Thursday 25 April 2024

A Very Small Strawberry Patch

 I had no intention of growing Strawberries because Brother in Law Andrew has a big strawberry patch that seems to produce loads every year without him doing much to them, and being a type 2 diabetic he shouldn't eat too many - that's what I tell him before I go and raid the patch several times every summer!

But my sister brought me a little gift for my birthday of 3 of her strawberry runners, which needed repotting and I thought three wouldn't  do much so bought three more plants from a boot sale.

So now I have the smallest ever strawberry bed!

Will I get enough for a bowl of Strawberries, that is the question.

Back Tomorrow


  1. My strawberry patch has 9 plants but I’ve also have some in pots in the greenhouse and they already have berries forming but no flowers on outside ones. All berries are ok for T2diabetics and apples, but no other fruits as too high in sugar, especially pears, I know this from experience. Sarah Browne.

    1. He was told to limit to one small piece of fruit a day and no bananas and definitely not two huge bowls full of strawberries which he was eating.

  2. They look very healthy. Wishing you a bountiful harvest!

    1. Probably a very small harvest - if the weather ever warms up!

  3. I grew some once. If you're like me the strawberries won't make it to the bowl.

  4. I love the little wild strawberry, its berries are tiny but they are sweet.

  5. They're pretty plants and if they give you one or two berries, so much the better.

  6. Maybe not many this summer but next summer - wow! xx

  7. I bought a dozen "Cambridge" from Ebay to replace the ageing ones here (last year's runners didn't get potted up due to looking after Keith and having Covid). I think they may live in the greenhouse to keep the birds and slugs off them. Hope you get a worthwhile picking from your little patch.

    Did you grow lots when you had the smallholding?

    1. When the children were at home we grew three huge long beds full of strawbs . Covering them and uncovering to pick them was a full time job!. We didn't grow to sell as raspberries and gooseberries were not so back breaking.

  8. Good luck! Hope you get at least a bowlful... The birds have always managed to get more than me!

  9. You will be surprised how many you will get, and how quickly you will find another pot for all the babies.

  10. I’ve never grown strawberries — maybe it’s deceiving and your pot is larger than it looks, do they like to be as close together as they appear to be or will you move some into another pot?

  11. Just a few will be tasty, we gave up on strawberries when we had the dog as she kept eating them!

  12. The trick will be to beat the birds to the fruit and perhaps pick one or two at a time to top your morning cereal or porridge. By next year your tiny strawberry patch will be twice the size ... and then you can go mad and have a bowlful with some cream while watching Wimbledon, just the once mind.

  13. My grandchildren made sure I didn't overdose on strawberries when they visited as youngsters. The birds didn't stand a chance!

  14. Tough being diabetic and having to watch carefully what you eat - even fruit.
    We gave up our strawberry patch but I regret it now, even the very best supermarket strawberries can't beat home grown.
    Alison in Wales x

  15. Do you have 'topsy turvy' strawberry planters there? Another popular thing here is vertical strawberry planters. They don't take up much space and they are supposed to be very prolific. One of those things that I intend to try when I get to the new house and can focus full time on a garden.

  16. Mmm, strawberries, can't beat homegrown. The foreign ones taste of nothing.

  17. You are lucky to have access to BIL's huge strawberry patch. Your own plants look good too. Strawberry shortcake is an all time favorite. With lots of whipped cream and Devonshire cream is even better. Strawberry rhubarb pie with French Vanilla ice cream! Let's have desert...

  18. Hope you have a good crop from your planter-I have to watch I don’t overdose on strawberries or I get a rash. Catriona

  19. Lovely. Enjoy your strawberries.

    God bless.

  20. Maybe not a bowl but enough for some cereal or a snack!
