Thursday, 17 June 2021

The New Header Photo

 The new header is my bungalow, the only bungalow built when this new housing estate of about 60 homes was started in the 1980s. I'm on the front edge of the estate fronting one of the main roads through the village and although that means more passing traffic (especially early mornings but thankfully not all night!) at least I don't have houses crowding in on all sides. Each side of me is a house built at the same time and over the back fence is the back garden of another house which fronts onto the road into the estate. 
A few years ago I would have avoided a position like this completely but after a total of 27 years living where everything required driving it is a treat to be able to walk to things.
 I no longer have to keep a box for glass recycling and then load it up to take to the bottle bank - it's just a stroll up the road to the bottle bank behind the pub. The library van, the chip shop, the doctors, the hairdressers are just a short walk away. As is the URC chapel where WI will be held once they can have proper meetings again. The rubbish and recycling bins are just a few steps from the front door and only need wheeling on the path to the roadside - unlike Clay Cottage where I had to either wheelbarrow or drive bags down to the end of the lane.


The bungalow was built with a double garage and the previous owners used one garage to extend the front main bedroom, this work was done about 6 years ago. So I have a nice big bedroom/craftroom and en-suite shower room at the front of the house while the really good size living/dining room is at the back away from the road. The kitchen and bathroom are also at the front with the other two bedrooms at the back looking onto the garden. I've got used to not having a door to outside from the kitchen so may not bother to have one put in. With no fires to fetch wood etc for I won't need to pop in and out quite as often in winter so just having the patio doors into the back garden from the living room will probably suffice. I'm loving having the patio doors open all day - something that's never happened before because both at the smallholding and at Clay Cottage the doors opened into a conservatory which just made the rooms too hot.

It was another  lovely hot sunny day yesterday - now we are due thunderstorms of course (someone said an English summer is 3 fine days and a thunderstorm) and a bit more unsettled for a while. More good tennis  on TV yesterday, with Cam Norrie and Jack Draper both getting through to the quarter finals.....and due to play each other, so we are assured of a Brit in the semis. I went swimming but found I had no energy so only did 25 minutes, that was enough.

Back Tomorrow 


  1. When I saw your new header photo yesterday I immediately thought have lovely your bungalow looks, a nice sized plot and nice frontage. They did a good job of converting the other garage and a more spacious bedroom is far more useful.

  2. I thought, what a nice home too. Better to have a bigger bedroom than a double garage (esp. when just one car in the household). It all sounds very convenient. We are better placed here than we were at our old house but walking to the shops would be a longer stroll for us as they're 2 miles away, but still, very convenient. Vet, GP, everyday shops just down the hill. I hope we never have to leave here as I love it so much.

    Your wait for your new home was worth it, even the inconvenience of moving from short rent to short rent whilst it was all sorted out. We were both fortunate to move before the new deadline for the Stamp Duty relief ending - reading in the paper yesterday that solicitors and conveyancers are working round the clock to try and get all sales sorted, but it must be a dodgy wicket for those in a chain . . .

    We have had lots of sun this month - rain clouds have now hove into sight and if there is thunder, I will stay indoors as it breaks the pollen up into tinier pieces which is not good for asthmatics like me. It will help the garden no end though - we practically had to take a hammer and chisel to the clay soil up in the paddock, where we have the new veg plot. Starting from scratch is never easy with a veg garden.

  3. That looks "just the ticket" Sue. May your new home be blessed with love, life and laughter 🙂❤️👍

  4. Lovely looking place, well found. No thunderstorms overnight for us but light rain. Very warm night:(

  5. Your new bungalow looks lovely, just the sort of thing I am looking for... unsuccessfully so far.
    I am totally with you on the convenience of being able to walk to averything rather than use the car. That has been our main reason for moving house.

  6. What a perfect bunglow you have made a very sensible move.

  7. Our last house had a conservatory which typically was either too hot or cold, our bungalow has patio doors into our garden, I would never want a conservatory in the way again.

  8. I really like the welcoming look of your new home and think you'll be very happy there. I'd love a drive that's big enough to turn the car around too!!

  9. Your bungalow is beautiful, like me I enjoy living in my new home especially no stairs to climb, We had no storm last night but we did have rain, I do know the hayfever is bad again.
    Enjoy all your happiness in your new home Sue.
    Hazel 🌈🌈

  10. It's all looking perfect and lovely for you, and I wish you every happiness in your new home.

  11. I always liked living in a small village where you can just walk to things and it will be good for you in the winter months. Having the kitchen on the front means you will see people walking passed too and can also hide away in the back in the living room - all sounds quite perfect and you are settling in well and realising the benefits.

  12. What a nice looking house with lots of off road parking which is a real benefit.

  13. You're very wise moving to somewhere where all the amenities are within a short stroll. We are all getting older and might not be able to drive as we age. I would love a bungalow, but alas they don't seem to be building many. If more were built older people could move thus freeing up the bigger homes for families. Your home is beautiful.

  14. Looks perfect. A good find for you. Enjoy.

  15. The trees too close to the new builds were a blessing in disguise. The bungalow looks perfect.

  16. What nice spot you've found, Sue. The cottage sounds perfect and your garden is lovely and a perfect size for what you enjoy.
    I'm happy for you.

  17. Love your cottage! It’s got character and it’s convenient to everything ! I could live there, too!

  18. Sounds terrific! Everything you need within close distance! Perfect!

  19. I love your bungalow, Sue. It's really charming and the fact that you can walk places is an extra special bonus. I think you found a wonderful spot!

  20. Your bungelow looks nice. Enjoy your life there.

  21. Your new home is just lovely! It's wonderful to have a larger bedroom so you can also use it as a craft room. The ability to walk to so many places is a real plus for you too. I am truly happy for you!

  22. When I moved into my bungalow, the first thing I noticed was how wonderful not to lug a vacuum upstairs - and really how fast I could nip round every room with such little effort. You found a little gem there, a much-loved place as the beautiful garden shows. I'm sure you will enjoy many happy years there, Sue' xx

  23. That looks good and sounds just the ticket! Best wishes

  24. That looks a lovely place but take care not to get "bungalow leg" - my dad got so he could no longer walk up stairs. Not only do we still have stairs, we also have an exercise machine.

  25. Your bungalow looks perfect and has a lovely garden. Do you still have Polly the cat?

  26. What a beautiful perfectly sized home! Now we need a sketch of the floor plan and an indoor tour. No wood heat! That will be great, think of it, not smock, no soot, not carrying wood on a frigid night when your back or knees may hurt. Great parking too.


  27. Is that a slate roof? Your home is very nice, and just the right size.

  28. You've chosen very well as the house is perfect and seems to meet all your needs very nicely.

  29. What a lovely home. Enjoy it.

    God bless.

  30. It looks absolutely perfect, you have chosen so well.

  31. Thank you for sharing the photo and details about your home.
