Sunday 14 July 2024

Last Week in Mid Suffolk

The only way I could get past the sadness of Friday's post was to delete it without looking at, or having to read it again -in 11 years of blogging I've never felt the need to do that before.

The weather last week was mainly cloudy, heavy and humid (although yesterday was just plain chilly) and very headache inducing - at least I Hope that's the reason for the headaches I've been having. Just recently a neighbour and friend of BiL  went to bed early with a headache and was fast asleep when her husband went to bed but when he woke in the morning he found her laying dead beside him - what an awful shock -  since hearing that it feels worrying to go to sleep with a headache.

 I had a very surreal experience last week when I spent an hour having a coffee in the church café with my ex husband who I had not really seen since we split in 1978. We'd been together for 7 years from aged 16 and got engaged and married young as many people who didn't go to Uni did back then. I think he married 3 more times after me but I'm not sure he really knew how many!  he's in the process of the current divorce! I don't regret our meeting and marrying all those years ago as otherwise I wouldn't have got involved in Scouting so wouldn't have met Colin, so wouldn't have had 38 wonderful years, three children and five grandchildren and all the smallholding life - plus getting on the housing ladder in 1975 turned out to be a very good thing from a purely material point of view. House prices started shooting up after that and Col and I might never have afforded anything!

It reminded me of the Grammar School Reunion in 1988 or was it 89?, 17 years after we had all left school, that was a very surreal evening too. 

What else  happened last week?  Well, it was a very bad Wordle week - I had two fails in a week - never been known before. Just too many choices to go round the letters I had  - and I chose wrong too many times - good thing it's not a competition.
Had to get to grips with a new phone too, my old one started playing up too often. When I say 'get to grips' I really mean 'attempt to work out the differences while getting very confused!' I do wish they came with an instruction book, at least we have 'real people' to sort things in the Tesco phone shop in Stowmarket and thank goodness they weren't busy so he set the phone up for me and answered my probably daft questions but I  can't see how it's turned right off to reboot it when it needs doing sometime in the future so will have to go back and ask.

And  I've also been eating courgettes......................almost everyday.

Yesterday was nearly the end of Wimbledon, I didn't watch the Women's final but the men's doubles was a really good match.  It ends properly today with the Men's finals and then later the probable pain of watching England play football in the Euro finals. I'm not a fan of women's football so won't be watching their Euros qualifying and can't get cricket or golf for free so I reckon it's just the last week of  the Tour de France to follow next week. Then a blank week before the Olympics.

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  1. Some things tug at the heart, don't they Sue. And some pain we just can't take away. I'm feeling such mixed emotions at the end of Weaver's blog. She's been such an inspiration and as she comes to the close of her life I'm so grateful for having known her albeit only through her blog. Her son must be in such a difficult place right now.

    Meeting your ex-husband after nearly 50 years must have been quite surreal. You will have both changed beyond measure, although it sounds as if he's had a more "varied" personal life than your happy and fulfilling one.

    May your week bring contentment, and achievements.

  2. Lovely newsy post Sue. I've been trying to get back into Wordle after a break from it but found last weeks tricky too. The football - well we'll be watching, no doubt on edge of seats 😆. I admire women who play football but have no interest at all in watching it. Have a very good week Sue x
    Alison in Wales x

  3. It is very important to have a meeting with a person from the past and feel happy with the course of your life!
    Have a beautiful week🧡

  4. Well in reassurance, I have been experiencing headaches as well Sue, think it is down to the weather which is dull and heavy. I have found Wordle difficult as well, you get four letters right but the first letter can be one of three and you only have two more goes, I think they are trying to get us to move onto the 'harder' word.
    That last blog was honest and it righted itself so don't feel guilty about it.

  5. There was much sadness last week in different ways for many of us. Not all of it gets shared publicly. Weaver's final post and the comments were so moving. I hope there are unexpected joys in the days ahead. And you get to grips with your phone too.

  6. Everything happens for a reason. Even Wordle being tricksy.
    Breaking in a new phone is no joke, still figuring my new one out six months in.
    I enjoyed the Ladies Singles at Wimbledon. A good, final worth match, solid but not a classic one for the history books. I found it rather emotional with the Jana Novotna connection. Hope you enjoy today's Men's Final.

  7. I had a failure in Wordle last week and a six for Jiffy. At last you got your new phone! the start/restart button is on the right hand side and below the volume button on mine. It requires a long hold to turn off and then after a few minutes do a long hold to turn back on and then re-start appears on phone screen. I seem to often do stops and re-starts. The apps manager is good too where you can safely do a force stop if things get a bit jammed. Good luck!

  8. Wordle has been sneaky in the last week, it is painful to read of another person suffering.

  9. I always feel cheated when the Wordle solution could be any one of several options and I choose all the wrong ones, only one letter out, and the answer is the one option I didn't put. I also do Quordle, but hate it when the solutions are American spellings - honor, color etc.

  10. Wordle feels to me like taking an exam and not a pleasurable experience, so I don't attempt it very often. I'm pleased when I succeed, though.
    I hope your headaches have abated - the air seems fresher the last couple of days.

  11. I felt so sorry for you about that post; Id have been really upset. Delete and move on, right decision, I think. I had to laugh at your ex and his many marriages. Happily, you got the right man after that :-)

    Planning to watch the Men's Final this afternoon and that will be the only Wimbledon I've watched this year. I used to be quite keen on it, don't know when it went wrong.

  12. I haven't talked to my ex, in 25 years. I know she found happiness, she is still living with the boyfriend she had when we were married.

  13. You can get County cricket and the Vitality Blast on YouTube. Just type in the county you want to watch followed by 'cricket live stream' in the search engine. If you subscribe (it's free to do so), they will send you a reminder just before the match starts.

  14. I've been waking up with a headache lately and I am blaming the weather.
    I wouldn't mind dying in my sleep, sounds like a peaceful way to go.
    It's nice how you worked out a benefit to your first marriage which led to your marriage to Colin! My brother always say, "Things have a way of working out."

  15. Sadness, hardship and illness made for a hard week in blog land. Loss is never easy and I will miss Weave. After many years, meeting for coffee with your Ex must have been somewhat of a revelation. You live a wonderful path, bringing children, grandchildren and many lovely homes.

  16. Understand completely the surreal experience of sitting with an ex husband as he visits with my husband. Such a strange thing. I have powerful regrets from the relationship, but I also have my children. I'm glad for that, I guess.

    But...surreal is the right word.

  17. Wow that must have been a shock for the lady. How horrible!
    It must have been strange seeing your ex husband again. I think things work out for a reason though, as you say you never would have met Colin if things hadn't worked out and wouldn't have had all those wonderful memories.

  18. I'm reading blogs whilst watching the football right now :) but missed Wimbledon.

    I get headaches too when the weather is heavy, my eyes feel heavy too. Hope they pass for you.

  19. You know, I'm awfully sorry that you deleted the post. I looked at it, and I thought that it was an important post. I didn't have time to read the comments but I thought you were brave to put it out there and allow others to speak.

    1. Gees. I meant to say that my cousin and his wife went to bed and she woke to find he had died. He was a young man, in his 30s. It was discovered that he had a genetic heart condition and as a result his two surviving brothers were tested. His brother (who was my priest) had it. We were talking once, and he said, "The death of my brother probably saved my life, and I think about that a lot."

  20. Strangely I had a good week with Wordle last week, perhaps I was just on the wavelength of whoever chose the words ... I also completed the Radio Times crossword really quickly for once.

    We've met up with ex-husband a few times during family events recently and every time it went really well, in fact he actually told my eldest son how much he admires Alan. He married someone else as soon as the ink on our divorce papers was dry, and that only lasted a couple of years, even though at the time he told me I would die a lonely old woman because I left him. Luckily he's grown up a bit since then.
