Monday 20 November 2023

Q is for Quite a Nice Mixed Book Collection!

 Had to fit the November library book photo into the month somehow!

These are the books I had reserved and collected last week.

There are 5 crime, including two books of short stories, 1 children's book, 4 non fiction, 2 general fiction and a DVD .

As usual there are some there that I have no clue about and must have ordered after seeing them on a blog or somewhere else. For instance - what on earth is 'How To Cook A Wolf' ! (Actually it's a 1942 cookery book published for wartime in the USA). I know I'll enjoy 'The Raging Storm' and there's a Christmas poem book there to give me ideas for December posts.

Last month I brought home these below and  finished the tenth yesterday -  'The Bookseller' by Mark Pryor -  the excellent debut novel of a new to me author published in 2012. Details on those finished are on the Books Read 2023 page. I didn't bother with the historical novel by Ken Follet - it was just too long and didn't like two of the old crime fiction so abandoned them after a few pages.

I think I'd missed hearing that the author Anne Perry had died sometime this year which is very sad as I'd enjoyed all her various crime series mostly set in Victorian London.
One less author to check for new books on Fantastic Fiction 😢  

Back Tomorrow


  1. Replies
    1. I may need to be equally inventive with Y and Z, if that's even possible

  2. Thank you for making me grin broadly this morning - loving the Q link! xx

  3. The only one of those I've read is the Grainne Murphy. I hope there wasn't too much of a Q waiting for these books.

  4. I must get back to the Donna Leon series. I read a few and then stopped

    1. Some of the earlier ones have been republished so the library have ones they didn't have a couple of years ago which is good as they are so well written

  5. So you don't eat quinoa..... I have listened to Raging Storm by Ann Cleeves. Good but somehow plots seem to take on a similar theme. I am listening to Weyward by Emilia Hart, which has three females in different times telling their story. Confusing sometimes.

    1. Wouldn't be much of a post if I'd written about quinoa!

  6. A good mix there. I found an old copy of Green Darkness by Anya Seton at the Tesco donated for charity bookshelf yesterday and am going to re-read that. I love these time-slip novels and that is a particularly good one, set in Ightham Mote in Kent.

    A shame you didn't tackle the Ken Follet - his stories read quite fast, despite the length of them, and are such good tales.

    1. Ightham Mote brings back memories for me - I'll have to look for that book.

    2. I read all of Anya Setons books when I first worked in the library but that was a long time ago. Not sure I would like them now.
      I did like what I read of the Ken Follet and could have finished it but the crime books were shouting at me!

  7. That'll teach me to read while still half asleep. Couldn't figure out what a Quiet selection of books was.

    1. That sent me rushing back to the top of the post to check I'd spelled it correctly!

  8. Another eclectic selection. It's no good persevering with books that don't grab your attention. I used to feel guilty giving up on books - not any more.

    1. I can never be bothered with some books when there are so many others I know I'll enjoy more!

  9. Will R be for RAIN?!
    I feel I could write a book on the subject since it hasn't stopped since September here in Yorkshire.

    1. Even we have had more rain than our usual for the dry east of England but nothing like up your way and further north.
      If that amount falls as snow in January or February I reckon it will cause a lot of problems

  10. I looked at Raging Storm on FF and discovered I hadn’t read the previous one so I’ll be ordering that before this one. Also have the Jessica Ellicott series marked for next year. That’ll be plenty to start the year off!

  11. Q is for .... books, yes of course it is. That's Quite a good selection. :-)

    I hope you enjoy the film Hope and Glory, I loved it. The main little boy reminded me so much of all the stories my Nana used to tell me about my Dad, which would have taken place during the war years.

    1. At the moment I can't remember how to get the DVD player to show on the TV!

    2. Try looking on your remote control for the 'Source' or 'Input' button and switch it over to the DVD setting. That's what it's called on two of ours, the other I have to pull out the Firestick and insert the DVD cable. Technology eh!!

  12. Our book club have read several books by Ken Follett and enjoyed them a lot. We generally planned two months to complete them rather than one as for smaller books. I personally have read and loved all his works except for the very latest.

    1. I liked what I read of it but had lots of crime books to read that appealed more

  13. Very inventive use of Q! I always like seeing what you have chosen to read. Catriona

    1. I often reserve books that I've seen somewhere and then wonder why on earth I requested it!

  14. You do go through quite a lot of books, Sue! I've been reading the Agatha Raisin series which is sometimes good but can also seem repetitive at times. I've almost finished the series and am ready to move on to something else.
    I'll have to look more closely at your titles above to see what I've missed!

    1. I tried Agatha Raisin, but found them a bit too cosy or silly for me - sorry!
      Always good to have a list to look out for

  15. Q...very clever. You are an avid reader and this collection is amazing, especially the crime titles.

    1. Avid is a good word. When I told the new WI reading group that I read between 6 and 12 books a month they were a bit shocked!

  16. I don't think I have read that Anne Cleeves book, I will need to look for that one.

    God bless.

  17. Quiet reading time goes hand in hand with this time of year, doesn't it. I hope you have a quilt to cozy up under!

  18. Your alphabet this month is very inventive! Funny.

  19. Nice set of books. Always love the book post. Hope the Ann Cleeves is good.
