Thursday 17 March 2022

Hello Vera!

 Hello Vera is what one of the children thought this plant was called when I first got one many years ago!

Now I have two Aloe Vera plants because I thought BiL had killed one when he was plant sitting it while I moved between holiday lets last spring. The second one was picked up, just in case, from a boot sale last summer and was and  is a sad looking thing,  don't think it likes where it's been stood.

This is the one which survived after all and is on my kitchen window sill. Being a succulent it's a house plant I can actually keep alive.

 Having it in the kitchen is the best place because the thing it is most useful for is treating minor burns. Just cut a piece of leaf and smear the burn with the juice that will appear and the burn is immediately soothed.

One of the library books I had on loan
The Garden Apothecary: Recipes, Remedies and Rituals
 had lots more information about this ancient plant which apparently both Cleopatra and Nefertiti used in their beauty routines. Then Christopher Columbus had Aloe plants on board his ships to use as a wound healer and Sixteenth-century Native American tribes used it to clean their wooden cooking implements because it prevented insect infestation.
The herbalist Culpepper says 
"Aloes made into a powder, and strewed upon new bloody wounds, stops the blood and heals them; it likewise closes up old ulcers, particularly those about the private parts and fundement:boiled with wine and honey it heals rifts and haemorrhoids, removes obstructions of the viscera, kills worms in the stomach and intestines"

I'll stick to using it to heal small burns!

As today is the 17th have to wish a Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone who celebrates it .

Back Tomorrow


  1. Gosh, who knew the humble Aloe Vera was such a good all-rounder? Glad yours both survived. As a natural treatment for Ulcers, it sounds like someone should tell the NHS!

    1. I thought that too - it's one of those problems some people can't shift

  2. Thanks Sue - we've just watched the main TV News and I was thoroughly depressed. I'm so glad to know the other uses for Aloe Vera, but I'll limit myself to burn treatment too. Thank God for modern medicine.!

    1. I'm glad we don't have to rely on some old things although perhaps they work

  3. Golly, what a useful little plant.
    I shall bear it in mind if I ever have problems with my fundement.

  4. Well...I have been wasting it just applying to burns then! x

    1. Useful all over the place by the sounds of it

  5. That's a useful plant to have around (and I mean for burns, not for t'other stuff)

  6. Laughing very hard at 'Hello Vera'.

    1. Children mis-hear so many things but I like this one

  7. Perhaps I should get an 'Allo Vera' (said in my London accent!) - I'm always burning my fingers or forearms, and husband frequently acquires cuts. Not sure about ulcers on the private parts though!! :-O

    1. It really does work for when you catch an arm on the oven shelf etc

  8. I had to do it - I just Googled 'fundament'. Well, I never knew that! My fundament is fine, thanks, so I won't be rushing out to buy a Hello Vera plant! Loving your beautiful Spring blossom header, Sue.

    1. I looked it up too and thought I wouldn't explain but let everyone find out for themselves!!
      Just changed the header now the blossom is all out on a blue sky day

  9. Great name for a really useful plant.

  10. I love the Hello Vera! I will now be tempted to to say that when I see an Aloe Vera plant. They are the perfect kitchen plant. My mother used to keep one in the kitchen too.

  11. Now I want a Vera plant. Succulents grow well for me too. My 2 jade plants are very old as I inherited them from my Uncle when he passed at 99.

    1. I'm hopeless with all house plants except the Aloe Vera and my Money (Jade) plant. They are the only things I've managed to keep alive for more than 10 minutes!

  12. I have a Aloe Vera plant in my front yard in a pot and it blooms beautiful flowers every year. They look like bananas. I have buds on it right now - within the next month it will be blooming.

  13. That is an impressive plant, and very useful in the kitchen.

  14. I had an aloe plant years ago. Quite useful.

  15. I never knew aloe vera had so many fascinating applications! :)

  16. Aloe Vera is one of the few plants that my green fingers are no good with, I've killed so many of them that I've given up. My Mum has lots of them.

    Your 'Hello Vera' title made me think of a Meme I've just watched on YouTube, someone warned 'Make sure you cook chicken thoroughly or you'll get Sam and Ella'. Love it.

  17. Yikes. I wouldn't even be able to keep that alive! My thumb is totally brown. Sigh.
