Wednesday 27 December 2023

Makes Blogging Worthwhile

 It's comments like this that cheer me up and enjoy writing a blog even more than before!

Merry Christmas Sue, love your Blog. It's the first Blog I ever read while recovering from illness last year and it's always the first one I read now. Similar life events in many ways so can relate. Love that there is no prejudice towards people who don't always agree with you as there is with some others, you are always just and fair and I will keep reading your marvellous Blog.

I need cheering up because we had to cancel our Boxing Day family get together at my house - everyone had really horrible colds. I could really do with not repeating the last two weeks.

Makes me even more determined to stay at home much of January! Perhaps all the gallivanting and mixing in crowds- although much enjoyed - isn't good for one's health!

Back Tomorrow


  1. Sorry about the cancellation of your get together but a very wise move after your own cold. We have wet and windy weather here and I am doing my Christmas jigsaw that I didn’t open last year. Catriona

    1. Sometimes I miss doing jigsaws but mostly don't - enjoy yours!

    2. I do like for puzzles of about 100 pieces as a change from playing patience. They are quite relaxing.

  2. We feel the same, so many viruses going around. I currently have itchy eyes, bathing in saline and hoping they get better!

  3. That's a lovely comment and tribute to you. I've felt so warmed and encouraged by the support I've had from bloggers, it really makes my day. Sorry about the family Boxing Day not being able to happen, there are certainly lots of bugs/viruses going around. We've heard of a few people with covid too, although it doesn't seem to affect people as badly as it first did. Staying home - or at least well away from people - is probably a wise move. Happy new year to you, Sue.

    1. And a Happy New Year to you in your new home. Must be lovely to be nearer Dunster beach

  4. I think after 'you know what' struck and turned all our lives upside down most of us are far more aware of the need to keep our colds to ourselves, if possible. It is very disappointing to have to cancel things at this time of year, but better safe than sorry.

    1. It's the small grandchildren who like to be generous with all the bugs they pick up at pre-school and primary school - and then pass them around

  5. There are some wretched viruses doing the rounds now. Have you tested for Covid yet? A friend of mine thought he just had exacerbated sinus issues. He took a test and Bingo, positive for Covid for a fortnight.
    I hope you all feel better soonest and can do your celebrating on a future date, something to look forward to?

    1. Hopefully we will get together as soon as at least half of us are better!

  6. I'm thinking Christmas on my own was good!

  7. It is other bloggers who keep us going and that's a lovely comment.
    I'm sorry you've had to cancel/postpone your gatherings but it makes sense to do so. Apparently, 1 in 20 people in the UK have Covid - it's certainly doing the rounds in my family.

    1. Yikes - one in 20 is quite a high proportion and the other 19 probably have a cold/sore throat!

  8. Think of it as a deferred pleasure, then you have the fun of anticipation again. Not sure whether this comment will work, blogger allows me to comment sometimes but not others... so I continue the battle for 'free speech'. Elaine

    1. I'm glad Merry Mumbles is allowed to comment today - wondered who you were for a minute!
      Blogger likes to change things without telling anyone

  9. Sorry that your Boxing Day was 'cancelled' but for very good reason, there are so many viruses doing the rounds at the moment and keeping ourselves to ourselves until they die out a bit is a very sensible approach. January is a good month to be mainly at home and 'doing our own' thing isn't it.

    Comments like that and the 'Follower' number creeping slowly up just make blogging worthwhile don't they. That is a lovely comment, yours is a good blog and a safe space.

    1. Sue has said exactly what I was going to say! Your blog IS a safe space, kindly, informative, honest, and definitely one I turn to each morning.
      I am so sorry about the cancelled family time. Covid did that to us previously. And these colds really knock us out - keep warm and well through the next few weeks. But please keep blogging when you can!

    2. January will be a good month for hibernating I think - and February too maybe!
      It was so good to find that lovely comment - cheered me up and made an unexpected blog post today!

  10. So sorry to hear that your get together was cancelled, Sue, it happened to us last year on Boxing day. This year, our Granddaughter was taken to A & E the week before Christmas and kept in for several days. Several intraveinous drips and 3 lots of antibiotics later she was allowed home in time for Christmas and G and I were lucky enough to spent the day with her at our Daughter's house. In a way, I'm glad Christmas is over for this year. It's not been a nice year at all. Now we are hunkering down for a few days watching catch up TV and eating leftovers.
    That was a lovely comment you've quoted above. Doesn't it warm the heart :)

    1. That must have been a nasty shock, glad you got to visit and she is OK.

      It's lovely to get encouraging comments. How do I encourage you back to blogging!

    2. Angie has had a tough year, like me she lost her blogging mojo. Maybe one day she will be back, but she's concentrating on family at the moment. Although it's lovely to see her commenting on our blogs isn't it, she's definintely still part of the blogging family. :-)

  11. Sorry to hear about your Boxing Day - mine was also cancelled as my friend has Covid. So it was my first one EVER that was spent alone as husband died in 2022 and I had family over last year. Will soon be over! I have decided that I'm going to have a quiet January, as well. Wishing you a peaceful and healthy New Year.

    1. Blasted covid/cold/flu and a dozen other viruses - spoiling so many plans - really annoying. Hope you got through OK - being widowed is a difficult thing to describe to people who are not

  12. How lovely that one of your readers has expressed very eloquently what a lot of us feel about your great blog Sue. Happy 😊 New Year
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thank you - hope I can think of enough to write about in 2024

  13. Sorry Boxing Day plans were cancelled.

    Agree completely with the blogger comment. You allow comments from those who disagree with you. You have shared some pretty tough times with your readers and have done it with honesty, self awareness and no sense of self pity. I admire and respect you for that. I also love the way you casually bat aware the occasional sharp slightly catty comment.

    1. Not too many sharp comments thankfully and catty blog posts are a rare thing too - even though I sometimes could write some!

    2. I was not imply you were catty…far from it.

  14. Here's hoping for better health for all in the New Year. A few quiet days after the Christmas hubbub is good though! Had a housefull yesterday and the small people are back again on Friday afternoon - then I rest..... PatC

    1. I'm looking forward to the time when the grandchildren get a bit older and become immune to all the bugs they like to pass around!..........If that ever happens?

  15. I've noticed more people wearing masks at the grocery store lately. Hope everyone feels better soon. Stay safe, Sue!

    1. I'm thinking of putting a mask back in my bag for enclosed spaces! And I hate them!

  16. I'm glad you got an appreciative comment, or more. You definitely are fair minded and don't flounce away when someone disagrees with you. Wishing you much better health all around in the New Year!

  17. I also read your blog and enjoy it tremendously. Sadly, Covid/cold/flu are making the rounds again and plans are being scuttled. You are so right about kids getting ill and then passing the bug to everyone. Cancelling a well planed gathering is very disappointing to say nothing of all the food prep. Hopefully, in a few weeks or in the Spring when the Winter bugs are gone you'll be able to organize a family gathering.

    1. A meet up before New Year should be possible - then I hibernate!

  18. I always enjoy your blog. I like your calm sensible point of view and your blog is multifaceted, books, history, folklore, annd flea markets---and more. I look forward to reading every morning. Thank you!

  19. Me too. I love the book reviews, the church visits, the gardening, the folklore etc and hearing about your family gifts and car boot finds, oh and that rural auction. Wonderful that you don't block us for disagreeing with you too!!

    Sorry to hear you've been run down and catching everyone else's pesky germs. I mostly wear a mask when in shops - always in the big ones, crowded places. Taking no chances now as Covid did Keith no favours.

    I read of someone's probably best Christmas Day ever (this year) when their visiting family all had Covid, so they just took themselves off for a wander in the New Forest, had soup heated on the primus for lunch, followed by Bakewell tarts. How's that for a relaxed Christmas lunch and v. little washing up!

    1. The germs are just going round and round - it's all quite annoying

  20. Amazing Christmas lunch and even though I am a keen cook, to be recommended.

    1. My comment was re Bovey Belle’s last paragraph. I love your blog btw and you are always where I go after I have done Wordless. Please keep up the good work.

  21. I am so sorry you had to cancel your Boxing Day. I do hope everyone feels better soon.
    I hope you know how much I enjoy your blog. It keeps me going when times are tough and home seems so far away. It's lovely to see a bit of Suffolk. Thanks as always!

  22. What a nice comment. It is also well deserved, by the way. Your blog is a pleasant place to visit, and I am glad that I found you. I am so sorry your get together was cancelled. It is going around here, as well and January hibernation sounds like a very good plan.

  23. You're right -- every now and then you get a comment that just lifts you! And this one is well-deserved!
