Friday 1 December 2023

December 1st - Advent and Winter

 Usually December blog posts are 'Advent Photos' . That was what I did in  2017, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 2022. That's what you call stuck in a rut!

This year I'm being a bit more varied - a few photo's, a few book illustrations, some folklore and a few poems. This, that and t'other.  Plus everyday happenings as usual.


The Anglo-Saxons called  December Wintermonath  before they became Christians, and Helighmonath meaning 'holy month' afterwards. In Chambers Book of Days I came across the word Dubblachd  which I believe is the modern Scottish-Gaelic for December meaning Dark Month.

I'm calling 1st December the first day of winter - if it was good enough for the Anglo-Saxons, it's good enough for me............ although some will say - wait until the 22nd.

First Day of Winter

Like the bloom on a grape is in the evening air
And a first faint frost the wind has bound.
Yet the fear of his breath avails to scare
The withered leaves on the cold ground.

For they huddle and whisper in phantom throngs,
I hear them beneath the branches bare:
We danced with the wind, we sang his songs:
Now he pursues us, we know not where.

Laurence Binyon (1869-1943)

I remembered, just in time, that way back in the summer I'd come across a new advent calendar at a car boot sale. It's my favourite type of picture - a snowy scene - like the cards I buy for sending. I just searched back through labels and found I paid only 50p for this in April. - Bargain. 
So the Autumn display has been put in the cupboard and the Advent Calendar, the December plate and a  couple of Christmassy bits replace them.

It's certainly felt like winter for the last couple of days with much colder weather - and  frosts overnight and I've started putting the windscreen cover on the car again  but I was really fed up on Wednesday evening when it turned to thick fog with possibly freezing fog later as I was supposed to go across to Woodbridge to the theatre for an 'Evening with Adam Henson' event. He was talking about Christmas on his Rare Breeds Farm and I'd booked it weeks ago. But it was just so foggy, took me 15 minutes to go just a few miles with another 15 miles on country roads to go so I turned round and came home . Better safe and out of pocket than in a ditch! Driving at night in fog is something I've always really hated. What was even more frustrating was that when I looked out a few hours later the fog had lifted so it would have been OK on the way home.

Back Tomorrow


  1. You were wise to stay home safely I think. Driving in fog is horrid, especially if you are alone. I try and avoid it if I possibly can

    1. Don't mind fog in daytime or snow but fog at night is horrible

  2. A shame to miss the event but freezing fog is really dangerous and downright nasty to drive in, even in daylight, let alone at night.
    I'd have made the same choice.
    (and I love your Christmas/Advent posts, whatever the rut! )

  3. Better to be safe than sorry, even a tiny dent to the car isn't worth it, never mind what else could happen. Fog is one of the worst hazards. We get it often just on one long stretch of road when all is clear everywhere around it. It's bizarre, almost other worldly.

  4. Fog at night without cat's eyes on the road is horrible.

    1. To go to woodbridge via A14O, A14 and A12 is about 50 miles further! so I always go across country but narrow roads all the way and no cat's eyes anywhere

  5. You did the right thing on turning back-I always feel I am suffocating when it’s foggy like that. My ne Advent jigsaw starts today and I open box one and bet started. I think I will mark the pieces on the back each day before I start so the pieces can all go back in the correct little boxes to do again. It was rather expensive so I will want to use it more than once! Catriona

    1. I hadn't heard of a Advent Jigsaw - piece by piece - very different

  6. I’m supposed to be going out tonight but with freezing temperatures I may re-think. My husband has already said he would prefer to stay home and tend the fire. It’s the horticultural society AGM and talk In the village hall so less than a mile of walking down through the village under a starry sky and an almost full moon so I will see how I feel at 7 o’clock. I know, we are getting so feeble in our old age! It’s also book group in Petworth on Monday evening and on Tuesday late afternoon we’re going to see the film Napoleon in Petworth which should be interesting as Petworth house stood in for Versailles. I now know the road into Petworth like the back of my hand and I love driving into town at this time of year when all the Christmas lights are on - it feels like going into London town - and then the drive home back to the sticks under the stars and the moon is equally special. Sarah in Sussex

    1. Nearly 20 miles in thick fog at night was just 19 miles too far!

  7. Yes, today is the start of meteorological winter and it is very cold and frosty - very apt.

    1. Frozen water in the bird bath and frost on the grass all day today

  8. It's bitterly cold here ... just as it should be for December, which makes a change from all the recent unseasonable weather. We are fully into wild bird feeding mode now and are needing to replenish the feeders a few times each week, which reminds me I haven't thawed out their little drinkers yet and the canal is frozen over so they will need them.

    I'm looking forward to your mixed Advent posts, it's nice to climb out of a rut of our own making isn't it. :-)

    1. The starlings emptied a feeder full of mealworms in one day - I can't keep up with them!
      I expect my December posts will end up much the same as every other year

  9. Shame that you had to miss your event but , like others have said, better safe than sorry.
    I love that snowy advent calendar, I'd also love it if these frosty days lasted until 25th but I expect it'll turn wet and mild here in west Wales!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. The advent calendar looks lovely and the doors are quite big and looks like the things behind the doors fit in with the picture - well, day one did - I shall see.

  10. Sad that you had to miss your event but yes, better safe than sorry. I've always thought December 1 was the beginning of winter and it's certainly fulfilled that idea here in East Tennessee in the US. Today is cold and rainy.

    1. We are having a few days of bright, cold and frosty but it will probably go back to grey and gloomy soon

  11. Those decorations are so sweet, Sue.
    Now my son has caught my Covid, so I will rally to help take care of him. Decorating will have to wait! :)

  12. I am sorry to hear the treacherous fog prevented you from your Christmas event. That is a bit disappointing. Hopefully, you have another event coming up soon. Your December display shows Christmas as it should be in Massachusetts. Unfortunately, we have not seen this type of snow for the holiday in a while. I do love a white Christmas. Maybe this year? Today, we live in hope...and not only for snow!

    1. Very rare to get snow in December here - it's more likely in February or even March

  13. Like you I think Winter is definitely from the beginning of December. Arilx

  14. Sorry the fog kept you home, but it is so much better to be save.

    God bless.

    1. Definitely - fog at night is horrible for driving

  15. My sister sent me photos of snow today from Ipswich!

    I love that advent calendar. I got a chocolate one, but seeing yours reminded me of childhood when we got one that had just pictures behind the door. We were always so excited to be able to open it!

    1. Didn't know they'd had snow in Ipswich - we didn't get it here.
      I was the mean Mum who didn't let the children have a chocolate calendar!

  16. I have real problems driving in fog, too. I avoid it at all costs. I love your advent calendar -- it's so pretty! I have an online advent calendar this year (one of those Jacqie Lawson ones) and it's load of fun. But I do miss the daily "open the window" calendar this year.
