I ought to do No Spend November...................but I try it every year (it's even there in the Labels) - and never succeed. It isn't meant to be absolutely NO spend - food needs buying, bills need paying and direct debits happen - but spending on as few days as possible and no extras. Although my 'rules' say spending on Christmas is allowed so as not to leave all the Christmas present shopping worries until December. Maybe I won't even bother to try this year.
But away from big expenses it's been a lovely month with mild and mostly fine weather and I've done all sorts of things including
- Going to Eldest Granddaughter's 6th birthday party. Visited her again in half term and seen the nearest two grandchildren a couple of times.
- I started cutting the horrible Yew hedge out the front until the wire pulled out of the connection on the hedge cutter so it's now at Brother-in-Laws house awaiting a bit of re-wiring.
- Joined a new free course of exercise and wellbeing for over 60's.
- Helped in the kitchen with the Soup and Puds fundraiser at WI.(61 people booked in, they get a soft drink, a choice of 3 home made soups with a bread roll, followed by a choice of 9 home made deserts followed by tea/coffee all for ยฃ8. Thank heavens Bacton village hall has a high speed hot steam dishwasher!)
Right ready for 61 visitors - Drove down the A12 to the Big charity book sale
- Been to several car-boot sales
- Re-organised some furniture and cleared out a bag of things for the charity shop
November looks to be a good month, plenty to keep me occupied - Books to read, more NCIS to watch, Firework night, more of the exercise/wellbeing group, 2 WI meetings, there's a couple of coffee mornings and craft sales to visit and then Christmas Fayres start at the end of the month.......................and I've found two events with free coffee and cake..........I'll be there!