Friday, 4 March 2022

WI Knit, Stitch and Yarn 4th

The W.I  Knit, Stitch and Yarn group meet once a month on a Wednesday morning and I've been taking my knitting needles and craft cotton and making dishcloths while cleverer ladies do proper knitting or crochet or patchwork. But I really don't need anymore dishcloths for the moment so thought I'd better organise some cross stitch to take. 
In my box I found a book-mark kit, rescued from a boot sale, which someone had started but much too close to the edge and anyway the card it should have been mounted in was torn and creased.


Luckily I'd still got a couple of book mark card blanks amongst my stash, although they have a smaller aperture.

 So I'll see how goes.............. following the chart a bit but  changing and shrinking it to fit in my card. It will make a little gift if it looks OK.

Back Tomorrow


  1. That looks like a very satisfying project. If you can't find an appropriate aperture card, you can always mount it by trimming the piece neatly and just stick it on a slightly larger strip of card with double sided tape.

    1. I'm altering it to fit into the red aperture card - with dark red thread it looks OK

  2. I go to a similar group in our village and we have all agreed that cross stitch generally requires a level of concentration which interferes with the 'discussion' element of the afternoon 🤣

    1. The WI ladies all know each other for years, as I'm new I do lots of listening!
      But any complicated X stitch that needed more concentration would be a problem I think and might get messy with the cake and coffee!

  3. We have a group of ladies that meet to crochet in the Library, I have been tempted to join them more than once.

  4. Your book mark looks a nice pattern.

    I did lots of dish cloths for our Knit @ Natter stall at Christmas and were make nice little gifts, I folded them in 3 and put a band round them with pretty paper in the middle and they sold very well.

    Hazel 🌈🌈

    1. My dishcloth knitting is definitely not good enough for selling!

  5. I am going to join a group in a couple of weeks I am looking forward to it.

  6. I was just thinking what Jayne mentioned above, but if you are mostly listening it should work out fine. I'm afraid I wouldn't have the patience for doing this with lots of chatter going on around me.

    I hope it works out for you with the smaller window in the card, but it will look really good when it's finished.

    1. I ought to do more cross stitch really but I'd rather read

  7. That is a sweet looking pattern. I never mounted my bookmarks - just stiffened them with spray starch and an iron. It is nice to have a little project to work on.

    1. I'm cross that I lost a chart for a pretty book mark with birds which fitted well into small aperture cards

  8. Your book mark stitching is a lovely floral vine. The talent in these groups is really amazing. A friend (Saundra) used to knit lovely two piece suites for herself. My genes do not include knitting and sewing but I always appreciate the skill. I bet you enjoyed the coffee and cake as well.

    1. My knitting is limited to dishcloths and my stitching to small X stitch pictures!

  9. But the meeting is always a relaxed and pleasant affair I guarantee.

  10. I love the bookmark you are making! It will make a lovely gift or maybe even a gift to yourself. I imagine it is fun to visit with others while you are working too.

  11. Lovely bookmark. It will make a great gift for a reader.

    God bless.

  12. That's a really pretty kit!

  13. I think it will make a delightful gift for some lucky person. xx

  14. I'm currently knitting sparkly dishcloths at home but stick to the basic blankets in the car while waiting for bear. I love the cross stitch, it looks so intricate.
