Monday 27 May 2024

Following a Tree

 The end of May and time to take photos of the oak trees up the Quiet Lane for the Following a Tree 2024 posts

What a difference a month makes, this time in April the leaves were only just appearing, now they are all there, new green and lovely.

Was oak out before ash or vice versa? I think fractionally the oaks were first , but will the summer be a soak or a splash?  Jolly good question. I heard Monty Don at the Chelsea Flower Show, say twice that we are in for a very hot summer but I'll believe it when/if it's here, especially after the wash out of a Bank Holiday weekend we've just had.

What else is happening up the lane.

The field that had just been sown in April is now showing that it's sugar beet growing there.

Bet the farmer is glad he got the field drained, the water was running off after the huge downpours earlier in the week.

And on the other side of the road the Barley has ears

And dog roses are just appearing

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  1. It is good to see the dog roses appearing, everything seems to rush by.

  2. Thank you for my first dog-rose Sue. I have one that creeps through my hedge from the field each year. It faces North and knows if it pushes through it can catch the sun but so far only a few leaves.

  3. Love that fresh green of springtime oak trees. I don't think anything else has that particular colour, at least not in such large amounts. Beautiful :)

  4. Everything is looking really lush thanks to all this years rain isn't it. We've just driven back from North Wales and everything looks as big and over-blown as it usually looks at the end of July. Thank goodness the farmer got his drainage sorted out, it must have been a big expense.

  5. It's so nice to see the changes in nature as the seasons go by. The year is going by so quickly for me!

  6. It’s lovely to see how green and healthy the tree looks in May. Thanks for showing all the other loving things growing near to you. Catriona

  7. When everything turns green, it is truly beautiful. The growing season is in progress and the beet and barley fields look really good.

  8. Thank you everyone above for comments

  9. The tree, and fields are showing just how quickly things can change. Lovely photos.

    God bless.

  10. I remember seeing dog roses when we hiked in the Cotswolds. There were many fields to cross to a wide variety of plantings.

  11. Beautiful. That tree is so lovely
