My sister is really my half sister although she's been my dear little sister all her life! My Real Dad was killed in a motorbike accident (no compulsory helmets back in the 50's) a few months before I was born. Three years later Mum married my Real Dad's older brother - who I always called Dad- and a year later my sister was born.
After my Mum died Dad said some very odd and quite bitter things about his younger brother, he was rarely spoken about before although I always knew the story and that Dad wasn't my Real Dad.
I didn't really want to hear that Real Dad had often spent evenings in the local pub with some of the other men from the road rather than at home with my Mum and other odd comments that may or may not have been true. There's no one to confirm or deny or to be hurt or angry from what he said.
Now comes the mystery.
In the last 30 years I've been mistaken several times for someone else - I'll call her "J". (which isn't her initial)."J" lived in the same village and was at primary school with me - although a year older - but moved to a different but nearby village and primary school not far away when she was about 8. She didn't pass her 11 plus exam but a year later she started at our Grammar school in our year - redoing the first year - as she'd been found to be smart enough to be at Grammar School and should have passed the exam.
When we were at school I don't think we looked alike and even in the Grammar school reunion photo of 1988 below we are quite different.
I'm 3rd from left in front row and "J" is in this photo but I won't say where.

However, in the next few years two people I happened to meet -who I hadn't seen for years- thought I was "J". One was someone I'd lived just two houses from for nearly 20 years and the other was someone I'd been in the same class with for 5 years at Grammar School.
Then in the mid to late 90's while at the huge Suffolk Show I came out of the loo to be met by "J" saying "Hello Susan, saw you going in, thought I'd wait to say hello". It was like looking in a mirror! We spoke for a few minutes - mainly remembering the School Reunion and then her children started to pull her away.
Mum had sort of kept in contact with "J"s Mum and Dad for some reason and when I married first time in 1975 it was actually "J"'s Mum who made my wedding dress.
Now there are a few odd things I'd overheard from Mum while she was still alive . You know how you hear adults talking about someone but don't really understand? One was that "J's much younger brother was adopted as "they had problems" .
Then the other day I got this comment on a blog post.............
Hello "J" do you know how Dr M is now? Dave (I've deleted the comment now)
This person Dave - no idea who he is, had tracked my blog from googling about the school and finding where I'd posted the reunion photo several years ago(Dr M was Headmaster of the Grammar school and is on the reunion photo).
But why did he call me "J" when I'm Sue in Suffolk on the blog and my name was on the Facebook page? He replied saying he thought I was "J".
So that's the mystery. Did my Real Dad have a short fling with "J"'s Mum a couple of years before I was born?
No way to find out as I've no idea where "J" is now, although she's probably still in Suffolk as she married a Suffolk farmer, and anyway it's not something I would want to know and I'm sure she wouldn't want to either and the fact we look so similar as we've aged could be a complete coincidence.
The mystery will remain a mystery!
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