Friday, 5 January 2018

WI This Year

The small WI at which I'm a full member are watching a DVD of a film at a members house in January. It's not something I want to see, so won't be going and the big WI at which I'm a dual member don't have a meeting in January so I'm WI-less this month. Unless I head a few miles up the road in a different direction to visit another WI!

This is the programme for the  big WI

haven't had one for small WI yet although it is on the website and we will be listening to speakers on subjects ranging from Suffolk Dialect through Herbal Medicines to The Great Exhibition of 1851.
I'm looking forward to getting to as many meetings as possible.

Had news from the hospital yesterday afternoon - he won't be home today or at the weekend, they want to do more tests - all a bit worrying. I'm crossing everything.

Back Tomorrow


  1. Sending all my best wishes to you and Col. xxxxx
    J x

  2. Love and Best wishes to you both,Debby,xx

  3. We will all keep fingers crossed. X

  4. Best wishes to you both. X

  5. My mum used to go to the WI and learnt to make and ice her Christmas cake there. I have never been to one - not even sure if there is one here but from your program of events it certainly looks quite interesting.
    Sorry to hear about Colin - lets hope the tests show positve results. As you say fingers crossed for him and that he will be home soon. x

  6. Hope you're holding up OK. Col is such a worry.

  7. Sending good luck and blessings. Hope your husband is well enough to come home soon.

  8. Hope all goes well for Colin and you remain strong and healthly.
    Your WI programme looks interesting especially the February one. I moved 2 weeks ago to a little village and hope to go to there WI next week. I was 34 years at my other one which was in a town although we only had 16 members we were very active.
    Thinking of you.
    Hazel c uk

  9. Sending all good wishes to you and Colin, fingers crossed for him.

  10. Keeping Col and you in my thoughts, hope the further tests yield good results! X

  11. Everything crossed here too. A worrying time. You WI sounds really good. I haven’t joined my local one yet. They have no youngsters so at 56 I would bring their average age down quite a bit. I will get round to it in 2018.

  12. Fingers crossed for Col.

    I used to be a member of our local WI in my 30s and early 40s - I was the youngest member by a full decade (and had my youngest, now 8 whilst a member) However, the members weren't keen on change and the talks were very much aimed at the older members (70s upwards) and stayed that way. I left in the end, after 3 years on the committee and not getting anywhere in trying to attract younger members. Sadly it was quite a stagnant group, which was a shame, as I think the WI is great - but for the group to survive it needs to also think about succession - with a stagnant and aging committee (and no new younger members), some of whom had quite unbending views (the fact that something has 'always' been done one way does not necessarily mean that is how it should always be done going forward... - computers are here and can help!!) it was more of a chore to attend than fun, so I left!

    1. When I was a member of the Big WI back in the 1980's a group of us were the youngest by about 20 years! Now almost youngest, there are just a handful under 60.
      The small WI is very much "we always do it like that" it's a growing village but they won't get new members how it is at the moment

  13. Fingers crossed and chanelling positive thoughts, Sue. Catriona

  14. I am am keeping everything crossed for you both Sue. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

  15. Best Wishes Both. Lily, Wales

  16. Fingers crossed here too, it's worrying.

    I must say the WI itinery pictured there doesn't really float my boat 😉

    1. Sometimes the dullest sounding turns out to be the most interesting. I'll report back through the year.

    2. You're right, of course. I'll look forward to the reports :-)

  17. Sending best wishes to you and Col. My first meeting for the WI here near Windsor is a talk about St Petersburg.

  18. Thinking of you and Col today, and also crossing all that I possibly can.

    God bless.

  19. Wishing Col the best during these trying times.

  20. I was a member for many years until I married the farmer. Then I took on the role of farmer's wife and fed the calves etc. which meant I no longer had time.
    I hope the news improves about Col. You are such a stalwart Sue.

  21. All crossed for the tests and hope the news is positive and hes home soon.
    My friend is back next week to see how the radiotherapy has worked with her NHL so I've got my fingers crossed there as well x

  22. I was never a member of a WI altho my Mother was a stalwart and I got dragged along. I remember being the daughter of a witch in some amateur dramatics, which we won. In NE Scotland its called 'the Rural'

    Thinking good thoughts HARD. X

  23. Best wishes for your husband. You are brave! I find your blog inspiring.

  24. Prayers for Col and his health and you as well. I'm glad you're enjoying WI. What does it stand for? In NM is was part of a women's group and miss it. I'm too busy with work now to do anything else except activities with our church and normal housewife shopping....... Hugs across the waves!

  25. Looks fun..I may dress up as mrs doughtfire and go

    1. The beard might be a problem but otherwise.............

  26. Hope the tests come back ok , fingers crossed xx

  27. Everything crossed for Col here Sue.
