Saturday 5 October 2024

Saturday 5th and More Painting Planned

This is the living room end of my newly painted room with the new flooring and the new rug. The rug changes colour all the time with the light and which way it's looked at but has the gold/greens of the sofa and chair and curtains merging into blue at one end like the chest the TV sits on and the bookshelves.

Last weekend I was doing a bit of tidying in the small bedroom/toy room/playroom and realised that I had enough paint left from the living room to do that room, which is also grey at the moment. So I can get rid of the 15 little hooks the previous owners had - all were holding a photograph - and fill in all the holes that will be left. They have to be prised off with a screwdriver and pliers and leave a big hole behind. I've made a start but will get going properly next week. 

We had a lot of rain here on Monday and then again on Tuesday, and yet again on Wednesday. I took DiLs birthday present over early Monday and the water was already across the road in one place that flooded to a serious depth last year. Was it always like this? every day of rain producing flooding on country roads? I don't remember it from the past and we certainly never had problems getting to school in the 60's. 

For the first time since our Keep Moving group started 2 years ago, this week we didn't have enough people turn up to run it, numbers have gone down since the summer. One or two ill, others away, two with ill husbands - it's not looking good for the future - sadly. Other groups for over 60's exercise are further away and more expensive. We'll try again next week.

I took a boot-load of bags of 'stuff' to town on Thursday to pop into a charity shop, but had to go to 4 different charity shops before I could find anyone to take it. One shop was only accepting one bag per person, another two taking nothing but thankfully the new Mind shop welcomed my bags of unwanted crockery, toys and odds and ends. Those taking nothing said they were chock-a-block full in the back rooms. Are fewer people buying from charity shops? Maybe - I've only bought a couple of things from a CS this year..

There's been no phone signal in the village and some surrounding areas for O2 for the last few days. I thought it was me and my phone and something I'd done wrong but thanks to the local Facebook and Next Door website I read lots of other people are having problems too. Something to do with the mast that can't be sorted quickly apparently. Hope it doesn't take too long.

This week I am grateful for

  • Lots of delicious eating apples from my little trees
  • Help in the garden from someone looking to fill some time
  • Getting to the pool for a swim
Have a good weekend.

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  1. If your Keep Moving class doesn't survive, can I suggest you have a look at 2 YouTube channels- yes2next and Will Harlow HT? The first is a channel started during Covid. It's aimed at older people - a Japanese American mother and daughter do the whole session. You follow along. The sessions are based on walking with some work with weights. The approach is friendly and relaxed.
    The second is produced by a UK based physiotherapist, Will Harlow. He focuses on the over 50s and demonstrates,very clearly, how to deal with problems but also exercises to improve health and fitness.

  2. I am definitely donating more and buying less in the Charity Shops these days! Perhaps they will get more custom as Christmas approaches, with people buying party outfits, and looking for gifts.

  3. We get more rain in the east than we used to but we also suffer from more blocked culverts, more filled in ditches, more concrete, more houses, and the result is less drainage. Your room looks fresh and bright now.
