Saturday 7 September 2024

WI and the Rest of The Week

 I hadn't been to WI for months, since April in fact, not sure why really, but July was the Garden Party - and I'm not a fan and August when I'd lost my voice after talking too much at the Bacton Fayre a couple of days earlier!
But as I was down on the rota for cakes and kitchen I thought I'd better turn up for the September meeting and anyway the speaker was talking about Scouting. Then the President rang and asked me to give the vote of thanks as she knew I'd been very involved in Scouting in the past so I really had  to be there.

The speaker was Stuart - a local man - he is one of the few people paid to work in Scouting. He is based at Scout HQ - Gilwell Park, North of London in Epping Forest, where he is in charge of risk assessment. He told us all about his involvement in the 25th World Scout Jamboree (WSJ) which was held in South Korea in 2023.
Postcards that the Scouts were given for sending home and to people who had sponsored them. It costs £4,000 each for people to attend - Leaders fund themselves, Scouts have to raise money from sponsors and holding fund raising events and are often aided by their group or District.

About 43,000 young people and their leaders attended from 158 countries. He told us how his group of 36 Scouts - aged 14 - 17 and 4 leaders were chosen from Essex Scout Groups and the preparations they made in the 16 months up to August 2023. 

The WSJ got some very bad publicity, as after just a few days flooding on site then a heatwave, poor preparation, lack of sanitation facilities, lack of drinking water and the approaching Typhoon forced the participants to be moved off site to Hotels in Seoul. The UK contingent were the first to evacuate followed by the US and then many other countries. But thanks to the Korean officials who worked to organise different events and visits, Korean people who had heard about the problems,  Leaders and the Be Prepared motto everyone had a brilliant time.

Stuart was also involved in organising Scouts to help with the Laying in State for the late Queen and again for the Coronation for Charles.

It was a very interesting talk and slides.

And later in the week it was so good to hear who is the new Chief Scout. There's never a shortage of boys but always a shortage of leaders, perhaps he will inspire more adults from different backgrounds to get involved.

I've really enjoyed watching the Paralympics all week - it's been amazing to see all the medal winners. Sarah Storey getting an 19th Gold - incredible! The 19th won by an inch! So pleased to see Alfie Hewitt and Gordon Reid get the Gold in the wheelchair tennis, they've won many, many grand slams but this was their third try at winning at the Paralympics. The wheelchair basketball was really good to watch too, the men's team in the finals today after beating Germany 71/43 on Thursday and so many medals won in the pool and on the track.
 Encouraged me to look and see if there were any suitable times for swimming and I found a session that will later be used for schools but wasn't this week due to them only just being back. Hadn't forgotten how to swim despite it being months since I went and it might be a while before I go again as the other pool in the area at Diss is still closed for refurbishment until at least December so making Stradbroke extra busy and schools use the pool a lot this term and next. The few lane swimming sessions are really busy and public swimming sessions are very early or very late - neither are any good for my tired old body!

Tomorrow would have been our 46th wedding anniversary, we only made it to 38. 

Goodness me, how I miss that man.

Have a good weekend whatever you are doing - I'm planning a church visit and a Macmillan Coffee morning and perhaps a car boot sale.

Back Monday


  1. I was surprised that Bear Grylls stood down, but time for some new blood at the helm, and I think he will do well. Good luck to him!
    Dame Sarah Storey is a true inspiration! How will they top that in the upcoming round of honours that follow an Olympic/Paralympic Games? She's already a Dame! I am going to miss our Summer of Sport.
    I hope that you can focus on some happy memories you and Colin shared. These days are always bitter sweet.

    1. Very sad about the end of the summer of sport. What to do next? Although I have got a room to paint to keep me busy

  2. I was pleased to read about Dwayne becoming Chief Scout. Bear Grylls has done a great job, for 15 years, and now he's 50, it seems appropriate to hand on the baton.
    Time passes, but memories and love remain strong. Thinking of you this weekend ❤️

    1. I'm glad they always find someone inspiring to be chief scout

  3. Delighted to see that the new Chief Scout is an adventurer and will be a great role model to the young people involved in the Scouting movement. Your 46th Anniversary will be a day of reflect I’m sure to remember the wonderful man who was Colin. ❤️Catriona

    1. It doesn't seem long ago I was mentioning that it would have been our 40th anniversary - time goes so fast

  4. Anniversaries are the worse times, grief never goes it just changes over time, focus has to be on the younger members of your family, watching them grow, but never forgetting your good times together.

  5. Grandson attended the world Jamboree. Their part of the campsite was very bad and they delayed a day before going and were evacuated two days later, back to the city they had already visited. He had a great time but it wasn’t quite what he expected. ❤️

    1. Such a shame things didn't go as planned. But thank goodness every one was OK.

  6. Well my granddaughter is off to Portugal next summer with the scouts, she seems to need an awful lot of money to fund it. I can see from the Korean one that leaders from other countries need funding as well though.
    I think memories haunt us for the rest of our lives, hopefully yours will be good ones.

    1. Lots of good memories but still very much missed

  7. Anniversaries are difficult. Sending you all good wishes and hope that your memories give you strength.

  8. Anniversaries are bittersweet. I hope the sad memories recede and are overcome by the happy ones.

  9. Thinking of you as you remember your anniversary x
    Alison in Wales x

  10. The Paralympics are inspiring. I've been amazed at what these athletes have achieved. Happy Anniversary! Hope you can enjoy happy memories of your life together.

    1. The athletes competing in France are just incredible and have done so well

  11. Anniversaries can be so difficult, give yourself a gentle day.

    1. Christmas, family get togethers, anniversaries and birthdays all are tough but lots of good memories

  12. My wife has just joined WI and been on one of the walks. They sound a friendly bunch, although there seems to be rather a lot of bossy retired teachers.

    1. We are very glad of our retired head teacher, she moved into the village and took on the secretaries job! and she's very good at organising.

  13. The WI Scouting presentation sounds outstanding. My neighbor is an Eagle Scout as is his son. Scouting builds good men.
    Anniversaries bring lots of memories of very happy days. The loss is hard but having all those wonderful years is lovely too.
    Swimming is great and I hope you can find regular access to a pool.

    1. We need more swimming pools but they cost too much for councils to build now - sadly.

  14. Those anniversaries open up the void again, and take some coping with. I'm glad there are so many happy memories for you.
    I'm sure you must have Aced the Thank you speech - or you would remember how embarrassing it was!!

    1. I hope my vote of thanks was OK - no one said it wasn't but they probably wouldn't!

  15. I have friends who were heavily involved with scouting. The last Jamboree they attended, Donald Trump was invited to speak. They were horrified. He was, in their minds, the polar opposite of every ideal of scouting. Another friend was enthralled by the jamboree, and found it inspiring.

  16. Hugs and love on Colin. I spent a few years involved in Scouting as a leader and it was a great experience for me and my three sons.

  17. My 46-y-o son is an Eagle Scout. He finally made it about a week before he turned 18, LOL. (Eighteen is the upper age limit). He attended the 1993 US Jamboree in Virginia and it was a great experience. As a result of Scouting, he is the person you want to be with you in an emergency. He either knows exactly what to do or can figure it!

    Thank you to you and Colin for the years you put into Cub Scouting. I am sure you impacted many lives in a very positive way. I'm sorry Colin left this earth so early but you do have wonderful memories and three great children.

  18. That does sound like an interesting talk and right up your street.

    (((HUGS))) to missing your man so much still. Good men are irreplacable . . . but we are so lucky we found our respective ones.

  19. ((())) hoping you got to think of some happy memories you and Col had together though I imagine it's hard.

    I was really pleased to see how much coverage there was of the Paraolympics on the television.

  20. Thank you for your posts. My husband of 55 years has just died one month ago so I am feeling broken but your blog helps me. I can’t write more, just thank you.
