Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Following A Tree

 The April photos of how the Oak trees along the Quiet Lane change through the year. It's odd to see that despite these two Oaks being just a few feet apart and both the same size one of the trees is slightly ahead of the other in leafing up.

Curled and furled, the tiny oak leaves just opening and their catkins  are both acid green in colour

And a closer look at the leaves and catkins. We don't really think about Oak trees having catkins but they do, along with Alder, Hazel, Willow and Silver Birch 

The Woodland Trust website HERE explains all.

The Ivy and deep fissures of the bark on the trunk of the oak can be home to all sorts of tiny creatures. 

Previous monthly photos are HERE.

Back Tomorrow


  1. Nice link to the Woodland Trust, thank you:-)

  2. The beauty of trees and the way they support so much life!
    Don't forget the old saying 'Oak before Ash, we're in for a splash! Ash before Oak we're in for a soak.' I doubt it holds true, but I always like to check them out.

  3. Wow! I'm here before your comment space is filled to the brim! I'm up early finishing prep for a colonoscopy if you're wondering why I made it here so early. Oak trees are one of the last to lose their leaves here and concurrently later than most trees to leaf out. Never knew they had catkins.

  4. Our oak trees currently have buds but no leaves. They also produce acorns and no catkins.

  5. The green of spring is finally breaking out-hurray! Catriona

  6. The ivy cloaking the trunks looks rather like galoshes...rather long ones!

  7. I love this time of year. For me there is nothing better than the fantastic flush of green as all the trees get there soft new leaves. My particular favourite is beech. I didn't know how much I relied on spring until I lived in Australia and couldn't adapt to the dull evergreen of eucalypti. Strangely I quite like eucalyptus trees here, when there is just the odd one, but not to have the vibrant green of our spring I found strangely depressing.
    Your followed tree is lovely. A grand old tree, and a fantastic habitat.

  8. I loved your ancient Oak trees when I visited. We have such a timber trade here that 500 year old trees are a rare thing. Your trees are younger than that, but beautiful.

  9. Good morning, I really enjoy your blog. It’s one of my ‘go to blogs’ every morning. I especially love the take on nature and the nature wisdoms that go with it. I’m really enjoying these posts on trees. I’m reading up on trees this year. I mentioned the last book on trees that I thought you might like. Now I’m currently reading ‘The hidden life of trees’. An oak is one tree that can survive alone and live to 400 - 800 years (as can yews). I also never knew that oak trees have catkins, so thank you for the photos of them. Great timing. Thank you. Karen.
