Wednesday, 10 June 2020

More Crafts From The Box

The rest from the random box of crafts that I bought from ebay at the end of May.

4 kits - One is to make a felt chicken cushion - Quite ugly. And a cross stitch bag - with Black Aida - and if you've ever tried stitching on black Aida then you know it's not easy on the eyes. Both those have gone in the future car-boot box. There was another piece of Aida and a card blank I've kept in the 3rd kit and the childrens long stitch horse kit had been done all wrong so that was chucked.

Another children's new long stitch kit of a dog and the felt santa puppet have gone in the cupboard. Wool from the heart knitting is in the sewing box and the Aida and hoop from the penguin kit has been kept.
I have no idea what the 2 in 1 quilting tool is, if you want it let me know?  Another felt puppet has gone in the cupboard and the big Craft Collection kit into the car boot box. There was a piece of aida in the centre kit and some material and threads in another.
A finished Long Stitch picture of the house on the bridge at Ambleside in Cumbria. Not sure what to do with this, it's not something I would want to frame and keep. 2 dinosaur foam skeleton kits have gone in the grandchildren cupboard. The Cath Kidston Christmas Decorations Kit is a book and a huge bundle of felt pieces to make 12 Christmas Decorations. That's gone in the Christmas drawer.Probably the best thing in the box.
And Finally ................The Poppy Doll kit is for making  a complete fabric ragdoll. That's gone in the car boot box. The hoop is in the drawer with the DMC cross stitch book-mark kit - very pretty. The other thing was a weird piece of stiff canvas for a picture of bits of bamboo - it had been started but there was no chart and no threads. I chucked it - too horrible to keep.

So that was my box of things bought from ebay - was it worth it? Well, quite a lot was kept and several things to sell in the future so I think on the whole it wasn't a complete waste of money and it kept me happily occupied sorting it all for several hours.

But I won't be doing it again!

Back Tomorrow


  1. Hi Sue you had a good mix of things in the box and always exciting to look through to see what there is. If you donโ€™t know what to do with the picture of Ambleside Iโ€™d be happy to give it a home myself and my late husband always went to the Lake District for our anniversary in January. Heather

    1. Have your address now and it will be on its way as soon as poss.
      Sorry to hear about your husband - even younger than Colin.Yes carrying on is the only thing to do, sometimes harder than other times but there's no choice.

  2. It is always exciting searching through boxes like this. Inmy crafting days before arthritis set it I would probably have had a go at this. You do sound to have had an interesting hour or two looking through it - I do admire the way you keep a grandchildrens' box - they will love coming to see you when they are a bit older and will grow up as good crafters I think.

    1. I have so much stuff for grandchildren - when they are bigger I hope I'll be able to help out with child care in school holidays and I know from After school childminding that keeping them busy with crafting usually works

  3. It is like the boxes of things I used to bid for at Gazes. You never knew what was going to be in them. They had descriptions like 'sundry linen' and 'sundry glassware'. It was exciting unpacking them but then a lot of it would go in the bin or out to charity! I had to stop myself doing it!

    1. Mixed lot boxes tucked away under the tables have always looked interesting. Since car boots got going they now fetch more money than before with booters buying to resell.

    2. Mind you every box always had at least one gem in it to make it feel worthwhile, like your craft one,

    3. When I retire to Norfolk, "Go to an auction at Gazes" is on my to-do list!

    4. I think you will have an auction house much closer than Gazes in Diss, unless Cornerstones is further south than I think.
      Country auctions are really good fun.

    5. Your closed one will probably be Watton. Very popular and long establish place for auctions.

  4. Well, you didn't throw too much away, and you may make a few bob back on the car boot things, so all in all if you are happy with what you have, then it's a win. It's a bit annoying, though, when people put obvious rubbish {like the kit with missing fabric} in as it gives a false impression of value. The 2 in 1 may be a bias binding aid?

    1. Yes it says something about binding - but a mystery to me!

  5. I think you had a good selection of bits and bobs and the children will enjoy have them later on. The car boots will come back and you can sell them then. We had a little rain last night.
    Hazel c uk๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ

    1. Raining steadily again here this morning, water butts now all full again so it can stop now please.

  6. It's a binding tool so it might be something that folds the binding that edges quilts. I found this info online..
    If you're not interested, please could you put me on the list of 'interested people'?
    Such an interesting box of treasures!

    1. You're welcome to the weird binding tool thingy. Have I got your address? I'll look back at emails?

    2. I'm not sure. I'll resend via email and thank you very much. xx

    3. It's ready to post so will be with you fairly soon

  7. Quite a good box really, you've not had much to throw away, you've gifted some things, kept some things for yourself or the grandchildren, got to things to sell on an recoup some of your money AND had a good time rooting through the box when it arrived. Have you got an old frame you could pop the Ambleside picture into just to enable you to make a bit more at the car boot sale for it?

    It's like a Lucky Bag for crafters. I used to love Lucky Bags when I was a kid, my pocket money in exchange for little plastic toys and sweets that had dried up!!

    1. The Ambleside stitching will go off to Heather so that's good.

      I really didn't mean to do any more car boot sales - but now I have to! IF and WHEN they return. Next year I hope.

  8. I think you got your money's worth there.
    I used to dismantle kits mostly when I found them at the car boot for the fabric and yarn inside.

    1. Yes the small bits of Aida are really handy . There were several, now awaiting ironing with the steam iron to get rid of the creases because they've been folded too long.

  9. It was quite a mixer and as you say its kept you amused. We used to ho to the old cattle market in Colchester where they auctioned random boxes. They were great fun but they got expensive when more people turned up.

    1. Cat booters buying mixed boxes of stuff put the prices up I think

  10. Plenty to keep you occupied there! I have occasionally bought a random selection of cardmaking bits and bobs, and it's great fun sorting through them even if some end up being discarded.

  11. That was fun. Your grandchildren are going to have fun with some of those.

  12. It gave you a bit of fun sorting through it, some useful items for you and the grandchildren and some items to sell also. Things like that are enjoyable to buy once in awhile plus it gave you gifts for friends and some wonderful blog posts!

  13. Wow that was quite a box! It's always fun to have a box like that. I think that's what I miss about being able to go to garage sales and charity shops.

  14. If you put something white on your knee when stitching on black aida you see the holes easier.
