Tuesday 22 October 2024

Be Prepared or What's In The Cupboards Part 2

I photographed the big store of various flours I use last week .Next is the other cupboard which is above the worktop space where I bake etc. 

I tend to arrange things so that those used often are on bottom shelves. The top shelf of each of the 9 wall cupboards is way out of my reach without steps.

On the right is a plastic tub with various packs of nuts and that's a pack of pine nuts (ready for using with the butternut squash in a lasagne) on top that should be inside. Porridge, sultanas and currants. Icing and castor sugar in their special tins that Youngest Daughter got me for Christmas last year. Cooking chocolate on the left in a plastic bag. Few raisons separated out from a pack of nuts and raisons in the jar. I don't know why I still have a  tub of Cream of Tarter, it was last used for making play dough about 4 years ago!  The empty space at the front was holding an open bag of granulated sugar until I moved it to remind me what was behind.

Other side of the kitchen .Top shelf needing steps to reach - 4 sorts of sugar, all new except the Jam sugar - only one of each. Silver Spoon  to Support British farmers.

Middle shelf - Tins of fruit, cocoa for baking, custard powder - rarely used since Colin died . Black treacle and golden syrup. Lemon meringue pie filling that's way out of date but will be OK

Easy to reach bottom shelf. Rapeseed oil in use, balsamic vinegar, tub with sachets of sauces, behind them is a started pack of noodles, rice in a tub and  Rice Crispies 

The other cupboard to the left of hob

Nothing edible on the top shelf as it's right in the corner and virtually unreachable even with steps. 

Next shelf down beans, mushy peas, couple of tins of potatoes - for emergencies, vinegars, coconut milk, carrots -just in case and probably way out of date as I always have fresh in the fridge. Most used are the canned tomatoes. New Pesto and in the tub is one tube of tomato puree - need another. 

Below this is a shelf full of all sorts mostly in use.............
Vinegar in use and soy sauce, mustard powder, gravy granules - kallo no salt for me and Bisto for when I cook for others. Bisto powder for thickening a stew and half a pack of dumpling mix. Table salt, Worcester sauce, milk powder which I use if making a sauce, lots of sardines, pilchards and tuna, various tins of meat - for when nothing but meat will do. There's some marmite - many years old as I don't eat it, and some vegetarian stock cubes at the back.

In the base unit corner swing out shelves. Bottom shelf, mostly new things. . Squash for visitors. Peanut Butter, New bottles store, tomato sauce etc and lemonades plus a couple of tins of cider for wassailing or visitors.

Top swing out corner shelf. Pasta in use in the big box. There's some Wotsits at the back. Jars of honey, random bottles of water from somewhere, new marmalade. Few potatoes wrapped in a tea-towel to keep out light.

The pull out cupboard bottom shelf - new rapeseed oils and vinegar plus wine won in raffles. I don't drink so really need to give this away somewhere.

New packs various pastas

Next pull out shelf  - new noodles and rice store and the other pull out drawer has the flour which was on the other cupboard post last week

Last cupboard bottom shelves - herbs and spices and biscuits sweet and savoury. The tub has essences and food colourings. Dark Chocolate for lowering blood pressure - so they say!

Next shelf up. New shortbread biscuits and savoury and chocolate biscuits for visitors, tub has cashews also there is a packet of nuts and raisons for when I make  peanut biscuits.

Over the kettle and coffee machine is the cupboard with mugs and coffee and tea

I have a half and half fridge freezer in the kitchen and a chest freezer out in the storeroom.  I can't be bothered to list and photograph all the food in those at the moment, maybe I'll get around to it another day............ or Not.

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1 comment:

  1. It all looks very well organised with you.
    I wonder how many of us have those few things we hardly ever use but keep until well out of date? I think the oldest things I have are two very large catering tubs of cinnamon bought in the early 1990's with the intention of making cinnamon dough Christmas ornaments.
