Friday 27 September 2024


 You probably don't remember but earlier this year, March I think - from a car-boot sale I bought a presentation box of two packs of very old coffee with a mini cafetière for just £1 (the coffee was dubious so I didn't want to pay any more- although it turned out to be perfectly OK). There were a few comments wondering if the coffee would be drinkable but several other  comments saying  that I should have paid more!

Well, one day this week I accidently knocked the glass jug bit of the cafetière into the sink - the ceramic sink - and of course it broke straight away!

Hey Ho!

I'd better look round the next boot sale to find another - plenty about - but probably without the old coffee.

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  1. That is so frustrating. I've broken two cafetieres like that in the past. I found replacements in CS quite easily

  2. I got a good leather handbag from a charity shop the other week, unfortunately I did not check the zip which just opens either way you close. But I suppose the charity got the money.

  3. Gosh, that is a definite case of Sod's Law at work - it could have chosen to fall on a carpet . . . At least the investment was only £1 and you got drinkable coffee too! Hope a replacement soon turns up.

  4. Just think how you'd feel if you'd paid full price for it. I hope you find a suitable replacement soon.

  5. Oh what a shame... I'll make myself a cup of coffee right away... I have wonderful highland coffee from Peru.
    To your health and best regards to you.

  6. Coincidentally, my wife did exactly the same thing with hers - well, into a earthenware bowl in an aluminium sink. (Hers, not mine because it gives me palpitations).
