Monday 28 October 2024

On This Day in 1957............

.................. the very first Today programme was broadcast on BBC radio. 

It's on Radio 4 nowadays, Monday to Friday mornings from 6am to 9 am and from 7am -9am on Saturdays. I can't cope with music early in the morning so Radio 4 is usually on from the time I wake up until I change to Radio 2 at 9am. I find an hour and a half or so of politics, finance and world news is enough to know what's happening in the world without making me depressed. I am, apparently, one of 6 million people who listen at some time each week.

The Today programme has had a lot of changes of presenters recently after the elderly John Humphrys was presenting seemingly forever. I hated the way he interrupted everyone he interviewed. Mishal Husain is very brusque but Amol Rajan is much nicer and brings a sense of humour. Their newest presenter is Emma Barnett who was a Woman's Hour presenter and is younger.

People have said that if the Today programme is missing from your radio at breakfast time then you know something really terrible has happened in the country!


 On Saturdays post  I forgot to mention that it was 'Clocks Back' weekend, I would never have forgot a few years ago because it was a much hated event. I'm getting so laid back in my old age that I can now embrace it rather than hate it!

And I forgot to say hello and welcome to some more followers, it was stuck at 817 for ages but now suddenly 820. 

Back Soon


  1. I listened to the Today programme every morning until 2010, when I found the pre election stuff depressing and switched to Radio 2. Then when Chris Evans left, I started the day without regular radio, although I do have Classic fm on sometimes. I think Amol Rajan is an excellent presenter though. He's great on univ challenge

  2. I thought it was Sunday for the clocks (for some reason - though it IS 2 a.m. Sunday morning, so I was sort of right!) and slept as normally, woken by the cats at 7 (now 8 a.m.). So didn't appreciate an extra hour! As I still have to venture out early and very occasionally drive after dark, I wish they would stop changing it . . . Still, only 7 weeks to the shortest day now . . .

  3. I prefer peace in the house and dont listen to radio, not even Ken Bruce's Popmaster anymore. I gave up with the Radio 4 6pm News (the only one I listened to when I got home from work) in mid 2016 when I could no longer stand any of what they were saying anymore, very biased bulletin to the left.
    After my mum died I forgot all about clock changing as it was always she who reminded me. Now I tend to live on "old time" for a few days and it doesn't really matter, unless I have an appointment somewhere of course.

  4. I don't find Mishal Husain brusque. I find her calm,polite and persistent. She doesn't let get away with waffle and obfuscation. I listen less to the Today programme these days, however, I give up and change over to Radio 3. Christine

  5. I listen to Radio 4 or Radio 4 Extra, though not all day. I prefer peace, generally. I like Mishal Husain, and think Emma Barnett is a very good presenter.
