Monday 15 June 2020

A Mystery Parcel

 This mystery parcel of goodies arrived on Saturday.

 It came via an etsy site but who sent it?  someone in the family? a blogger?, a mystery friend? I haven't a clue except it must be someone who knows my address and I hope they read the blog as that's the only way I can say thank you.

It was much appreciated - and the Divine chocolate was consumed quite quickly! The hug card was lovely, I may well pass that on to someone who also needs a hug.

Thank you again to who ever organised this.

Could certainly do with some hugs, it's getting harder and harder to stay up beat, feels like after Colin died when other people got back to normal quickly but I couldn't. Now other people are out doing all sorts of things they like doing but all the things I enjoy are still on hold except for one tiny ray of hope - the mobile library is starting up again from the 6th July - it was due here on the 2nd so I'll still have to wait 4 weeks until the end of July for it's next visit but at least I know the heap of reservations that are waiting will be on their way to me next month.

Back Tomorrow


  1. Lovely things come to lovely people Sue x what a lovely surprise x

  2. that's a lovely surprise, what a kind person somewhere who didn't feel the need for recognition. Your mobile library sounds like it's worth waiting for, I haven't seen one of those since I was a child and lived in a village. Ours is opening soon too but I haven't read all the books I took out the day before lockdown so am in no hurry. Stay cheery, your posts are always full of positivity.

  3. How lovely is that! Surprise gifts create real happiness.

  4. I got a bouquet on Friday and it too came with no name which I find a little difficult. I've emailed the company which supplied the flowers and they have sent my thank you to the sender. It's nice to feel "the world is on my side" in this way though.

  5. What a lovely gift. We were sent a thank you card & £10m&s voucher anonymously a few weeks back. No idea who sent it, but so kind. Such things bring three blessings - first to the recipient, second to the giver, and third to the rest of us who are cheered to hear of kind deeds.

  6. It would spook me to receive an anonymous gift. Surprise gifts are thing, anonymous gifts quite another.

    1. I'm embarrassed rather than spooked.

    2. Both. I would also be feeling cautious as someone's husband has been quoted in a comment below. I have to say I am surprised at all the comments thinking it is great. I am not so trusting.

  7. I have also received three similar padded envelopes, surprises from an unknown benefactor, during lockdown. It's lovely to know we are being thought of.

  8. My first blog read of the day, and it is a heartwarming one. Enjoy that hug!

  9. What a lovely surprise and great mood lifter. Yes it's getting harder but I've seen my eldest daughter as she was alone and had a cuddle at last. Looking forward to have a cuddle with youngest when possible.

  10. Such I nice surprise you had but then I think there is lots if nice people a round and you are a kind person. You will enjoy the library to start again. My chiropractor has phoned and say is coming to me at the end of June, they were not allowed to do it before 1st July. Have a nice day everyone. Hazel c uk ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ

  11. I don't like surprise gifts, because I want to give something back in return.

  12. What a thoughtful thing for somebody to do. These little acts of kindness seem even more meaningful at the moment don't they. Good news that the mobile library will be up and running again soon. Have a lovely day. xx

  13. A lovely thought Sue. Hang on in there - Col's passing and the Covid - not a good combination I know but it will pass. I think we are all getting to the stage now of wanting to get everything back to normal. Take care. x

    1. Some days are harder than others. My new normal mode has gone walkabout

  14. I do so love an unexpected parcel.


  15. That's a lovely surprise :-)

    There's something waiting for you here, but you need to send me your address!!

    1. You don't need to send anything - secret address!!

    2. Bugger .... it's all wrapped and ready to go as well :-(

  16. A very lovely surprise.
    I know what you mean about everything getting moving again. I'm still at home shielding and struggling somewhat.
    Great news the library will be for you.
    Love and (hugs) x

  17. Grief is an odd thing - you think you are "getting over it" and life is sort of normal again, and then BANG it hits you again. I'm still getting used to being alone. Sending you lots of hugz, Mxx

  18. You can contact the etsy seller and ask who sent the gift.

    1. I wouldn't do that, if the person wanted to have given a name then they would.

    2. I do gifts on my etsy site and tho I don't ever want to overlook the notification, it is not set up that clearly. And mistakes happen.

    3. Sue, as I said above I also received an anonymous gift but got the dealer to forward an email. The kind person who sent the flowers has now contacted me and she says she did put a message in which the dealer omitted to print. The dealer can contact the sender and forward your thanks without you knowing who it was. (In fact they would probably be in breach of privacy laws if they did tell you.)

  19. I don't agree with Lizzy D ... one, it would put the etsy seller on the spot and two, if someone wants to be anonymous one should be gracious ( and cautious my husband says) and accept that. If you want.. pay it forward!

    1. I was thinking the gift giver's name might have been omitted by mistake, not that Sue would be investigating a sweet anonymous gesture. The etsy seller would simply respond that the person sending was not designated on purpose.

  20. What a lovely surprise, someone is thinking kindly of you. I have been sending little cards and small gifts to family and friends during lockdown and I know that they have been appreciated. The card is a paper hug. Helen S.

    1. I've lost count of how many parcels have gone to grandchildren!

  21. Hi Sue! What an absolutely lovely surprise! You are blessed. :)

    1. p.s. apparently I had my blog locked down from last year, so it looked like by invitation only. I've opened it up. dur. LOL

  22. That's a lovely surprise. As you live alone you can now be in a bubble with another household. You can even stay overnight if you wish and don't need to socially distance. You can have hugs then. This situation makes everything worse and hope you feel better soon.

    1. I did suggest to someone that I would come and sleep at their house - but their response was Ha Ha!

  23. What a lovely surprise. You deserve it.

    God bless.
