Tuesday 28 December 2021

28th December. After Christmas and Before New Year Again

Cards and Presents

On Christmas Day there was a mystery present!

It arrived a couple of days before Christmas and was obviously a book so I assumed it was something from my Amazon wish list from one of the family who had sent it direct in case it was late, so I didn't open until Christmas morning. But it wasn't from my wish list - it was a book mentioned on the Monday of the week by Jennie on her blog...........  Alison Uttley's Country Things.

  But How? and Who? I have no idea where this has come from and who has sent it. And this is the second mystery book this year. It's very kind but embarrassing. Thank you.

Lots of other lovely gifts too, I'm a very lucky woman.

Picture frame, shortbread,chocs, writing paper, nest box, craft bits and that's a bar of chocolate wishing me Happy Christmas in Gaelic! With my new Pinking Shears I'll finally be able to cut the material to make the wax food wraps and two penfriends knitted me finger-less gloves/wrist warmers - how's that for coincidence! BiL made me a this........

Can you guess what it is?....................................
It's for putting my wellies on - upside down outside. Very handy because of not having a proper back door and he also brought my present from his sister - books and DVD.

All my cards are beautiful.

Four Candles (as in the Two Ronnies,) Jane Austin and two post boxes

 A sleigh all the way from Canada, 3 robins and from EG's primary school, designed by EG herself (poor parents are now expected to buy cards and mugs as well as the usual School photo!)

9 Kings!!

 And there were Christmas trees,baubles and snowy villages too.

 The Surrey family are coming up to Suffolk today and will be here for the day tomorrow along with the rest of the family - it will be a squash for 12, but we will squeeze in! 

Wish me luck cooking for us all, I don't do many big meals nowadays - so have had to write a time table..............haven't done that for years.

I'll be a bit busy for a couple of days, so will be back Friday with the Review of the Year in Photos.

Enjoy the rest of your in-between week



  1. Loving the surprise mystery gift and the cards are great.

    Have a wonderful time with your family tomorrow (you will be fine, a plan is the main thing and you have that) and see you again on Friday.

    1. It will be good to see my new grandson and everyone all together

  2. How lovely to have a secret santa from someone kind who knows that book has gone to a good home :) 12 is a challenge to cook for (two dinner sets, extra chairs?) but how fabulous to be together. Wishing you all the best for the New Year.

    1. I'm OK for table,chairs, crockery, cutlery etc. But space is the problem!

  3. I love the welly boot stand! And look forward to hearing more about your secret santa book. Have a wonderful day with the Surrey crowd (esp the new baby)

    1. The wellie stand is very solid, shouldn't fall over!

  4. Don't worry about feeding them, it will be a fine and happy time and it will all work out, even if it is a bit late.

  5. Tam often writes time tables. I just muddle along, but have never had to cook for 12 before!

    Lovely gifts and cards. I wish I could own up to sending you that Alison Uttley book, but enjoy it!

    1. I used to cook for lots with no problem but I'm out of practice.

  6. Hand made cards with big writing inside, made by small hands are the best gift ever. I love it when your gifts are well though of and just what you like, Happy New Year.

    1. And now they get a whole lot of cards properly printed at school so parents have to buy them!

  7. Love that wellie rack, pleased that you had a nice Christmas and surprise books...I'd love that.

    1. Love the surprise book but have no idea where it has come from

  8. Some lovely presents Sue especially the welly stand.
    Have a lovely time with your family.
    Hazel 🌈🌈

    1. Thank you. I'm very lucky with presents and my family

  9. Don't worry about the cooking, they're all family and family see the humour when things don't go to plan. Be prepared to have your leg pulled if things don't turn out quite as you want them to.

    At least you had some post boxes and robins for Christmas.

    1. Two post box cards and 3 robins must be some sort of record! Love them all

  10. Sounds like a wonderful Christmas! Hope your meal went well and you had a good time with your family!

  11. I love a practical present like your welly stand. Arilx

  12. So many nice things and what beautiful cards! You are loved. --Elise

  13. I bought some of those fork handles (4 candles) cards from Help for Heroes. They are fun 😁 Didn't you do well for Christmas gifts, Sue. Lucky girl!

  14. Aren't Christmas cards lovely? I save all mine and sometimes put out a few from a previous year just because!

  15. What lovely gifts, and the cards are beautiful.

    God bless.

  16. You got many thoughtful great gifts. Gathering your family together for a special meal at your home will be lovely.

  17. Hope your big dinner went well, I am sure everyone will have enjoyed themselves, regardless of your timetable (which I used to do when I was cooking big Christmas dinners, lots of work upfront but makes things so much easier).

  18. Happy Christmas Week, Sue. I'm sorry I haven't been by (or at least commenting) often during this busy season but I didn't want the holidays to pass with out belated Merry Christmas (It does look like you had a lovely one and it will still continue!) and a very Happy New Year!

  19. I do hope you have a wonderful time with your nearest and dearest. x

  20. I also have an Alison Uttley book...Recipes From An Old Farmhouse. x

  21. There are some lovely cards there, aren't you lucky.

    I don't know how parents can cope with all the additional requests for spending these days, we used to just about be able to cope with buying the photos as long as we gave them as Christmas presents to relatives and just kept one of each for ourselves.

  22. Wishing you a very enjoyable time with your family and hope all goes well with that cooking :)
