Saturday, 13 June 2020

Strange Times, End of Week 13..................

............When will I stop writing Strange Times and counting the weeks? Soon I hope.

This weeks flowers on the table are the first of the Alstromeria and the rather small Sweet Williams all from the cutting garden.

First of all a Big Welcome to some more followers - hope you like reading about life in Suffolk.

There's been a lot more rain here this last week, I got woken in the early daylight hours of Thursday morning when it looked like a cloudburst outside. All the water butts are full again so it can stop raining now and it's been quite chilly too - and, with no one to moan at me, I even had the heating on a couple of mornings and evenings. 

Two weeks after it started I finally shook off the sore throat/earache/lethargy thank goodness. I was glad it went.......didn't fancy the hassles of trying to see a doctor.

The highlight of the week was the vets deciding to re-open for routine vaccinations, just in time for Polly to get her cat-flu booster without having to start again from the beginning of a long course. They did the usual health check and found she had a wobbly tooth which would need to come out in case it set off an infecton- so it's back in for her next week - that sounds expensive - Ho Hum.

And apart from making jam as mentioned yesterday it's been another week of reading, stitching, watching snooker on TV and the occasional burst of housework. It would be possible to do exciting things like going to a garden centre - but there's nothing I need so I've only been out to the vets and post office..........

Running total of food from the garden 2020
  • 9 small lettuces (I now have a gap because the next sowing took ages to get going)
  • 4 Cucumbers - and 4 more given away
  • a few asparagus spears
  • lots of rhubarb
  • Few strawberries.
  • 1lb of gooseberries
This week I'm grateful for
  1. Strawberries from brother in law
  2. Good rain for the fruit trees

 This weekend I'm just popping out to deliver a cucumber and a jar of jam to my sister-in-law which I'm swapping for lots of puzzle pages from the local paper and hopefully will be able to see the nearest bit of the family too.
Then next week most shops can open but they might be busy so it will just be a supermarket trip I think.

Hope you have a good weekend.

Back Monday


  1. Your flowers are nice I sowed some sweet Williams last year and they are good this year.
    The man came and hopefully got rid of the wasps nest yesterday.
    I am going to try and do my Fairy garden today I have been trying to do it for a few weeks. Have a nice weekend Sue and hope you get to see the family soon. Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

    1. Glad you got rid of the wasps. I nearly put my hand on one this morning - it was crawling up the curtain in the bedroom!

  2. Your flowers are pretty. I like the notion of having a Cutting Garden :)
    Have a great weekend xx

    1. It sounds very posh for a 6 foot by 6 foot square with too much crammed in

  3. Such a pretty posy of flowers to enjoy. We did not have as much rain as hoped for, but am grateful for what we had, and I still managed to line dry four loads of laundry in between showers.

    1. Plenty of rain here, not sure how far down it got but it must have helped the fruit trees a bit

  4. Just thought I'd mention that the lilies may be dangerous for your kitty. I only mention this as my next door neighbour has just lost her British Blue cat through him eating some lilly.

    1. Luckily the only green thing that Polly fancies is young cucmber leaves and an occasional nibble of grass.

  5. Just bought two new alstroemerias yesterday at a feed yard near the vets. A magenta and a white. Think I might change our small veg bed on the patio to flowers as we don’t have many flowers we can see when sitting out there.

    1. Those colours sound lovely - mine are all the same - pink. I'd like different colours but it's not easy to find them for sale

  6. I'm waiting for my Alstroemerias to flower, good healthy looking plants but no flowers yet, I'm ever hopeful.

    1. The ones I had at the smallholding for cutting to sell did really well - here not so good - hope yours flower soon

  7. I bought a Alstromeria in lidl a few weeks ago it cost Β£8.99. I love them but it all went down hill and I thought it died but its showing a few new green shoots. Fingers crossed.

    1. Hope it survives Β£8.99 is quite expensive for one plant

  8. I like your table flowers, I think it would be good to be able to out to your garden and cut flowers each week. Hubby fetched home 2 orchid plants yesterday. I have never had any before, I have just been reading about how to look after them, I am not holding my breath, they sound difficult to look after. Helen S.

    1. I'm no good with indoor plants - but I have a few wild orchids again

  9. Sweet Williams were my late dads favourite.
    Have a lovely weekend Sue, enjoy the puzzle pages. That'll give the old grey matter a workout.

    1. They are lovely but I didn't realise the plants I got were dwarf ground cover - so very small

  10. A lovely display of flowers, those Sweet Williams are a glorious colour.

    It will be lovely to see some of your family again, are they in your 'bubble', sorry this just makes me laugh ... Boris and his Bubbles are all we've been hearing about as we don't have 'bubbles' here in Wales :-)

    1. Probably easiest to have the nearest family as the ones who can visit most often. I would like a bigger bubble!!

  11. I'm happy you are feeling better. The flowers are pretty. Isn't it nice to have your own cutting garden? Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your family visit.

    1. Now the Alstromeria have started - they will be available for weeks

  12. Wish I had a cutting garden - love your sweet flowers. I will have to think about that for next year as I am too late now... Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. It's just a 6 foot x 6 foot square with lots squashed into it.

  13. Years ago in Dunedin, my neighbour had an alstomeria growing in her guttering (roof level). When some weather boards were pulled off the house for repair, she discovered it had grown all the way up from ground level! Yours are a beautiful colour.

    1. Goodness, that went a long way looking for light!

  14. Replies
    1. Thank you. I'm enjoying finding some to bring in each week

  15. What a pretty posy. I picked some roses and bits from the garden this week too.

    MANY thanks for the little Edwardian Lady x-stitch book, currently in quarantine! I will look at it today. I'll send some embroidery threads off to you this week.

    1. Please don't worry about sending threads, I've got masses of spares already as well as 4 boxes of all the DMC on cards!.
      You'll need a magnifying glass for the charts!!
