Wednesday 9 October 2024

Jumble Sale Finds

 Jumble Sales are a rare occurrence nowadays but I went to a Giant Charity Jumble Sale held in Debenham Church a couple of weeks ago. Every pew was covered with all sorts - tons and tons of clothes - which I didn't sort through, although lots of people were. 

Some people were stuffing things into carrier bags like crazy - there were no set prices and payment was by donation on the way out.

I just came out with these three things. The 500 piece puzzle is to try to get back an interest in doing puzzles - starting small!. A Glow in the dark birthday card for one of the grandchildren and a book to encourage me to get out the crayons and do a bit of drawing and colouring everyday - starting in winter I reckon. I gave a £2 donation to the church for these three items.

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  1. Did the rise of charity shops lead to the demise of jumble sales?

  2. The village where my parents lived used to have jumble sales on a very regular basis, but I wonder if that still continues now that the lady who used to organise them has passed away. My father used to collect the jumble and said that some items were "old friends" which he picked up from different addresses every few months!
