Thursday 9 November 2023

H is for Home

 I struggled to find a subject this year for the letter  H. Last year it was Hampers for Christmas presents and I didn't want to repeat myself.  I might have written about Hedges - The Horrible Yew Hedge  out the front of the bungalow, I managed to get my side and half the top cut on Tuesday. I'll do my neighbours side another day, as it's quite hard work now I'm getting older.

 I could have written about Herbs - but that's been done before HERE. Other H's in the labels are Holidays, Hazelnuts, History but can't think of anything special to write about at the moment for those subjects and that leaves House and Home.

When does a House become a Home? I've only lived in two houses that weren't really homes . 6 months in the rental when we looking for a smallholding and the year in Ipswich in 2016, which never seemed like home. Usually I can get settled into somewhere quite quickly. 

Then I remembered a book that we had when the children were little and found this you tube rendition.

Hope it works - if not this is the link It was a favourite to read with all the rhyming .

It was only later when I'd run out of time to do anything more that I thought of Holly - the big tree in the churchyard is absolutely covered in berries this year and  I could have found some folklore and history.

Now there's a plan for a December post. 😊

Back Tomorrow


  1. While chatting yesterday and you were still wondering on a few of the letters, I could have suggested Haircuts. Some are very complicated and high maintenace, whereas, ours are very 'no nonsence' !
    It was pleasant to put a face to the name and I enjoyed our meeting over Coffees and HUGE cheese scones. Lesley

    1. Thank you Lesley - good to meet you too.
      My hair cut takes about 10 minutes - that's plenty long enough - I would never have the patience for an hour or more!

  2. One of the most touching definitions of home I heard was recently in an episode of Ghosts. Lady Button started speaking about home and it really was quite moving. Love that show!
    Here's a more obscure suggestion for you next time you have to do H. Try haricot beans.

    1. I love 'Ghosts' - very clever.

    2. I've never seen Ghosts. Haricot beans would be a tough subject especially as pulses are something I can't eat

  3. Home is where the heart is. One blog I follow, Happy @ home ( has 'A house is built of brick and stone . . . a home is built of love alone' on the home page.

    1. Happy at home would be my second choice for a blog title but as it's already taken I shall have to stick to the one I have

  4. An interesting rhyming read. I agree with you about the definition of house/home. We feel quite at home in our motorhome because although small it is our home on wheels. We have lived in three houses in our 52 years of marriage and all of them have been home. Catriona

    1. The two places that weren't home involved ill health and problems.
      3 homes in 52 years is very good compared to our many moves

  5. This house became home quite quickly for us. Despite the awful people who lived here before, it has a lovely atmosphere and it's something everyone who comes here remarks on. I like to think of it during WWII when it was home to a whole bundle of Evacuees, quite small children with a couple of mums/helpers. I suspect that the family at the Big House (who owned our property too) were delighted to get their ration cards!!

    Debbie - we love Ghosts too, and yes, Lady Button had it right.

    1. So no more moving for you then! Whereas I can never decide

  6. What a sweet book!
    How lucky we are to have a home!

  7. For me, home is like a comfy nest where all is well. With the troubled world we all live in, home is a cherished place shared with family and friends. I built my home and continue to love it just as I did many years ago. The Holly in your churchyard must be spectacular with all the red berries. Is it a large Holly? My newly planted Winterberry bushes came with red berries but the birds have eaten all the berries. Next year, when they are mature (larger) maybe the berries will last longer.

    1. Its a very big holly tree in the churchyard and I know of other big hollies too - I'll have to visit and check them out

  8. Holly was what came to mind to me, Sue. But Home is lovely. Maybe, when you know a place is just temporary, one fights against getting fond of it because of the sadness when you leave? Maybe - I don't really know.

    1. It was more to do with the illness in Ipswich and the being sad and unsettled in the rental

  9. Have just counted up the number of places I have lived and it came to 26, in five different countries and four continents. How many were home? All of them after the age of 18 when it was my choice.

    What amazes me is that I once moved all my worldly possessions, including a bike, in two tube journeys. Couldn’t even manage all my books that way now.

    1. 26 homes!!Your comment name of traveller is perfect for you

  10. A home for me is somewhere that I can close the door and be completely myself. Arilx

  11. What a sweet book! I do like Aril's definition. Home to me is my retreat. There are many places I do not fit. I always fit at home.

  12. I have only had two homes as an adult. Our first home together was a mobile home that moved with us. The second home is the one we are in now. My idea of a home is that is where love abounds.

    God bless.
