Tuesday, 4 July 2017

We Have Orchids

Mid June we spotted these pretty little purple/pink flowers down in the long grass of the meadow. They are pinker than the photo shows and I've made it a bit blurry too - hopeless photographer!

 We've only cut the footpath bit and left the rest to see what came up. This is where we'll be planting trees in the Autumn.

 We looked on line and found THIS PAGE   with all the native British Orchids and I guess ours is the Pyramidal Orchid. Quite common throughout Britain but still a treat to see here.

Yesterday was Day 2 of sanding down, filling and painting while watching Wimbledon. The living room is big so I'm having to do it in bits. I've gone for a bright yellow silk finish .........perhaps a tad too bright? I'm not sure about it but anything has to be better than the very dirty, dark, matt finish yellow that sapped all the light out of the room. Colin has started replacing the downstairs loo which sounds straightforward but wasn't due to age of old loo, amount of concrete used and the way the drains go, which is why he didn't get it finished in one day.
 The garage roof is getting sorted by two young blokes who are doing it between their proper work which, at the moment, is restoring an old bungalow about a mile away. Two other young guys came and put up scaffolding and had a huge industrial radio playing and of course the first thing the builder blokes took up to the roof was a similar giant music machine. When I eventually get builders to make an en-suite in the corner of the bedroom I think the first thing I'll ask is "do you play loud music?" If they say yes I'll find someone else!
Yesterday we  exchanged our huge ride on mower which we bought off Mrs F, for something a bit smaller that I can use. The big one was complicated too and I need something simple.
We are trying to get as many jobs finished as we can because when Col goes into Addenbrookes hospital for the donor stem-cell replacement ( now probably mid to late August/early September) he will be there for up to 6 weeks and we don't know how he'll be afterwards.

Thanks for your comments on the last few posts.

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  1. Loved Andy's, Johanna's and Heather's matches but Bedene's was very exciting, (caught the end of the 4th and 5th set).

    1. Oh bother I missed Bedene. Andy seemed to be OK and said he was fit but the commentators keep on about his hip

  2. That should be one very special place once planted with trees. x

  3. Sounds like it is all go at your place, but pleased you are still managing to see a bit of tennis. I am folding clothes and any other jobs I can do in front of the TV! I'll never forget when I went on a school trip to Scotland about 35 years ago and seeing a health spotted orchid. It was about the most exciting thing about the holiday! They are so pretty.

    1. Col's sister said they have the pyramid ones and also bee-orchids - hope we get those one day

  4. How pretty the orchid is.

    I love loud music but only if it's my choice of music. When our plumber came to put the oil tank in the cheeky beggar unplugged my tumble dryer and plugged his massive radio in and was playing some godawful row all the time he was here. Nearly drove me mad.

    There is painting that should be getting done here too but I just can't face it at the moment-x-

    1. It's the base going thump thump that I hate, it gets into my ears so that I can still hear it even when it's not playing

  5. Enjoy your day! Sounds exciting at your place. We have our holiday today for USA's independence. So we are off work, thus my time to read blogs. ;-) I should be sleeping. Ya'll have a good day and enjoy the Wimbledon watching.

  6. I love yellow so I'd be very happy with your choice of paint. Our decorator is here at the moment. He has a radio on but not too loudly BUT he's a whistler. No tune, just random whistling - constantly!

    Glad you have a timescale regarding Col's treatment. Waiting for appointments and treatments to start can be hard but it sounds as though you're both very busy so hopefully it's taking your minds off it, as much as is possible.

    Do many people walk across the meadow?

    1. Our neighbours walk their dog down there and we see maybe one or two other people in the week, From the end of the meadow the path splits two ways across a field and either way people can walk in a loop across to roads so don't often come back past us

  7. Choosing a colour is always difficult because we tend to strip a room, then paint it and then put back things like curtains and blinds which alter the lighting and the colour on the walls! I did a bedroom twice once because at one time during the day it looked minky beige but later it looked pink....yuk. Hope it all goes well with the stem cell donation, it's marvelous what they can do. Tx

  8. We are having different tradesmen for a variety of jobs but it is so difficult to find people. But we have had two firms to plan the kitchen just waiting for their quotes. And we have a firm in for fitted wardrobes. I 'd like part of our patio re-laid so it is level, but I can take ages on the phone just phoning firms, it all takes ages!

  9. Finding good builders is as unusual as finding an Orchid in your garden!

  10. Beautiful orchid! What a find.

    Glad you're able to get some things done while Col is feeling up to it. Hope you're getting in some relaxing, fun times too!

  11. What a pretty orchid. I love the colour.

    God bless.
