Tuesday 5 December 2023

December 5th and Help With The Tree?

Apologies for not replying to comments yesterday - I had 3 year old middle grandson for the day. I got the Christmas tree out of the garage and fitted together and put the lights on right ready and the theory was that he would help me put all the bits on - but he preferred the dinosaurs, after getting the car box out as usual!

Which for some reason had to played with on the TV cupboard

He was fascinated by the nesting 'Russian Doll' Santa which he'd long forgotten from last year.

So I had to put the bits and bobs on all by myself. It's the older things this year as I don't remember when they were last out of their bag.

Including the reindeer made from pegs by oldest (or maybe youngest) daughter when she was in Brownies.

And a little cross stitch - that I made many years ago

That's the decorating done for 2023!

Back Tomorrow


  1. Lovely! Artistic trees, carefully styled in matching colours may be attractive. But my favourites are the eclectic ones where the mismatched ornaments each have their own stories and carry precious memories, reminding us of the love of family and friends.

    1. I have some pretty bits from a penfriend from the States - that was back when postage was much cheaper than now

  2. Aw - that looks really lovely. Memory decorations are definitely better than matching - and anyway, everything goes together at Christmas. xx

    1. I seem to have gathered gold, red, green and silver tree decorations over the years which are all in separate bags - most from charity shops but this bag of 'old and natural' haven't been out for a while

  3. I love a tree filled with memories.

    1. I'd not had some of these out for a while so had forgotten what they all were.

  4. The littl'un enjoyed himself anyway! When my children were small they always dressed the tree and I used to be envious - I only ever got to take it all DOWN! Now I get to dress it and wish they were little again :) Happy memories with the decorations - they are imbued with love.

    1. I'm sure if it had been one of the granddaughters here they would have helped. But he's a typical boy - cars, wild animals and dinosaurs!

  5. Precious times. Even if you had no help :) The old homemade ornaments are timeless. My oldest homemade one is a 35 year old robin that my 40 year old daughter made in her reception class. Brings me joy every time I get the decorations out. Janipi

    1. He's a fun little fella to look after, we have to read all 3 dinosaur books every time and hunt for dinosaurs with our binoculars!

  6. Your tree looks lovely, very festive. Little grandson had a great time, by the look of it.

    1. I'm glad that he is always happy to be here. But I think I need some new dinosaur books for a change of reading!

  7. We don't put ours up until a day or too before Christmas. We seem to be the only ones now.

    1. I need to cheer up December but then I get them down and away before new year

  8. I'm decorating bit by bit but haven't done the tree yet. Waiting for my son to feel better from the Covid I gave him. Soon, I think!

    1. A tree, Christmas cards and the top of the bookshelf and that's enough for me!

  9. Typical little boy! I have one rather similar next door!! x

    1. It's always the car box first, then the dinosaurs then the tub with the zoo animals, by then the floor is like an obstacle course!

  10. I do love the yearly unpacking of memories. I miss having people around to help, and to say, "remember this..." Your grandson will get into it. And then he will become a teenager, and suddenly, he'll be too busy.

    1. My children all have different memories to me which is always odd to find out what I have forgotten

  11. Tree really brightens up these dark afternoons. I love how children like to play with toys on surfaces that are quite high in relation to their height-my daughter always used the window ledge which involved standing on tiptoe! Catriona

    1. He was sitting on the floor but all the dinosaurs moved from the floor to in front of the TV - funny little fella

  12. Your tree looks lovely. Ornaments with a story are the best. My tree is much the same including ornaments collected over many years. The lights and sparkle of the tree adds to the Christmas spirit. Little boys love their dinosaurs, my son was the same. I bet he is excited for Father Christmas to come.

    1. I do like to have the tree lights on to cheer up gloomy December

  13. Grandsons are the best whether they help or not! (And grand daughters!)

  14. Aww, of course dinosaurs and the Santa were much more interesting. How wonderful that you got to spend time with one of your grandchildren.

    God bless.

  15. Glad your Grandson was able to help. Children do make the season! I really like homemade ornaments on the tree. I'm not really 'into' themed trees. The ornaments we put on our tree have special meaning to us - they were made for us or gifted to us for special occasions. It's nice to see them there even when the people who made/gifted them are no longer with us to celebrate

  16. Life is so sweet when the grandkids come visit! Your tree looks very inviting and warm.
