Wednesday 29 May 2024

Colourful Food

Someone said they love to know what other people eat in different countries around the world so here  are a few days of main meals................

I like home made, traditional and colourful  with different textures............

Beige food would make me feel.................beige!

Home made two cheese pasty using home made shortcrust pastry, containing cheddar and parmesan, onion, spinach and peas.
With fresh carrots and green beans from the freezer and home made tomato relish.

Home made pizza. Using pizza base made in bread machine, home made topping using tomatoes, onion and seasonings. Topped with a few slices of salami + cheddar and parmesan cheese, ( thought I had mozzarella in the freezer but hadn't) Served with salad leaves and cucumber.

Treated myself to fresh asparagus. Served with a poached egg on home made granary bread.

Home made Thai Red Fish curry using Thai red curry paste, potatoes, onion, tin tomatoes, value range white fish and peas. Served with rice and one each of the party food items from the freezer- onion bhaji, vegetable samosa and vegetable gyoza. 

Belly Pork Slice in hoisin sauce plus stir-fry carrots, onions and peppers, served with noodles.

Home made Salmon and Broccoli bake with salad leaves and cucumber and a piece of home made focaccia bread

Cauliflower and green beans with cheese sauce and a few sweet potato fries from a packet in the freezer

Just need to say that my other meals in a day are much, much smaller!

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  1. Beautiful colours! I don’t know why but even though I am still following you, you no longer appear on my reading list, how weird. Have to keep finding you via a search online.

    1. Rachel said the same the other day. It's very odd. I've not changed any settings.
      I have the 'blogs I read' gadget in layouts that updates all the blogs I read in the sidebar and that's where I go to read other peoples new posts - so no idea about other ways of reading.

    2. Yep, you no longer appear but I expect it will come back. As I said, I saw someone else mention their reading lists had gone funny a few weeks back. I now go to Weave's blog list to get here!

  2. Me too, I have to check in via my blog list each morning, as you aren't showing up.

    1. Oh well, I know I'm still here so that's OK! Just hope I return for everyone else

  3. Food colour I never think about but now you mention it mine is mostly green vegetables or salads with red tomatoes and beetroot and some new potatoes and so all is not beige.

    1. I gave BiL beetroot seed in the hope that he grows enough for me to have some - I must find out how it's doing.

  4. Lovely colourful food which makes it appetising to eat. Catriona

    1. I do like to eat a variety and plenty of fruit and veg if I can

  5. Mrs Rowlands, our Biology teacher, told us to always have as many colours on our plates as possible. Simple, but very true.

    1. That's a good plan - hopefully I have enough

  6. Your meals all look really delicious :)

    1. I like to batch make different things to have in the freezer which make it so easy to cook for myself every day

  7. it all looks good.
    did you see Anthony Worral Thompson's new campaign to get everyone eating 30 different vegetables and fruit a week? Good luck on that AWT!

    1. I've got Hugh Fearnley Whitingstalls book "How to Eat 30 plants a week" on order from the library - and so have 100 other people. Must be the new 'Thing'

    2. maybe it was HFW not AWT, I get easily confused.

    3. It was the 'new thing' last year or so, I think I remember Angie posting about it. I think Hugh has just jumped on an under-exploited bandwagon. I have the book already I just haven't had time to read it yet.

  8. I really enjoyed this post. Its inspiring. The plate of food looks so tempting with different colours and textures. I just made a vegetable lasagna so do have colour on the plate today. I am looking forward to local fresh produce soon. We have had a very much wetter than average May and my rhubarb is going to be my first harvest. Jean in Winnipeg.

    1. Spinach and ricotta lasagne is another thing I make and divide and freeze - I ought to find another similar recipe to try

  9. Yes your blogs are not coming up on my blogger feed either!

  10. Your meals look excellent. I also like color and food arranged nicely on my plate. One main large meal a day works for me as well.

    1. I usually have toast for breakfast and cheese, oat biscuits and fruit for my other meal and something small in the evening

  11. A good variety of colorful foods, Sue.
    I always come to your blog from Weaver's blog.

    1. I like a wide variety of food.
      Hope the mystery of the disappearing blog update is solved somehow

  12. I agree your food looks appetizing. I also have Hugh F-W’s book on order. I remember him from the days when he went to a placenta eating party!

    We also like to batch cook and have something in the freezer. Tonight it is lamb, aubergine and chickpea tagine on couscous. Yesterday we had gyoza- purchased not home made.

  13. I'm glad I never saw the placenta eating thing!
    The lamb tagine sounds good - although the chick peas would have to be missed out for me.

  14. Wow they all look so delicious!

  15. Home made, healthy and appetising !

  16. ( definitely not anonymous, sorry )

  17. Some beautiful looking and I bet tasting meals there. Definitely nothing beige in sight!!
