Friday, 8 June 2018


Weeks and weeks ago when I was lamenting lack of ideas for blog posts, someone asked if we had any pets I could write about so I wrote most of this post and it's been sat in drafts ever since.......

I have a cat, she's about 5 years old although we don't really know as she came from Cat's Protection and they weren't sure. She's small and black,  sleeps upstairs all morning, appears downstairs in the afternoon, likes to know there is always something in her food dish - just in case - (maybe she was often hungry in the place she lived before we got her), hates doors that are shut, disappears outside every now and again but never for very long, especially if it's chilly or wet, and likes to keep very warm!

Photo taken in March I think when the log burner was alight.
She moved from the country to the town and back out to the country again and, like me, managed to survive the moves without problems.

Now she is keeping me company and I'm sure also missing Colin. She's a dear little cat except at the moment at 4.30 in the morning which is the time she seems to think I ought to get's daylight after all! She stands on her back legs beside the bed and pats me on the face if I'm laying on my side or jumps on top of me if she can't reach my face. I push her off and  eventually she'll give up and go away only to come back and repeat it all every half hour until I give in to the nagging and get up.

I turned round yesterday to see her chasing a mouse around the living room......... is this the mouse that she brought in to me at 3am the other morning and lost under the wardrobe or is it the mouse she brought in at the weekend and lost under the range cooker or more likely is this a new mouse and how many mice have I got hiding round the house now?!

I'm so sorry I'm not commenting much on  bloggy friends blogs at the moment. Still having problems with a"Insecure Connection" coming up all the time. Sometimes it takes me an age and half a dozen tries to get Into my blog to do anything and then on other blogs I try and comment and get a box saying insecure connection again. Have no idea why.  If I vanish that will be why!

Back Tomorrow if I can get into the blinkin' blog to publish a post! They are there in drafts waiting.


  1. Polly obviously feels that her top priority should be to train the staff. And it sounds as if she's a top-class trainer!

  2. Check your time zone, date and location are correct on your computer, not just Blogger. Sites have specific security timings and must match time zone. If not they will give this message. Polly looks like my cats.

  3. I think the whole 'insecure connection' might be something to do with Google Chrome that they are starting to instigate (do you use Chrome?) I know my husband mentioned something the other day and how much of a nuisance it is as soon we might be unable to access many sites. I will ask him to see?

  4. Polly sounds like excellent company ... she just needs to synchronise watches with you and sleep at the time you do ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. I am having exactly the same blog problems as you, and do not know how to fix it. It is very frustrating.

  6. My cats do exactly the same - as soon as it's daylight they think we should be up so I've been hard hearted and shut the bedroom door so they can't get in. I'm not interested in the world at 430am!!!

    1. She would mew at the door if I did that and I can't shut her downstairs either as the cat flap is in the front door where the stairs is

  7. I keep Humphrey shut downstairs [with water and access to the garden] as he's a mouser and very food orientated. Another black cat. He was abandoned and when he came to us he used to scarfe down all this food as quickly as possible. The vet said this is a common reaction if they've had to fend for themselves. He has settled down a bit more now, but he never leaves an empty bowl! Arilx

  8. Here is what blogger is saying Sue, donโ€™t know if this will help

    Mine in settings says no to redirect but my blog works okay at the moment.

  9. Our pets are generally very intuitive aren't they. They know when things are not quite right and when we're sad. Maybe Poppy is bringing you the mice as they make her happy when she plays with them, not so much when she looses them around your house. So maybe she thinks these little furry creatures will make you happy too and that's why she brings them to you.


    1. They don't make me happy that's for sure! There's one in the kitchen ,I shall have to set a mouse trap over night

    2. Oh Sue I hope it is a humane trap and then you can put it outside no animal should suffer in a trap.

  10. My cats know my getting up time. If they come in early they sleep either on the bed or around it or both and get up when I do. I have never had a cat that bothered me for food until I was up.

    1. She used to sleep at the bottom of Col's bed quite happily but wants to be right on top of me!

  11. We stopped our cats sleeping in our bedroom for that reason, I prefer an 8am wake up. My older cat Grace loves I am home, she is never far away from me, Purdy, who was a stray for the 1st year of her life, wolfs her food down and often brings in mice for us to play with.

  12. Cute kitty...worth a few mice I expect! If she didn't wake you up think how many beautiful sunrises you would miss ๐Ÿ˜xx

  13. Canโ€™t believe the cat is so close to the fire-she looks fascinated by it. Google messed with my access to blogs and I couldnโ€™t comment then suddenly I could again. Pesky internet sometimes!

    1. I'm hoping it will right itself, I know google are changing things again

  14. Sweet little Polly Flinders sitting among the cinders.

  15. So like my cat. So proud that she brought in a mouse and then dropped it so that it ran away through the house. It got dropped on my bed dead two nights later at 4am. Nice.

  16. I wonder if Polly is waking up to the sound of birdsong at that hour? Such a sweetie, and yes, of course she is missing Col, but I'm sure you bring each other great comfort too.

    1. Plenty of birds singing, she could go outside and listen to them!

  17. Your cat sounds sweet and they are good company. Our cat does the same, wakes us up in the morning by pawing the plastic clothes bags under the bed that make a noise. They are pretty smart. Technology can be such a stinker sometimes.

  18. I'm glad you have a pet to keep you company right now. No doubt, those mice are gifts to you! -Jenn

  19. Cats can be great company. I think they are sometimes underestimated. Our lovely cat is 19 years old. We got him when my middle son was little to help him (he was having trouble at the time). Shadow (the cat) is old and particular, but he's lovely company. Son, now living older and living out on his own, recently got another cat (ours was just too old to go anywhere when son moved out) who keeps him company and has got him through a difficult mental time lately. I know it sounds melodramatic but I'm not sure son would have got through things as well without the cat.

    1. They are good company and all for a bit of food and care. I wouldn't want to be without a cat around now.

  20. Cats are great company, although not as expressive as dogs. They will be there for you and and just show love in a different way. My cats like to bring me birds.

    1. Haven't had many birds in thank goodness, although they are easier to catch

  21. It's a lovely photographs of her sat in front of the log burner. Polly sounds a lot like Mog and I'm getting used to the occasional mouse around, although three in one morning was a bit much!
    I hope your Blogger problems are sorted soon. X

  22. Hi Sue, love the cat tales and the photo is beautiful; I am a slave to four cats and two don not get on with the other two so life is full of 'fun', love to you and furry friend xxxx

  23. Thanks for letting us know why you might suddenly disappear.
    Odd but true that blogging friends become very special and Iโ€™ve already lost two this year.
    I understand that it's hard work coming up with posts every day but selfishly Iโ€™m really missing my โ€œfriendsโ€.
    In case you do go missing Iโ€™ll just say that I will be saying prayers for all your family next week. I'm so glad you have Polly to make sure you are awake! Sue

    1. Blogger or my lap top or both have been behaving all day today - touch wood. I left it with Windows doing an update overnight so perhaps that was the problem.

  24. Polly sounds like a sweet little girl and good company for you. She probably brings mice as gifts for you. One of our cats likes to wake us up early each day but the other one politely waits for the alarm to go off and then comes to get us up. I don't think I could live without a cat as I love them so.

  25. Your cat sounds sweet.. except the early morning wake-ups and the bringing in of live mice. I'm glad you have her for company. Is my blog one that you can't get into to comment? I hope not! I'm made it Secure on blogger. Have a super weekend. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  26. I can't tell you how to fix your blogging problem but hope your son or someone will rescue you soon. I love Polly - she sounds such a character and obviously rises with the light (as I have been doing recently). I don't bring Keith a mouse though!!! Our cats are shut in the kitchen overnight, so they can come and go through the catflap as they wish. That way we don't get bought half a rabbit when we are zzzzing . . .

  27. I'm sure the cat will settle soon - Tess, my dog, is back to normal now and a great comfort.You are doing fine Sue - hope you can keep it up over the next week. x

  28. Polly sounds like she's a good companion (well, minus the 4:30 am antics!). Thank you for adopting a black cat; they are usually the last to be adopted due to silly superstition
