Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Email Explanation

 This is what I got from my solicitor yesterday, part of the email from the bungalow owner's solicitor

Dear Sue

 Extract of email which I have received from the sellers’ conveyancers:-

 Good morning

 It is very much down to the lenders solicitors giving final sign off – it is taking a ridiculously long time for them to do so, I cannot disagree with that, but I’m afraid we all have to wait for them to get the job done.

 My client is calling me every few days, so please reassure your client that the delay is not down to any reluctance to proceed on my clients part.


So I carry on twiddling my thumbs and waiting.





  1. Oh Sue, my heart goes out to you, I would certainly be doing a lot of complaining after that. How long was the temporary accommodation going to be?

  2. All part of life's rich tapestry and a bit of bad luck that you hit upon a place to buy that was tied into an equity release agreement. Just think if you hadn't voluntarily moved out of your house there would have been one hell of a log jam in the chain.

  3. I am thinking of you and has Joan says wait until you are moved and then complain and don't pay any money until you have to. I would have thought they would have less to do at the moment.
    I had a nice outing yesterday my D. took me to a garden center (Frosts) where my S & BIL live (1/2hr away) and we had coffee and sandwiches outside it was lovely there was a lovely pond and ducks on it, really cheered me up especially because of the Friday we have to go thru this week.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  4. How terribly frustrating, Sue. I know you stay calm because you have to, there's no other choice, but inside you must be fuming. Just know that we're all thinking of you and giving you virtual hugs xx

  5. I genuinely feel your pain. It's an awful limbo. We had a dreadful experience with some people and my trust was zero from then on. We got to exchange and they suddenly demanded Β£50k more, we had sold moved into rented as we dodnt want to lose our buyers Have you exchanged and are just waiting for a completion? I'm praying for you.

  6. How frustrating that the process is what is slowing down the process, to the dismay of both the parties. I hope it gets resolved soon for both your sakes.

  7. You'll have twiddled your thumbs to stumps by the time you finally get to move. I hope you get some compensation from someone once it's all sorted. xx

  8. It is difficult to be patient for so long. Make the best of your holiday let!

  9. This is outrageous. Is an ombudsman involved? A higher authority can often exert some authority to resolve whatever is holding things back. You are a very patient person for waiting this out. That said, it does not make it right. (Could you give a deadline for completing the sale and if not met walk away? This tactic has worked for me.)

  10. This is CRAZY! I've never heard of the run around that you are having to endure! They should be paying for you to stay at a rental while they twiddle their thumbs. Keep the faith that things will work out soon.

  11. Oh, you must be going wild. I agree -- they should cover your rental.

  12. How frustrating all this has been for you and I imagine expensive too. It seems like there would be some legal action that could be taken to limit the time you have to wait. The persons slowing it down should be responsible for your housing expenses after a certain length of time!

  13. Hopefully your new abode will be yours soon. πŸ™πŸŒˆπŸ‡πŸ°

  14. We had this when selling my mother-in-law's house: everyone set to go except that the buyers' mortgage provider had another solicitor double checking everything, asking pointless questions about non-existent air conditioning and whether any building works had ever been carried out to a party wall, and dragging the whole process out for weeks longer than it should have done. The banks and building societies want to tie everyone else's hands behind their backs and have everything their own way.

  15. If I was the buyers, I'd be screaming at my solicitor's door. That's awful.

  16. Another chapter in the book of life...should you ever choose to write it. Hope it's resolved very soon. x
