Tuesday, 2 February 2021

February 2nd Candlemas and Hazel Catkins

Today is Candlemas, commemorating the purification of Mary in the temple in Jerusalem, 40 days after the birth of Christ.

 If Candlemas day be fair and bright
Then winter will have another flight
If Candlemas day be clouds and rain
Winter is gone and will not come again

 In my book "Ceremonies of the Seasons" by Jennifer Cole is says that in churches today the priest blesses the candles that will be used in the church through the year. This is the only place I've read this and need to know if it's correct as I'm not a church goer (Church of England or Catholic) and this isn't something that happens in Baptist or Methodist Churches - as far as I know.


 The Flower Fairies are back ............a harbinger of spring or just a photo of late winter?

 Here she is, the Hazel-Catkin Fairy from Cicely Mary Barker's 'Flower Fairies of The Winter'. Originally published in the 1920s.

I like that last line "One day the land shall leap to life".............soon I hope - in so many ways.

Back Tomorrow



  1. Yes, it used to be true that candles were blessed at Candlemas and probably there are churches which do so now. I heard of a church which has sent out pictures of candles this year as their this month way of keeping in touch with their members especially those who don't "do" technology.

    1. I knew you would be sure to know the answer - thank you

  2. Well, it's wet here today so let's hope winter is gone! I think we're all ready for some warmer, brighter days. xx

    1. Wet and horrible here too - hope the old rhyme is right

  3. I know that there is a Catholic prayer for today thanking God for the bees that labour to produce the candlewax.
    Catkins - my primary school teachers always put a jug with branches of catkins in the corridor on the Nature Table.

    1. Today is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (at the temple)- 40 days after Christmas. The crib can be taken down and packed away now!

    2. We used to like the nature table when I was at school too. It was always the job of the eldest girls in the school to keep it tidy - a very important job for a 10 or 11 year old!

  4. Darling Sue,

    How we love the ritual of 'Candlemas'. As the days lengthen and signs of Spring are all around, it is definitely the season to celebrate light in the world when we seem to be surrounded with so much gloom and darkness.

    Your images of the catkins are so joyful. They really are harbingers of Spring.

  5. Yes indeed. Thatโ€™s one of the things I miss about our long weekly walks, seeing the tiny changes this time of year.

    1. I'm going to plant a Red Hazel in my new garden if there isn't one there already. Much prettier than the usual Hazel

  6. Catkins are out here too, and Snowdrops, first Celendines and Daffodils in bud.

    I loved those little books and read them to my girls time and time again when they were little. I had the set and it has come with us to our new home - you never know, they may have a use again.

    Milder and low cloud and rain here today, so let's hope that winter is at our backs . . .

    1. Snowdrops are putting on a good show and aconites - no daffs yet

  7. I had a lovely Hazel tree in my old garden, I have got a small twisted Hazel tree in the bungalow in a pot but don't think there is any catkins on it. My D brought me a pot of daffodils last week and one was in flower this morning very small flower but lovely to see.
    Hazel c uk ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ

    1. I nearly bought a bunch of daffs the other day then remembered my vases and jugs are all packed!

  8. We're getting rained on today but I really doubt that means winter's finished as we have snow forecast for the next few days. Yuck!

    1. The temps and weather here seem to go up and down but not much below freezing this winter so far and hardly any snow but I saw the forecast for up north - nasty

  9. As you look forward to spring I am starting to look forward to autumn! February is often our hottest month and I am not a great fan of heat so look forward to better temperatures come March and April.

    1. As winter goes on and on it seems to get difficult to imagine sitting out in the sun again! but it usually gets here in the end

  10. That's a bit more cheerful than yesterday's poem, thank goodness! So good to see signs of Spring even though the weather is still grey and damp.

    1. Yesterdays poem certainly was a gloomy one!
      Damp and grey here too

  11. Beautiful catkins!
    If you looked out of my window at the eight inches of snow you would be cheered by your rhyme.

    1. eek! 8 inches - where did that come from! No chances of walking outside with that lot on the ground.At least snow reflects the light and makes things seem lighter

  12. Back in the late 50's, early 60's we were marched over to the Catholic Church, which was behind our Catholic school, to receive the Candlemas blessing on Feb.2. The priest would hold a set of white candle against our throat and say a blessing on each of us.
    Wow, hadn't thought of that for many, many years!

    1. I always thought the feast of Saint Blaise was Feb. 2 but when I googled it showed Feb. 3. St. Blaise is the patron saint of those with throat troubles wince he once cured a child who was choking on a fish bone. Hence the blessing of the throats to ask for protection against ailments of the throat. Interesting this year the priest just held out the crossed candles and blessed the entire congregation at ince instead of individually. Another virus precaution.

  13. It is also Groundhog Day and my birthday.

    1. Happy Birthday!! Sunny here so you know who will see his shadow.

  14. It is the presentation of Jesus at the temple as required for the first born male child under the law of Moses and the purification of Mary, although Mary didn't need purifying, she was already pure.

    I used to take catkins, lambs tails, into school for the class nature table.

  15. In the Catholic church two things happen today. It's the Presentation of the Lord and all the candles for the coming year are blessed. It's also the feast of St. Blaise, and people can come up to have their throats blesssed with a pair of crossed candles.

  16. When I was a child, I had a book of fairy stories that my mother had when she was a child, full of little poems and pictures just like yours. I'd give anything to have that book now. Thank you for that memory!

  17. I've seen catkins on our walks recently here too.. My sister and I both had some of the flower fairy books when we were children - unfortunately long gone now. Such lovely illustrations in them.

  18. Well it was bright and sunny here today. Harvey informed me at supper that colder temperatures and more snow is on the way very soon. Looks like winter will arrive once again here.

    God bless.

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