Tuesday 21 May 2024

The Most Recent Vegetarian Taste Test

 I thought I'd tried enough various frozen vegetarian supermarket foods since October 2021 to put me right off for ever.  The last three tests were two things Lidl get in for Christmas, then a  fresh farm shop pie tried in February. 
Since then my veggie meals have been things I've made and frozen myself but the freezer was down to one Thai Fish Curry, one vegetable Korma curry, the salmon and broccoli bakes made last month, a couple of boxes of pizza toppings and my experimental two-cheese and vegetable pasties (and very good they are too but can't remember what I put in them!)

Because I usually go to Aldi on my way into town I rarely buy frozen things there but  a couple of weeks ago I was in town first and Aldi on the way home and I spotted these in the freezer at £1.69 for 4, and thought they were worth a try as they don't have any 'fake meat'  (quorn and soya protein) which I'm avoiding and aren't bean based either (can't eat chick peas etc.)

I added my home made tomato chutney, a smidge of mayo and some salad leaves and it made a very nice meal. Much nicer than the soya protein based Linda McCartney vegetarian mozzarella burgers (2 for £2.50) which I had tried in the past.

 I looked online to compare and spotted some Tesco burgers which seem to have the same ingredients but 2g less fat and are priced matched to Aldi (at the moment) so also £1.69 for 4.
Conveniently Aldi white and wholemeal baps are also in packs of 4  for 69p making a meal for  about 60p.
 I'll definitely be buying again and will eat with tomatoes and cucumber when I have my own.

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  1. There is a neutrality taste about those burgers, you have to add it, I use lemon mayonnaise for mine but they are crisp and crunchy.

    1. Luckily I have plenty of my tomato relish left and will make more this year. The crisp and crunchy coating is very good

  2. Processed food of this nature is not health food. You would be better off eating a salad and sardines and lemon juice.

  3. Thanks for this Sue, I'll probably get some. Like you, I don't eat Quorn, soya fake meat or tofu, preferring to make my own veggie things. But just occasionally, it would be nice to not have to make something for me when husband's having a meat burger.

    1. All other veggie things are now home made, but these I shall keep in the freezer for a an occasional meal - all the ingredients are normal things, nothing odd

  4. The less fact ingredients the better isn't it, although I'm not a vegetarian I occasionally eat quorn but find it claggy and tastes slightly strange. Your meal looks tasty and good value.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I was pleased to find a veggie burger that really was just veggies

  5. I like a vegetarian dish that's called HATs. It's Hummus, Avocado, Tomato on toast. So easy but so yummy!

    1. I can't eat hummus as it's made with chick peas and don't like avocado so that would be just Tomatoes on toast for me!

  6. I've had no luck with prepared meals of any kind. I've given up. Lately, my homemade salads have gotten bigger, adding an assortment of sliced chicken, tuna, shrimp or sliced ham to lots of mixed greens and veggies. Last night I made a chicken stir fry with peppers, kale, onion and lots of herbs. Tonight it will be poached salmon.

  7. I haven't tried these yet, but I do like burgers that are just made from vegetables usually.
    Weirdly I really like the battered sausages in the Plant Menu range, they are not the sort of thing I would usually go for. I bought them for Alan as he likes a sausage from the chippy every time he goes and I was doing a 'home-cooked chippy tea'. Of course I had to try one too.

  8. Sounds useful for a day when I really do not want to do much prep. I will give them a taste test.

  9. I am glad that this burger was better tasting than the last taste test. Really they are quite a good price as well.

    God bless.

  10. Sounds lovely. Wish there was more of a variety here. My brother-in-law makes a delicious leek and potato pie. Delicious. I love them and he always makes them a couple of times while I'm there!
