As usual I've been keeping a note of a few Small Frugal bits from the month...........
- Made a huge pasta,salmon and broccoli bake which divided into 6 portions (Salmon tin £1.69, broccoli 58p, Pasta.15p, 1½ pint milk from milk powder 30p?, 1oz willow butter 15p, tablespoon flour.... pennies, grated cheddar 50p?)
- Dried some bay leaves in the boiler cupboard
- Made a batch of chicken and leek pasties with one chicken breast and leeks from the garden 1 to eat and 4 into freezer ( Flour pennies, baking fat approx 50p chicken breast approx £1, leeks negligible white sauce of butter, flour milk approx 30p)
- Eating homegrown mange tout, peppers and courgettes from the freezer
- Reading free library books
- Bargain offer of fruit bushes and plants from T&M via the Money Saving Expert website
- Beetroot from the garden ...... now finished............ the last lot were cooked on the 21st.
- Batteries from car boot sale saving a little.
- £1.50 Tesco voucher
- Picked up a whole wheelbarrow full of twigs and bits from the meadow and put them in to dry for kindling wood.
- Discovered a random Lemon Balm plant growing in the veg bed when I weeded so don't need to look for one in boot sale after all (where has it appeared from?)
- Using the leeks from the garden, made a big batch of veg curry with leeks , apple,onion. spinach from the freezer and small potatoes. Ate 1 portion and put 4 boxes in freezer (leeks cost negligible, apple 16p, frozen spinach approx 15p, curry powder pennies, flour pennies, onions approx 20p , dried apricots approx 20p, home made chutney pennies)
House and contents insurance, negotiated to last years price; 6 Month water bill; Food for me and the cat; Diesel for the car and petrol for the mower; Phones and broadband direct debits; Seed Potatoes. Dual membership for small WI; Walking shoes.
Unplanned Expenses
More peanuts for the birds - they are suddenly eating them like crazy!; The special offer fruit plant collection;
Bulk online purchase of soda crystals which I use for laundry(better overall than driving to Ipswich and car park charges just for slightly cheaper washing soda at Wilkos).
- Some shirts and tee-shirts of Colin's to the charity shop
- A suit of Col's to charity shop
- Suit cover to son
- Jug to charity shop
- Vase to the charity shop
- 2 Metal Filing Cabinets from workshop to son's garage
- 2 Wooden trestles and some tools as above
- Jigsaw Puzzle into the car-boot box
- Couple of old strap things from workshop into bin
- Small bag of bits of electrical and plumbing odds and ends from the workshop into the bin
- Few old books to charity shop
- Craft Papers and some other card making stuff into the car boot box
- Old useless leaf blower that was here when we came off to the Household Waste Recycling centre AKA The Tip
- Old Pressure Washer that no longer worked .....as above
- Old Radio that was falling to bits......as above
- Pipe bender and a handful of tools from workshop to Brother in Law S.
- 3 small things that had been in the present cupboard for ages went to the Charity Bring and Buy stall at WI
- Books from the cupboard to granddaughter
- Biggest out was the grey Fiesta..........finally I got organised to use the new car all the time and sold the old one to the local car repair workshop where they want to use it as a cheap-to-run loan car.
Back Tomorrow