Monday, 13 April 2020

Books Abandoned and Books Read

These were the books collected in March from the library van, before the world stood still.

I had to give up on 5, three I couldn't get into (Cold Kill, Requiem for a Knave, Death in Fancy Dress) one had teeny print (The Golden Thread), one just didn't get going (To War with the Walkers)

Or maybe it was just my mood!

"Root to Stem" and "A Foragers Calendar" are similar books of what edibles to look out for in the wild. Both are OK but I wouldn't buy them.

As all these books will sit here for weeks, waiting for libraries to re-open, I could always try again if things get desperate .............which is very unlikely given the number of books on my shelves that are much more interesting.

These are the books that I HAVE read recently......................

Tracy Chevalier  - A Single Thread. Fiction. As always with this author fiction is woven around fact. In this case it is the women who embroidered (what we now call tapestry) the kneelers and cushions for Winchester Cathedral in the 1930's. Violet has moved from Southampton to work in Winchester mainly to get away from her mother and memories of her brother and fiance both killed in the war. One day she comes across the Broderers, women from all sorts of backgrounds working the patterns designed by Louisa Pesel. The kneelers and cushions can still be seen in the Cathedral (wish I'd known this when we went there for Son's Graduation Ceremony so many years ago).       
A very good story which I really enjoyed.

D.E. Stevenson - Mrs Tim Flies Home. Fiction from 1952. This is the final book featuring D.E.Stevenson's alter-ego Hester Christie. Hester has spent 18 months in Kenya where her Army Officer husband has been stationed and now comes home for the summer, renting a house where her children can join her for their summer holidays from school and university. Another gentle happy story that I enjoyed.

Emma Smith - No Way of Telling. Children's Fiction. I'm not sure where I saw this book mentioned, but as it was by an author I read before with her biographies 'The Maidens Trip' about her time working on canal boats during WWII and 'As Green as Grass' also about her life before and after the war,  I must have decided on a 1p purchase
 This is a story of a girl and her granny in Wales during a spell of harsh winter weather when a stranger appears and then vanishes. This tale of living in a remote place and the effects of heavy snowfall are beautifully described.
It's good to read a children's book now and again.

Edward Marston - The Mad Courtesan. Over the last 15 years I've gradually collected all this series written by this prolific author through the 1980's and 90's. Featuring Nicholas Bracewell who is a Stage Manager (Book Holder) with Lord Westfields Men - a group of actors in Elizabethan London. The stories are all very similar but as I only read one now and again it doesn't matter.

On what would have been library van day last week, Andrew the driver rang me (and everyone else) to make sure we were all OK and to say there would be no overdue charges. Quite nice to have a chat as we do every 4 weeks, although he is quite hard work as he has no sense of humour but he knows I used to work on library vans myself umpteen years ago so I know how things work.

Just as I'd finished talking to him the girl who was running the OneSuffolk weight loss group also rang to check I was OK and to say that all being well a new 12 week course would start in September and I would be able to join that - although would have to start from the beginning again.
 It would be useful if I could keep off the 7lb weight that I lost in the first 4 weeks of the course! But with Simnel Cake, Hot Cross Buns and an Easter Egg to eat that may be difficult.

Back Tomorrow


  1. I still enjoy revisiting some of the childhood favourites from time to time.

  2. The Tracy Chevalier book looks like one I'd enjoy. I lost 4lb the week I had the virus, OH lost 10lbs (he was pretty poorly) but it's coming back now! The daily fresh homemade bread is a lovely treat, but I must cut down on the butter and jam!

  3. Thank you for the reviews. I am thoroughly enjoying Mudlarking - very well written and of course, with my degree in archaeology and love of history, the finds are fascinating.

    I've always enjoyed Tracy Chevalier's books, and Elly Griffiths. Just getting to the end of the half a dozen Kate Ellis novels I bought at St Fagan's Rural Museum when we met up with Gabby back in February. I am not, however, short of books to move onto!!

    I had a lovely long chat with an old friend from my youth this week and was very glad to hear that (since being widowed last year), all her 3 children are back at home with her, the one who fled London before the Pandemic really kicked off being particularly welcome I should imagine.

  4. I had lost 12 pounds and was doing well. Sadly...I will leave you to fill the gap.

  5. You were lucky to have so many library books even if a
    few were duds! Our library closed really abruptly with
    no notice so I couldn't stock up. I'm reduced to going
    through my (very full) bookcases and trying to get into
    books I gave up on the first time.

  6. Now that Easter is over with you can get back to eating sensibly and with activity in the garden the weight will soon drop off again. Not sunny here today, but it is dry, much better for me as the brightness of the sun has an effect.

    We Facetime with our daughter and grand-daughters nearly every day and yesterday we saw the youngest one on her bike being towed behind her Daddy's bike on a street near where they live. It was funny as she was just sat there on the saddle while her Daddy was doing all the work. It's her third birthday next Saturday and obviously there won't be a party for anyone outside of the four of them. It's a shame as she has been so looking forward to her birthday and a party. Still, when isolation is over we can have a belated birthday party.

    We also saw the Coronavirus Monopoly game that our eldest grand-daughter had made up. Some of the 'pitfalls' she thought of were quite ingenius. So, two little girls who aren't bored, yet.

    Apologies for this long comment, but isolation must be getting to me too, lol.

  7. Hellooo - not sure but am sure I found your lost pounds! Very careless of you to leave them lying round like that! Ive not got any real books on the go, just the audio one.

  8. It was a lovely few days in the garden, but alas the fruit tree has lost its blossom from the wind and rain last night but it looks as though the skies are blue this morning so the rain was needed.
    My GD is coming to bring me a roast dinner today which I will really enjoy. My D. Was telling me my GS is doing his family tree on my G.Mothers side which should be interesting, I did make a start years ago with mine.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  9. But Easter eggs and lovely Easter food needed to be scoffed! At least you'll get on your bike and burn some calories off.

    Eat to beat disease sounds very timely!πŸ˜‰

  10. My elderly aunt, who never really was my aunt, embroidered the kneelers for the church in the village where I was born. I left 50 years ago but still see them when I go back, beautiful and a lasting memory. I shall put that book on my list, I do enjoy Tracy Chevalier. Happy Easter.

  11. I have resorted to reading books on my shelves that I have been meaning to read for years too Sue. Our outstanding Book Group book is a novel about The Black Death - I tried again with it yesterday - but really not reading for now.

  12. I miss going to the library. I hope Stan is ok. He always talked of having too much work to do, now he has none. I hope he is enjoying his break.

  13. How lovely that the library van driver phoned you AND the lady from the weight-loss group, it's nice to know you're being thought of at this time isn't it.

    I thought I would be powering through my books during this lockdown, but it's not proving to be the case. You really do have to be in the mood to read don't you, and I find myself staring into space, watching television or scrolling through my phone keeping in touch with family instead. I really should make so much more of an effort with my books, I want to try some out and jettison a lot more before we move if they don't live up to expectations.

  14. I love seeing the lush green in your new header photo. It is SO dry and already hot here in Florida.
    Sue, you have often posted of buying jigsaw puzzles at charity shops. That may have been what prompted me to buy several jigsaws from rummage sales the past few years. I put them aside, worried if my cat would β€œallow” me to do them. But last week I decided to give it a go and my 17-year-old cat didn’t disturb the puzzle except to lay on it (covered with a towel) each evening. I still have several to do that are stashed in my closet. So thanks for the inspiration!

  15. Always interesting to see stacks of books and their interesting - often odd - titles. Some, one often wonders, are questionable or misleading and make you think what were the authors/publishers ever thinking, others are spot on, enticing and one can't wait to read between the covers!

    Currently reading Tom Fort's "The Village News" which is a fantastic history and a book anyone living in an English village would find so interesting.

  16. I'm rereading some of my old favorites. Find it comforting. like visiting an old friend. How nice that people are checking in on you. The children's fiction you mentioned sounds like it would be something, I'd enjoy. Thanks for the suggestions!


  17. I have lots of books to read luckily. I also have a pile of library books that I've had since...I actually don't remember lol. The library here closed quite a while ago and they are not accepting any books back. Most (the ones I could get into) have been read and are collecting dust on the dining room table.

  18. Your post reminded me to online check the due date on my library book and I see they have changed it to the end of June, so I have no worries about the libraries being closed. I thought I might have had more time to read but things don't seem to be turning out that way. Hugz, Mxx

  19. I am still reading Stalin,Simon Sebag Montifiore, and not yet half way through the 700 pages.

  20. I love hearing about the books! I put a couple of them on my goodreads list. I like keeping track of books that way. I'm in between books at the moment so I'll definitely check to see if my library has the e-books. Our libraries are closed too but thankfully they have given us access to a lot more books and audio books via the online world.

  21. How lovely to imagine that in September life will begin again. Nice of folks to call you too.


  22. 7lb in 4 weeks sounds good, but the weight loss leader doesn't seem to have much faith in anyone keeping it up over the summer if she is saying you all have to start from the beginning again.

    1. I think its all to do with ticking boxes as this private company are funded by the County Council so have to show there work

  23. The books you've read sound good. I like a children's book once in awhile too. I keep getting emails from my library reminding me I can check out e-books online. I sometimes read e-books but I enjoy the real thing too if the print is not too small. That is the main reason I like e-books - the ability to enlarge the print as I'm having more trouble with my eyes these days.

  24. Our local library has a thingy you can download which then allows you to read lots of books and magazines for free. Arilx

  25. No Way Of Telling was quite good! I will look out for the Chevalier book. I also enjoyed the Marston books but my old library stopped buying them after the first few and my new library seems to have thrown out everything when they moved to their new building.

  26. You have some wonderful books here, Sue. I just started the Elly Griffiths series and I'm loving it!

  27. I'm waiting for the newest Elly Griffiths from the Library, but it will certainly not be for a long time now. I really enjoyed Single Thread and I'd love to see the kneelers and cushions if I ever managed to get back to the UK. Take care, Sue.

  28. I can hardly wait until our library opens once again. I am rereading books from my own library right now.

    God bless.

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