Thursday 14 December 2023

December 14th - Portmeirion Holly and Ivy

My Portmeirion Holly and Ivy 'Not a collection' hasn't grown since 2020. The first piece was the best bargain and came from a car boot sale way back in the autumn of 2017 for just £2. It wasn't meant to be the start of a collection!

But then the same year I found another piece- a small dish on a pedestal -  in a charity shop, then the next year a tea-plate from a boot sale and butter knives for a Christmas present. A year later and I found a big centrepiece plate from a boot sale again. Finally in 2020 I spent a few more pounds on a small custard/gravy jug and saucer which were in one of the glass cabinets that charity shops have for their special things.

Since then I've not seen another piece for sale at car boot sales or anywhere else - which is probably a Very Good Thing!

Some comments I remember because they seem a bit "off" and I definitely remember someone commenting, when I wrote about the first piece, that having special Christmas china was a "superfluous and unnecessary trend coming from the US". And of course they used plain white all the time - with Real holly!

I had to smile when the same person (I'm 99% sure it's the same person) commented elsewhere recently that they were getting their pieces of "T'was the night before Christmas" crockery out of the cupboard.

They probably didn't bank on me sometimes having a good memory for slightly snarky comments! 

But as it's Christmas they are forgiven.

Many thanks for comments yesterday about memories of Christmas decorations. Seems we all had something similar.  Apologies for not replying.

Back Tomorrow


  1. It is beautiful china, I think. I have some of the Spode Christmas Tree and start using it at the beginning of December in order to get some use from it - it is a real delight. xx

    1. I saw a piece of that Spode in a charity shop last week - think it was s tea plate

  2. I love your small 'not a collection ' xmas china - Merry Christmas x
    Alison in Wales x

  3. I put my everyday mugs away and use Christmas ones through December. That's one twelfth of the year. That's a significant amount of use imho. Portmerion China is lovely. If these items spark joy, and you consider them useful and beautiful then that's great.

    1. I love the Holly and Ivy and should use it much more than I do.

  4. Hi, did you know there is a Christmas boot sale at Needham lakes this Saturday? Your Christmas china is lovely. Veronica

    1. Yes - it's in the diary - might not be many there for a one off. But weather permitting I bet I'll go and look

  5. Your christmas china is lovely and we really hope to visit Portmerion next summer. Like Angela, our christmas mugs come out on 1st December and are used until the 31st. Catriona

    1. When we were in that part of Wales a long time ago we wanted to visit the village but it was too expensive for us!

  6. I just have the gravy boat and the long rectangular plate which I use for Chocolate roulade at Christmas. I think mine were cut price in TK-Maxx. I can understand your remembering such a snide comment. Plain white china was NEVER for me - anymore plain white interlock knickers or sensible M&S white cotton bras! With apologies to anyone who wears nothing else!!

    My memory just holds every disparaging and deliberately hurtful comment my late ma-in-law made to me. SO spiteful and unnecessary and I never forgave her.

    1. That comment caused quite a lot of replies from people in the US.
      Thankful I don't get too many cutting comments

  7. People can be so judgemental. Often it's sour grapes. I really like Portmeirion china.
    I have Christmas mugs but didn't use them last year and haven't so far got them out - probably won't now. I hope I regain some energy in 2024 . . .

  8. Portmeirion pottery is lovely whatever design you are not collecting. I have only got a few odd pieces. All different patterns. I don't see what is wrong with having things that are purely kept for Christmas if it's your choice. I wouldn't pay any attention to the person who criticized you, they might be jealous.

    1. I didn't pay any attention at the time but remembered it because of all the replies from irritated US citizens!

  9. I used to smile at some of my commenters that completely contradicted themselves on many occasions, not realising that I have the same sort of good memory ... especially for the snarky and snidy comments and 'helpful advice'.

    Your Christmas 'not a collection' china is lovely and collected in the most perfect way. I use the same few plates and mugs over and over but just this past week I've been thinking that Christmas mug would be really nice. (Alan has all our white china, he loves it but I switched over to a small collection of green and vintage.)

    1. My Christmas cup and saucer had to go off to a charity shop as the cup was huge and too heavy to lift when full. Although Christmas mugs I've seen in charity shops this year have all been too small!

  10. That's lovely china, Sue. I'm glad you enjoy it and use it each year. Good finds!

    1. I need to use it more often really but it's very pretty and I would hate to break it

  11. I love that plate.

    Had to smile about snarky comments and people contradicting themselves. Sometime people do it in the same post. Some people’s self awareness is pretty low.

    1. Some people say things that stick in the mind - I think they should write their own blog!

  12. Beautiful! I love your holly china. I would use it throughout the winter. It is so pretty to look at. Displaying cake, chocolates or even fruit (pears, oranges, grapes) on the pedestal dish would look perfect as a centerpiece on the table.

  13. Obviously a case of do as I say, not as i do! We have quite a lot of the holly and ivy china by Portmeirion. x

  14. Lovely pieces and finding more would be perfect (well maybe). I will pull out my mom's good china to use on Christmas.

    God bless.

  15. Dear friends of ours lived in a gorgeous Georgian farmhouse in midWales, and their everyday china was Portmerion - I am reminded of them every time I see some. It is my favourite. We have some Christmas tree ornaments that go back to the early 50s, and have to be wrapped up so carefully after their annual outing. From Back-In-the-Day, when such things were not disposable and more (made in China) purchased to suit the colour of the Year that you are being told is the Must Have".

  16. It's really lovely and you found some lovely bargains. I really hope you write down some of these stories for your family, though I'm sure this blog is written word history.
