Wednesday, 28 April 2021

2nd Vaccination

 I got a text message calling me in for my second vaccination today........ 3 days earlier than originally planned. They are really getting them done quickly.  Eldest daughter 41 in Surrey was called for her 1st but as she is pregnant it's been put on hold for a while. 

Youngest daughter who is 33 and lives over by the Suffolk coast was given a date for her 1st. She uses Facebook quite a lot and said she would have to decide for or against now it's been offered. Several of her Facebook friends said "why wouldn't you?" - and her reply was she didn't want to become a zombie when the apocalypse comes!............I think she was joking!

I had absolutely no side effects with my first covid vac. so hoping the same with the second, especially as I'm doing a bit of Nanna duty tomorrow morning for my two littlest, nearest grandchildren.

Back Sometime 



  1. My injection site soreness went within a week on my second shot as opposed to 3 weeks on the first. Still felt very tired for a day still had a slightly upset stomach for a day. Other than that, fit and well.

  2. Let's hope all those parents choosing not to have a vaccine keep their children at home instead of sending them to school and potentially carrying their parents' Covid germs!

    1. Unfortunately you can still catch COVID even if fully vaccinated. You just won’t get as sick.

  3. My 39 year old (pregnant) daughter is due for her first jab today. My second jab is in May. Hope all goes well for everyone

    1. Eldest Daughter was advised against for various reasons. She will have it later in her pregnancy

  4. Got the call yesterday for our second jabs on Sunday. I hope it won't be too long before all my little ones (in their mid-late 30's) get their first jab. I'll be able to relax a bit then! xx

  5. 41 and pregnant hey. That would have been almost unheard of 40 years ago. My friend's file was marked as "Old Mother" by the hospital at the age of 34 in the 1970s. You are ahead of me now with second jab, mine isn't until May. Have a good day, still no sign of rain. Beautiful sunny morning.

  6. So pleased you are having your second jab my GD has had her first jab (she is a police officer 28yr) I hope my GS (33yr) has his soon for he is a tree planted and works all over the country.
    It looks sunny and the little rain we have had was welcomed in the gardens.
    Hazel c uk ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ

  7. I had my second vaccination a few weeks ago and apart from a sore arm for a day no other side effects. My husband also had his on the same day and he didn't have any side effects at all. Our daughter (36) has had her first, but her partner is still waiting for his. They seem to be getting through the vaccinations quite quickly now.

  8. I had second on Monday. Much easier this time, although I felt the slighly larger bore needle this time. Mrs D puts fewer side effects, both hers and mine, down to the vitamin D and zinc tablet she's been dosing us up with for a week. I said we would have a better idea if one of us had been taking them, and the other taking a placebo.

    1. Thank you for that info on the "larger bore needle"! That really brightened my day!!

  9. I had no side effects with my first Pfizer but felt decidedly off colour for a couple of days with the second jab. I heard a doctor on the radio say that this was nota bad thing asi t did show just how well the vaccine was working.

  10. Very glad you had no symptoms. I had the Astra Zenica jab at 1115am and by 1am I felt like a bus had hit me. A headache to end all headaches, all my limbs were painful ( wanted to chop them off! ) and I felt I was going through the worst flu symptoms going. Not looking forward to my second at all!

  11. Drink tons of water and stay active...all of my family has had at least one except youngest grands...

  12. With Pfizer, I am fully vaccinated. Mild side effects. Enjoy your time with your grands. In the US restrictions are relaxing. No mask required outside as long as it is not a crowd situation. Gatherings of 6-7 when adults are vaccinated is seen as okay (children showing no symptoms are okay too). Restaurants are opening with limited capacity, outside dining is encouraged.
    A little more normal is nice.

  13. I hope she was joking! If you have low fever, headache and are really tired for a day or two, don't worry. It passes. (Or, if you're like Rick, it's like you didn't get a shot at all!)

  14. I had my first one on Monday. It was at Ivry street and fantastically organised, got my second date given to me on the way in too. I had no ill effects to speak of, just felt cold and had a headache yesterday, all gone and back to normal now.

  15. Congratulations on your second shot! Everyone varies as to side effects and I hope you don't have any. Enjoy your grandchildren tomorrow!

  16. Brilliant, it's nice to know they are getting ahead. The vaccination figures on the news each night are shooting up. I hope you feel okay after your second shot.

  17. Definitely more immediate pain with the second jab. Lot of people were "out" for the day
