Sunday, 27 December 2020

On the Second day After Christmas................

Ready to sing again?
On the second day after  Christmas
My next treat will be.....
A Paperback book
And a big tub of chocolates just for me


 Yesterday everything except the worst of the yuckiest pots and pans  got done and tidying up in some places. There's no hurry now to finish- we don't even know how long this tier 4 thing is going to last which is unsettling. I opened all my pressies and found enough chocolate to sink a ship!, some frothy coffees, 2 books, a DVD and biscuits. Also a notebook from someone that I actually sent them last year!

We did a family zoom meeting and my lap top worked properly which was good. Afterwards though I felt the saddest I'd been for months, missing my family....the children, grandchildren and the rest of us that are getting older and of course missing Colin the most. 

Before the zoom thing I began  to watch the DVD youngest daughter gave me - a 2009 film from my wish list called Glorious 39, it got a bit scary! Turns out to be a psychological wartime thriller - not what I thought really, anyway I turned it back on later and the ending wasn't too bad. Then I re-watched most of the DVD of Their Finest Hour - another film set in wartime that has a sad ending which is why I turned off early. After that I found the war film "Tora" "Tora""Tora" was on TV. 
I need to stop this WWII fixation, I'm blaming Sue in Wales/Lancs for her new Ration Book Challenge!.

Must finish the washing up and hoovering today

Back Tomorrow







  1. Hope you have finished the washing up.
    Well what night the wind was horrendous fortunately I only had a couple of pots fallen and the bird table coukd have been a lot worse hope you were okay.
    I wondered if you watch the programme a few nights ago in the war time (1940) I can only remember the good times I was born in 1938 and my sister 1940, my brothers 1943 and 1945 it seemed every time my dad came home from war another sibling was born.
    I think we miss our partners at Christmas more time than any other.

    Had a lovely surprise the other day in the garden a Daffodil was in flower.
    Take care Sue.
    Hazel c U.K. 🌈🌈🌈

    1. At last all the pots and pans, plates and dishes are washed and away. Although I'll soon need to start packing all my "best" china into boxes!

      What an early daffodil, I'd better start checking for the first snowdrops. Daffs will be much later in my open windy spot on the top of a Suffolk "hill"

  2. I had fixations on both world wars, but only when I was doing my family histories of those times. I also have a book (shortened version) of the Indian Mutiny, also due to an ancestor. Doing family history does improve knowledge of particular times in history.

    Sunny here today after yesterday's Storm Bella, not much damage as far as I'm aware.

    1. I don't think any of my relations were involved in fighting during WW1 or 2. On my Dad's side they were all farmers and on Mums side working in local factories that were turned over to war production. That's back to my grandparents generation, before that I've no idea.

    2. Relatives on both sides of my parents were doing something, even my Mum was in the WAAFs and a few aunts were also in uniform doing something. Strange and harder times for them at that time.

  3. You sound almost busy Sue! I had enough books to last until Spring Sue - including this year's Booker. Watched The Repair Shop and the Sewing Bee then went to bed. Strange days.

    1. I missed both those so will catch up on them later.
      Strange days indeed and seemingly no end to them for months

    2. You'll need a box of tissues on hand for the Repair Shop! It was brilliant imho

  4. I somehow love the idea of being re-gifted a present that you bought for someone else, it should teach us all to only buy for other things we would want ourselves ... hoping we might get it back, I do hope it was a notebook that you actually liked!!

    I apologise for getting you fixated on WW2 ... I am too. Up to know this week I have watched Housewife, 49 and Goodnight Mr Tom. And then last night The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society. And of course the two part 'Wartime Christmas'. And that's on top of having two books on the go about rationing of food and doing on-line research on the Points System. Me obsessed ... JUST A LOT, haha.

    And stop offering me under the counter black market chocolate, you'll get us both arrested ;-)

    1. I've not watched Housewife 49 for ages - it makes me too sad.
      Have you got the DVD of Wartime Winter and Summer with Paul Heiney? First made for Anglia TV. I've also got a DVD called The Home Front - East Anglia at War.Put together by the East Anglian Film Archive.

    2. I remember visiting relations on Boxing Day. One said to her husband "I wish we hadn't given x that item, I'm sure x gave it to you last year, darling" she spent a while stressing about it. I didn't know if I should say "don't worry, it wasn't from him, it was from us". I kept quiet!

    3. Where did you find Goodnight Mr Tom, it's one of my favourites.?

    4. Yes I have the Paul Heiney DVD, i think another watching of it might be good, there's lots of cooking in it, and I can whiz through the farming bits :-)

      Absolutely brilliant Angela ... how did you keep a straight face!!

      I have Goodnight Mr Tom on DVD, a much watched copy. I've just checked and it is available on Amazon for £4.99.

  5. Funny you say you feel the saddest after your Zoom. I feel the same way after each of my Christmas phone call visits too. All everyone talks about is the virus and I just want to talk about anything else over Christmas. I think for those of us on our own it brings out the melancholia because it is a time of togetherness. We will get through this. We have to!
    All my Christmas food was made in advance, so just reheat to eat with no endless pans to scrub!

    1. Yes I will get through too. Just need the sun to shine for a few days and I'll feel better

  6. Sorry for the post-zoom/Christmas let-down. Unavoidable, I think, in these times--especially with too much time to think. Good to focus on your 12-day stash. As long as it doesn't include any more war films! :)

  7. I'm glad that you have your 12 day stash to look forward to and that lots of chocolate is included. I think it is normal to feel a bit "down" after the Zoom meetings and phone calls - you can't help but miss seeing those people in person.
    Hopefully, if we all follow the rules and the vaccine continues to roll out around the world, it won't be too many more months before we at least have some semblance of normal back again.
    I too love to watch the "Wartime Farm" and read Nella Last's books and I am looking forward to following Sue's Challenge on rationing. I used to love the stories from my grandparents and parents. I think it also helps to put what we are going through now into perspective.
    Enjoy your books and chocolates - both are also on my menu for this week.

    1. By the time I've finished all my Christmas chocolate gifts I will have gone right off sweet things until next Christmas!

  8. Oh Sue! I have gotten that same book for Christmas from my son and his wife! I have begun it, but see that it is a book to be read slowly, with time to think in between.

    1. I've not looked at it yet, saving it for real winter weather that we might get in January or February

    2. I had it from the library, (well, the libby app) and wasn't to get my own copy so I can read it slowly and reflect on it. (The downside of the libby app is that it tells you when people have requested the book!)

  9. Tell me more about the new Ration Book Challenge!

    1. Sue who lives in Wales and Lancs is doing it. If you look at my sidebar you will see her blogs "A Smaller Life" and " A year of Modern Rationing".

  10. I had to laugh when you mentioned the pots and pans. I had the same situation here and it took me two days (on and off) to get them all washed up. I'm starting to think if you leave dirty pans they will multiply!

    I am loving your "Day After Christmas" song and I'm singing it with you. There is not much better than a good book and some chocolate!

  11. We’ve yet to watch Their Finest Hour but have the dvd...I’d best keep the tissues to hand...especially remembering my own late father’s wartime experiences alongside the film...he was already a Coldstream Guard when WW2 broke out. x

  12. I have always been fascinated by the make do and mend approach of this period in time. Some of the books that have come out with the Mass Observation diary entries are very enlightening and give a real flavour of the time. Arilx

  13. Your Tier 4 sounds absolutely horrid but I hope it works in doing what it is meant to do. I've been feeling sad lately too, my doctor says it is because I am transitioning into being a single person again. Wasn't quite sure what to think of that!
    You are braver than me watching scary films alone, probably why I prefer comedies.
    Loving your 12 days of Xmas :) xx

  14. Yes tier 4 is hard for people where families are too far to meet just for the day. and I am sure it was hard remembering times with Colin, but you have a new start planned so hope you find that perfect house soon.
