" are this season?

    Your cross stitch sampler is gorgeous - well done for a very pretty finish.

    1. I'd heard of several of them apart from the chidren's TV presenters. Hope some can actually dance and no one is too awful to watch!

  2. Great sampler. Enjoy the weekend (did you watch the new Grantchester last night?)

    1. I've made a note to watch the whole series on catch-up later in the year. It's not one of my favourite crime series and I just couldn't get on with the books either

  3. I agree what you say about vaccinations, don’t understand their thinking at all. Mainly cabbage white butterflies here with a few others. Used to have hundreds. Cross stitch is lovely.

    1. If it wasn't for the two Buddleias there would be a worrying absence of butterflies. So the Buddleias are keepers

  4. Hope you enjoyed your few days with posting.
    I love your sampler so sweet.
    We had a beautiful day yesterday in the garden and lovely to get the washing dried and aired.
    Have a good Sue and everyone.
    Hazel 🌈🌈

    1. Yes a few days off posting gives me time to come up with ideas for later.
      Hope Your weekend goes well, yet another grey day here.

  5. It's been a grey week here, too.
    I loved The Windsor Knot but what a pity they changed the cover. The first one was more appropriate.

    1. I noticed there were two different covers but didn't really look closely - so now I'm going to go and see what you mean

    2. Oh yes the other cover fits in with the title perfectly - wonder why it was changed

  6. Some people do have active imaginations, don't they?

    Thursday was the last day of looking after our grand-daughter (apart from school holidays) as she starts school next week. Her elder sister came too which was a bonus for me as I don't see her all that often. This will be her last year at Junior School.

    I like your cross stitch sampler which would go very well with mine.

    1. According to someone I used to write to we were all to have microchips under our skin to use for paying for things in shops!?? This was the same person who told me my washing machine and fridge were programmed to stop on 31-12-1999!

  7. I am not aware of any conspiracy theories relating to flu jabs which have been offered to the elderly for many years. It is dull here again this morning which is rather disappointing because the sun shone yesterday.

    1. I saw a bit of sun yesterday but not for long. next Monday and Tuesday are supposed to be more like summer

  8. Love your sampler! Glad you enjoyed The Windsor Knot; I did, too. And nice to have had time with your oldest granddaughter. It seems not so long ago that she was just a baby and now she's starting school. Hope you have a nice weekend.

    1. It will be just school holidays and perhaps a few weekends from now on as she spends some time at weekends with her Daddy. They certainly grow up so quickly

  9. I love the way you order your life Sue. I am the same and it sure makes the days pass quickly and you feel you have achieved something at the end. Love the sampler.

    1. I seem to have lots of lists to remind me what I should be doing - but at the moment I've been watching paralympics all morning- with odd jobs in between!

  10. My little great niece went back to school this week too and the highlight was having lunch back in the hall!! I listened to The Windsor Knot on audiobook, Samantha Bond read it and I think that helped, I did enjoy it. I have had a text from the doctors too and they were hoping to give the Covid booster at the same time, but that was not confirmed yet.

    1. My Eldest Granddaughter has been in the Nursery class at her school for a while now so she'll know lots of friends as she goes into reception.
      There were two dates offered for the flu jab but then a later text message cancelled the first day due to delivery delays. I doubt they'll have enough covid booster stuff to do down to my age for a while if they start with the over 80s again.

  11. Got a text about flu jabs too. I tried three different times to phone but the doctors surgery didn't answer. Unbelievable. Now I've read there are delivery problems so is it worth phoning anyway?

  12. That's a lovely sampler! It is nice to have some handiwork while watching TV (Olympics, Paralympics)! It is nice to feel as if I have accomplished something each day, altho, I do know how to waste LOTS of time! Stay safe!

    1. I start cross stitch with great enthusiasm but then go off the whole idea!
      Nowadays I tend to be preparing blog posts while I'm watching TV - it's my favourite hobby

  13. These days, false information seems to circulate. Like you, I filter fact from fiction. The garden and forest are calling and there is much to do. A friend just yesterday said, "Your brush pile is getting big." I replied, "It's only 12 ft. by 12 ft. and it will compress soon!" I love Autumn projects and the bonfire will be spectacular.

    1. Having a bonfire is something I no longer have to think about here - yours sounds like it will warm you up on a cold day!

  14. You used to do a post at the start of a new month about the finances of the previous month. Maybe getting the state pension removes the need for that?Roderick

    1. Oh Hello, Haven't heard from you for a while. No, I used to do a post at the END of each month looking back - Ins, Outs and Frugal bits. Moving house meant there have been NO frugal months for ages but I do intend to get back to frugal notes soon as I'd like to dip into savings less frequently now I have my own pension as well as the Spouses pension.
      Watch this space!

  15. Your sampler is beautiful and the perfect thing to add to your art wall commemorating the move into your lovely home! Our version of your Strictly starts this month too. Here it is Dancing With the Stars. The pandemic has had a big effect on the TV programs this past year so it is good to see this return. Enjoy the remainder of your weekend Sue!

    1. After last year it's a joy to see new programmes being made again - Strictly is a bit of glitter through dull days

  16. Some people here have funny ideas about the covid vaccine as well, most of them so far fetched that they are laughable.
    Good luck with filling your veggie beds. With spring approaching here, I am starting to get itchy gardening fingers again, but I know I struggle with it later on so am trying to resist the urge!
    Enjoy your weekend, :) xx

    1. Yes I know what you mean - I'll have to make a list of what I need to do and what I can manage to grow

  17. That sampler is lovely in it's frame.
