Tuesday, 19 April 2022

An Extremely Busy Weekend

 When Eldest Daughter, Son in Law and the two boys come up from Surrey we try and get all of us together as much as possible. This weekend it was 6 adults, 4 children under 6 and the 6 month old baby on 3 days and  if you throw two birthdays and Easter egg hunts into the mix it all gets a bit busy!
The two five year old cousins tend to get a bit silly as 5 year olds do and the 4 year old cousin joins in too. Luckily the two year old tends to ignore them and do his own thing. The baby is a happy little chap..........most of the time!

It's all wonderful but exhausting.
As usual, always too busy to take photos, but it was a lovely birthday, lots of cards and chocolate and books. Thank you everyone.

Just one photo......... an updated peep at the newest member of the family, he was a baby at Christmas and now a little fella.
Back Tomorrow


  1. Belated Happy Birthday Sue. Sounds like you had a really wonderful time with the family there to help you celebrate. I imagine the grandchildren had you shattered by bedtime! The new Little One is growing fast, bless him. What a handsome lad he is.

  2. Sounds like you had a busy, happy birthday and holiday weekend with family. The littlest fellow is adorable! Enjoy your week. --Elise

  3. Happy belated birthday, Sue. I wanted to say thank you for your lovely posts over the years. Whenever I visit your blog I always feel like I've learnt something new and interesting!

    With love from,
    Kelly (Mrs. Kiwi)

    1. Thank you for that lovely comment - I'm glad you enjoy reading the blog - I love writing it

  4. Oh he is a poppet! I'm so glad you could all get together. Family time is a precious blessing, and I love the way the grandchildren respond to seeing their cousins. The house will seem strangely quiet now... I know mine does! On the other hand it's a little tidier too.

    1. It gets harder to all meet up with work and school so it was a lovely weekend

  5. He's a sweetheart. Don't they grow so fast. X

  6. Best wishes for a wonderful year ahead. It's amazing how fast the babies grow. We have a five month old also. Having the two older grandies on Saturday night, we are always exhausted when they go home (but happy) I think you're a few weeks older than me, inside my head I don't feel this age!!!

    1. It's very enjoyable to get the family all together but after living alone it's always a bit of a shock!

  7. Aren't babies lovely - especially when they go home at bedtime. Love the panda jumper.

    1. So far - touch wood- he is a happy baby - loves his 5 year old brother

  8. So pleased you had a wonderful weekend and you and the children have made some beautiful memories. The photo is gorgeous.
    My D. Was working all weekend she is an Activites Leader at an expensive Care Home they had lots if Easter things going on for the patients and guests, I had a nice surprise tho my GD came and spent a few hours with me (she made the tea and cakes) so pleased the weather was good for everyone.
    Belated birthday wishes Sue.
    Hazel 🌈🌈🐥🐥🎂🎂

    1. Thank you Hazel - what a lovely surprise for you at the weekend

  9. What a cutie! It sounds like the best sort of chaos!

    1. Takes quite a while to put the house back together after they've visited!

  10. Belated Birthday wishes, but I think you must have had a wonderful time with all your family around.

  11. Happy birthday
    My grandson was ten on the 18th…

  12. Belated Happy Birthday Sue, it looks like you had an amazing weekend. Hopefully you have now recovered from all the 'family' descending, it's wonderful but also wonderfully tiring isn't it.

    When I saw that photo of your newest member I just thought 'Colin', why ... is it the eyebrow or just that wonderful expression.

    1. Baby A is very like his brother, although his brother was very poorly when he was small so I reckon A will be a bigger chunkier fella

  13. Happy Belated Birthday! It is exhausting but so fun to have the happy noise in the house.
    He is a little fella so cute

    1. He is a nice smiley baby so far - and loved watching all his big cousins

  14. Sounds like a terrific celebration for your birthday! Best wishes for a year filled with good health, growing garden, and fun adventures!

    1. Thank you. I agree with all three wishes would like good weather too!

  15. The newest baby looks like an agreeable little fellow!

  16. Wishing you a belated happy birthday! Your family gathering sounds delightful. Your youngest grandchild is adorable. He's growing very quickly and is the picture of good health and happiness. Busy but very happy times are the best.

    1. So good to all get together. It's harder to do now 2 are at school

  17. Belated happy birthday! It sounds like you had a wonderful time. What a cute little boy, he looks so happy :)

    1. Thank you - yes a happy baby - loved watching his big cousins

  18. Happy Birthday Sue! How wonderful to have your family together. My favorite birthdays are the ones spent with my family. I'm sure you are exhausted but I imagine it is a happy exhaustion!

  19. Sounds like a wonderful weekend and a great way to mark your birthday. You can take the rest of the week now to recover!
    Have a happy day :) xx

  20. What a grand and sturdy young fellow.

  21. My goodness the little fellow has sure grown.

    I am glad that you could all get together for the Easter holiday and to celebrate your birthday.

    God bless.

  22. Oh, how adorable and how I miss the little ones of yesteryear. They grow up so quickly. 💖

  23. Lots of lovely goodies. What a cute little fellow! Getting so big already
