Saturday, 14 August 2021

Saturday 14th

Thank you to everyone for comments yesterday. Yes I'm a lucky Nanna to have 4 gorgeous grandchildren and another due in early October. My only sadness is that Colin died too soon to see them all growing up.

I had a quiet day yesterday after the busy week with visitors and gadding about, and finished reading the British Library Crime Classic book of short stories "Guilty Creatures". I'm way behind with reading this months library books.

In the evening there were fireworks in the churchyard opposite! ? Yes honestly....... The photos are taken from my front door

 Before the fireworks there was a Parish Mass, a beer tent with specially brewed local beer, hot dogs and a draw. I didn't feel like going to  look on my own.

 All due to this...........(copied from the website)

Friday 13th August 7.00 pm
Patronal Festival of 
the Assumption of Our Lady

Our wonderful parish church of St Mary is dedicated to the Assumption of Our Lady - when after her death she was raised in glory to be with her Son, Jesus - a foretaste of our Christian hope for us all. As always, everyone is welcome to join our worship of Him, which is at the heart of our celebrations.

Parish Ales

In Mediaeval and Tudor Times Parish Ales or Church Ales were important celebrations in many English parishes. Originally instituted to honour the patron saint of the church, these were events held in the south-side churchyard. Home-brewed beer was sold by the churchwardens to offset the maintenance and repairs to the church fabric. At one time many churches had brew-houses in the churchyard, or attached to the church itself. Frances Beaumont (1584-1616) wrote the following verse in โ€˜Exaltation of Aleโ€™:
 โ€˜The churches much owe, as we all do know, 
For when they be drooping and ready to fall 
By a Whitsun or Church-ale up again they shall go 
And owe their repairing to a pot of good ale.โ€™

Looking at the web pages from previous years it seems that pre-covid they used to have other events during the festival as well as the beer and the fireworks. Fun to see a firework display without leaving home - I'm one of those people that love them!


Now I just need to boast about eldest daughter! In her time as a textile print designer she has worked for Monsoon, a couple of smaller print design companies and most recently Phase Eight.  Lots of her print designs have been made into clothes for those companies in the past but no one would know they were her work. 
She decided to go freelance 6 months before covid  started when all the traveling into London meant she hardly saw Eldest Grandson and recently sold designs to a company Dashwood Studios who then sell it to the company who make and sell the fabric HERE  which actually has her name on. This is one of the 5 designs.................

Colour Splash Navy from Flourish Cotton Lawn Fabric 

I was proud before but now a Super proud Mum! (Just in case the other two read this and feel left out I'm also proud of Archaeologist son and my Optical Assistant Youngest Daughter too!)


This week I'm Grateful for

  • Spending happy time with family
  • Brother in Law is OK after angiogram
  • Watching fireworks from the front door

Hope you have a good weekend. I'll just be looking for treasure at the boot-sales.

Back Monday


  1. That is gorgeous fabric - yes, be a super proud Mum! You have three gifted children (more importantly, they are good and loving people) I have a dress pattern which would look so good in that print... And I'm thrilled that going freelance has worked out for her. It's our village yard sale today - but that's a bit far for you to come. ๐Ÿ˜‰โค๏ธ

    1. I felt an urge to make clothes when I saw her fabric!

  2. What an interesting post about the Church Ale Festivals - glad you had free fireworks too.

    WELL DONE to your clever daughter. That's more like it - having your name on the selvedge.

    1. It's an unusual church - very high church , incense etc, not part of a group yet they have fireworks!

  3. Congratulations to your clever family. Happiness is family and their growing up to be fabulous people.

  4. I love reading about your talented family and the fireworks looked pretty.
    My daughter has gone away for a few days which will be good for her she has had so much this last few months will be good for few to get away, my GC are nearby if they need me.
    Have a good weekend Sue and others.
    Hazel ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ

    1. Sue I was interested about what your daughter does and I think she would like to know about my GS GF she works for Sanderson design. I have not got your email address or would have posted it to you. Hope this is okay. Hazel ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ

    2. Hope your daughter has a nice break.
      I'm guessing Sanderson is furnishing fabrics - sounds interesting

  5. A justifable proud Mum to be sure of all three children. Don't you wonder sometimes how all three children were brought up together yet developed widely different interests? Good for them that they have developed careers from their interests.

    I'm not keen on fireworks, but they look pretty impressive and you had a ring-side seat. Quite a show.

    Perhaps your reading wouldn't have suffered if there hadn't been the Olympics (smile). You've got some catching up to do now.

    1. Very true about the Olympics - I'm missing them!

  6. Lovely fabrics, I like all those Dashwood Studio designs from Helen, well done to her. You have a talented bunch of offspring!!

    Never heard of a church celebrating with fireworks, just as well you like them!

    1. Hopefully more fireworks in the village in November as they usually have a display on the playing field

  7. Beautiful fabrics, I love the "watercolour flowers white" one - I might have to! Great photos of the fireworks :)

  8. How lovely to be able to watch the fireworks from your front door. It sounds like a very jolly celebration.
    The photo of your daughter's fabric design has made me want to dig out my sewing machine from storage!

    1. I don't have a sewing machine anymore although seeing her fabric I may have to get one

  9. The firework photographs look like very exciting fabric designs in their own right. I emailed you yesterday.

    1. The firework photos were better than I thought

  10. Sue I think we are of similar views - let's always look for the good things that happen - they are there but News items in papers and on TV always look for the bad.

    1. So much hate and sadness in the world. I try to avoid it all

  11. Beautiful fabric designs by your daughter, Helen. Well done!

    Lucky to not have to leave your house to watch fireworks. Front door seat!

  12. It's fun to see fireworks from your house! Your daughter does brilliant work! I've always thought textile design would be interesting work and she is quite talented. It will make a difference for her to have her name on her designs. All of your children are certainly talented. You have a lot to be proud of in your family!

    1. She enjoys designing - being freelance is tricky but hopefully she'll succeed

  13. Wow, that fabric is fantastic. I do not blame you at all for being a very proud Mom. Gorgeous work.

    I love fireworks as well.

    God bless.

    1. Yes a very proud Mum - I feel I need to buy some of her fabric to support her!

  14. It is always very nice to see our grown children succeed in what they decide to do. We rejoice every day knowing they are happy and successful. The history on festivals at your neighborhood church is interesting. The fireworks are also very impressive. My local church is very subdued in comparison.

    1. It's good to know that going freelance will work for her when she starts again after the new baby

  15. What beautiful fabric. Small wonder you are so proud. How amazing to put her name on the fabric too.

    1. Having her name on the selvage edge is the best bit!

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  17. Interesting read about the Ale houses that funded the churches.
    And aren't we all so proud of all our children (My DS1-Bank Manager and DS2-Factory worker producing high-power line fixtures) and our grandchildren (9 for me ages 17, 15, 15 (twins), 13, 10, 4, 3, 2, 11 weeks.)
