Saturday 23 December 2023

December 23rd - The Best Laid Plans

Thomas Hardy managed to make this short poem rhyme and shows feeding the birds isn't a new thing.

Birds at Winter Nightfall

Around the house the flakes fly faster,
And all the berries now are gone
From holly and cotone-aster
Around the house. The flakes fly! - faster
Shutting indoors that crumb-outcaster
We used to see upon the lawn
Around the house. The flakes fly faster'
And all the berries now are gone.

Thomas Hardy 

The week has Not gone as planned. Due to the hours and hours of pouring rain from late Monday onwards I took Eldest Granddaughter home much earlier than planned on Tuesday - Luckily her Mummy was working from home. It took me over 4 hours to do the round trip that would normally take less than two to do . I had to go by main roads which is miles further (84 total instead of 54) rather than cross country but it was the only way to avoid serious flooding and even on the main A roads there were many places where the water was across the road. The extra traffic and roadworks didn't help. I got back just in time, as the flood water down the road from the bungalow had gone from a large puddle to nearly 6 inches deep in the time I'd been gone. 
(And yes you have read those times/miles correctly - it regularly takes 55 minutes to do 27 miles on our "wonderful", damaged, pot-holed, 30 mph limit, twisting, cross country roads between me and Leiston!)

I thought it was just lack of sleep - (don't usually mention health issues but the RLS prickly-ness has been much worse than usual) and having an energetic 7 year old here that had made me extra tired but after the 4 hour drive I was shattered and feeling very achy and worried about eldest daughter and the two grandsons coming up Wednesday evening as planned - wasn't sure how much flooding would be left and how I would be feeling. 
However H was determined to visit for a present swap so on Wednesday I dosed myself with my cold cure tomato and chili soup and Strepsils for the sore throat and lots of paracetamol, got the house back together and beds sorted and rested in between times to give me time to feel better.
They then came up early Thursday in daylight. Lovely to see my Surrey boys again, last time they were here was the summer holidays when everyone ended up sick. Since then the 7 year old has had hospital visits for some keyhole surgery and 2 year old  is now more of a little boy than a baby. Eldest daughter was full of cold - don't think she should have come up at all really and I wasn't 100% but luckily we all had a good nights sleep.

She headed away early Friday afternoon to meet up with her sister, sister in law and the other three children  before the horrible journey home to Surrey in the dark (worries me every time!)................ and I collapsed in a heap! .................before doing the tidying all over again while drinking hot lemon and honey and taking more paracetamol.

Between all the grandchildren stuff, house tidying, present sorting, cooking and list making for later, I managed to collect some greenery for the Solstice. From various places I 'stole' variegated Holly, ordinary Holly and Rosemary and from home Bay, Yew and Olive. I discovered the little spray of red toadstools in the Christmas decoration box but don't remember getting it. It was still labelled so I know it came from Smiths Packaging shop and cost me £1.59 presumably last year or the year before? They add a touch of colour as almost  all berries on the Hollies everywhere have gone this year.

I guess I'm not the only person still with things to do before more visitors, and other deliveries to make. I'm definitely hibernating in January.

Back Tomorrow


  1. Sounds horrendous but the ‘joys’ of country living:) I too am awake early!

    1. The frequent flooding close to home is a new thing according to the older residents who've been here for 60 years.
      I'm never awake when my blog posts appear - they are always scheduled!

  2. Sorry to hear you're poorly and just hope you don't get your daughter's cold.

    From here to Newtown it's 34 miles and takes about the same time as your 27 mile journey, but it's on a main road all the way - however, a twisty turny up-and-downy main road and woe betide if you get stuck behind something slow as you can never overtake!

    I have a holly and at one end, ivy, hedge as well as a beautiful variegated holly in the garden. Pretty this time of year and one of the few bits of colour.

    Have you tried a good (Schweppes) tonic water for your RLS? It helps Keith when he gets that with his Parkinsons.

    Have a lovely Christmas and here's to continued friendship in 2024.

    1. Much better today thank you. I was told the tablets would gradually stop working for the RLS . I've tried tonic water but cheapies - is Schweppes different?

  3. P.S. Powys CC is VERY good at road maintenance. Currently have signs up apologising for the state of the road (down in the town). Can't really see any problem myself but boy, do you know when you have crossed the county line into Hereford - you think they'd set the trend for potholes! Low population = low spending per capita.

    1. I don't think they care about the back roads in Suffolk.

  4. Really sorry that you are feeling so rough. It's never a great time to feel unwell and I am sure that long and stressful drive really didn't help at all. Hoping you can have a good rest for a while today.

    1. Much better today thank you. The amount of rain we've had is no fun at all.

  5. Oh Sue, I am so sorry. A heavy cold really knocks the stuffing out of you. As for the state of the roads... There is an appalling pothole on the road out of our village,currently hidden in a deep puddle. Yesterday I stopped to help a young woman who had hit it, and ruined her tyre. I'm glad you got to see family though. When they live away from us, it's easy to be anxious. A good hug and time together is so reassuring. Have a lovely Christmas weekend. 😘

    1. Wasn't really a heavy cold just nasty when trying to be busy. Much better today thank you

  6. Sorry you are feeling so rough, no time is good but at Christmas with so much to do it is something you can do without.
    Here, it takes about 35 mins to do the 16 miles to town, but you can add another 15 if you get stuck behind a tractor or a caravan.
    Do try and rest if and when you are able.

    1. I knew people in Wales would understand the fun of cross country roads! and your 35 minutes for 16 miles is even worse

  7. Watch out for Covid, we’ve all got it here. Presented like a ‘cold’. Hope you’re feeling better soon and can enjoy Christmas. Best wishes and thank you for all your lovely educational fun posts, I always really enjoy them.

    1. Maybe it was Covid or a cold or stress - no idea - much better now thank you

  8. One of my sisters has just confirmed covid after 3 previously negative tests, she'll be staying cosy at home this xmas. Take care of yourself, I love The greenery arrangement.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I was disappointed there were no holly berries - the tree I got the holly from is usually covered.

  9. I collect a vase of greenery every year too, Sue, with some dogwood twigs for a bit of red. It is much less bother than a Christmas tree. I made the orange and clove pomander and collected a few pine cones to put in a bowl. The scents bring back memories of Christmas past.
    I hope you feel better soon.

    1. An orange and clove pomander is one of those things I would love to do but never think of it at the right time

  10. Your week sounds exhausting. I do like the greenery. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. A busy tiring week - much better today thank you

  11. It sounds like most of the family is coming down with really bad colds, not good especially over Christmas, I hope you all improve soon. There's no flooding here but the high winds have brought down a section of Alan's guttering on the top floor which is not accessible at all. Perhaps we'll have to have scaffolding up in the New Year. I hope you feel much better soon, keep drinking the soup.

    1. I've bought some more chilies to make more cold cure for January!

  12. Sorry you have caught a cold-it’s going round and round. Your holly decoration is beautiful and the little toadstools are perfect to add a splash of colour. Catriona

    1. The grandchildren get so many different cold variations and pass them round

  13. Sounds like you have the same problem as we do in Oxfordshire, a useless county council

    1. Things went bad as soon as everything went out to tender so it's now done inefficiently by private companies

  14. Sorry you aren't feeling well. Sounds a lot like the Covid I had several weeks ago. Hope you get plenty of rest and feel better soon!

    1. Much better today thank you. I shall rest through January!

  15. I love the old bell on your header---and the poem.

    Baby Mo [pug] and I had planned to foage for holly and juniper this week, but the wind blew such a gale it wasn't nice walking days. Got red tuips at the grocery, and striped eucalyptus instead.
    The dark flooded drives sounds so scary. Here it can take an hour to go the mile or two over the bridges in the summer, an hour to go a few miles in normal. NYC area traffic, a far cry form what you contend with.

    Did you test for Covid? Sadly it is on the rise again, tho not a mask to be seen.

    Merry Christmas!

    1. I think the bell in the header actually came from the US - from a penfriend many years ago.
      We've had so much rain over the last 2 months - hopefully a dry few days now

  16. The first thing that struck my mind was covid. Honestly, it seems like that has reared its ugly head. It's everywhere, feels like! Trying to function with a cold is miserable stuff. When I have a cold, I just want to crawl away and find a warm place to curl up.

  17. Busy busy Sue, take time for you too!

  18. The flooding of roads is terrible and trying to avoid the deep water on roadways by taking a longer route was smart but made for a horrendously long drive. This all seems over-the-top stressful. With some extra rest, I hope you are starting to feel better. Your holly bouquet looks lovely. I also filled a couple pots with greenery: rhododendron, pine branches and some andromeda. No red berries here either - the deer ate all my holly!

  19. Oh dear! I do hope you are feeling better. Remember to take care of yourself and get some rest. I love the holly. Would like to find some here, but not sure where to find it.

  20. The roads sound very difficult and exhausting, esp when you weren't at your peak! Your foliage is beautiful!
