Saturday 2 December 2023

December 2nd and Cold 'Cures'

I love my grandchildren but I wish they weren't so keen on giving me their snotty colds. Primary schools and Pre-school groups are a hot bed of germs! I spent a Sunday afternoon with the two nearest in November and then had the 3 year old Middle grandson here for the following day and sure enough, by the Wednesday afternoon I was sneezing, snuffling and snotty just like him. It only lasted a couple of days but left a tickly cough that hung about for another few days. Thankfully that went too.

This is one remedy - it's not a cure but does make you feel better while drinking it. 2 slices of lemon (I always keep a sliced lemon in the freezer), a spoonful of local honey, a pinch of ground cinnamon and a smaller pinch of ground ginger or some ginger syrup or a smidge of easy-ginger from a jar. Pour on boiling water and drink as hot as you can with a couple of paracetamol. 
Nicer than a proprietary Lemsip sachet and without the possible side effects of phenylephrine hydrochloride!

After that I made a batch of 'cold cure' soup. It's mainly a tomato soup using onion, grated carrot and a tin of tomatoes plus added garlic cloves, a little lazy ginger and a red chilli pepper. I made this first a few years ago from a Jack Monroe recipe but made it way too HOT as I'd added too much ginger and chilli powder. This batch, with just one fresh chilli pepper was more edible - I had one bowlful and have 3 servings in the freezer for another time. While looking back to find the recipe I found another idea that came from one of my books 'From Mother to Daughter' by  Vivienne Bolton.

Cider and Rosemary Cold Cure
Boil a large sprig of rosemary in some cider for 5 minutes. Strain into a glass and carry up to bed, get under the covers and drink. This cure is said to induce sweating which will kill the cold.
That sounds quite good. I'll steal some rosemary cuttings from one of several places I've seen it growing (churchyard, car park by a village hall, car park by a supermarket) and try and grow a plant.

Behind the first door on the advent calendar was a kingfisher perched on a bush. I hope the rest also fit in with the picture. I'm not keen on Advent Calendars that have random things like a toy trumpet in the middle of the sky! 


  1. Chicken soup. The curall of Jewish grandmothers. Research has shown it appears to help the body produce white blood cells (which charge into action as part of the immune system). The grandmothers were on to something.

  2. Cannot agree more about the generosity of grandchildren in passing on their bugs! And a simple honey and lemon drink is so comforting. I must invest in a jar of Lazy Ginger.

    1. I read somewhere that the addition of cinnamon is good so that goes in the drink now and the ginger for heat to sweat the cold away

  3. I am not sure what lazy ginger is, but a simmered ginger root with a bit if honey and lemon is my go to.

    1. Lazy ginger is a jar of minced ginger root, kept in the fridge. It's not always easy to get hold of ginger root - not available in small village shops

  4. I woke up with a head cold this morning, but of course I lack any of the ingredients for cold cures. When I was working with children I was immune to most of their germs, but not so any more it seems.
    Advent Calendars? - their days are numbered.

  5. Farmers in Ireland traditionally kept a bottle of Poteen in case they had a sick cow. Not a bad excuse me thinks.

  6. Glad the cold has gone quickly and like others I try to use lemon etc to soothe my coughs and colds. We have snow this morning which was not expected and has meant that some events in the town have been cancelled. Catriona

    1. Just written lemons on the shopping list for next time!

  7. I had a cold. I even tested twice for Covid but both times negative. Cold went away after 7 days then two days later on Monday the tickle in the throat and dry cough started. Treated with lemon and honey tea. Cold went away. Last night I started the dry cough again and am coughing this morning. It's just that season.

    1. It certainly is the season for colds . Hope yours doesn't last too long

  8. Hot lemon and honey is my cure all too and when I remember I serve it n a special glass which slots inside a silver plated cup holder. Just the ritual and memories of using that ‘feels me better’ as my daughter used to say when she was poorly. I keep fresh ginger root in the fridge as freshly grated it is nice added to all sorts, especially a marinade for curry, or in soups, a stir fry or when making chutney. I also have a jar of stem ginger in the cupboard so perhaps I will add some of the syrup, usually reserved for cooking rhubarb, to my next hot toddy. Did you know you can plant ginger root in a pot to grow on and harvest? They make quite nice house plants and can spend the summer outside. Hope the cold goes soon. Sarah in Sussex

  9. I just have a glass of whisky, a big one, maybe two or three, single malt. It doesn't do much for your cold, but you don't care about it for a while.

  10. Like Marcia above I seem to have a cold that is on ' rinse and repeat' !
    This evening, just before bed I'm trying your recipe for a cold cure - looking forward to it x
    Alison in Wales x

  11. Rosemary is very easy to propagate. I tried growing ginger from a piece of the root but was unsuccessful. Children are so generous, aren't they?

  12. Love your Advent Calendar. Ginger except powdered is basically non-existent here. I never realized you could freeze sliced lemon so will be doing this. Thank you.

  13. it wouldn't let me reply yesterday, but two words for you to help with cold relief. Fire Cider.
