Wednesday, 10 July 2019


................that's what French Climbing Beans do each year.

Every year I  find there are beans, lurking among the leaves, even thought the plants have hardly got going in their climb up the canes.
Every year I'm surprised how many there are once I start picking.
But every summer I enjoy my first meal.

Thank you for comments yesterday, sorry for not replying. I'm having an "off" week mentally and physically so not feeling like doing much at all. I was so cold and achey yesterday that I went back to leggings and jumper!

Back Tomorrow


  1. Yes, beans definitely lurk!

    Sounds like you're coming down with something, hope it's short lived. Be kind to yourself, Sue x

  2. I do hope you're not brewing something. Leggings and a jumper sound about right to me - it's chilly here this morning and I don't think you are so far away from here, are you?
    How lovely to have some green beans to pick. They taste so much better!

  3. Mmmm, French climbing beans, my favourite, cooked with a little bit of bite!

  4. Take t easy Sue please. My Mum favorite was a beans from the garden with a little bit of butter and would just have them on there own.

  5. I keep finding them lurking here and there, hope you feel better soon.

  6. It constantly surprises me how far in advance of ours your vegetables are. I suppose it's because we live at 750 feet in Yorkshire, but everything still seems slow this year: runner beans only just beginning to climb the canes, courgettes no more than 3 inches long, tomatoes only 9 inches high with no flowers yet.

  7. Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly Sue, be easy on yourself, enjoy the comments and don’t trouble to reply, folk will understand.

    My climbing french beans are only just,y starting to flower. I always grow mine in large pots and ever year an amazed by the yield I get. So much better than the ones in the supermarket flown halfway around the world. If only we could all get back to enjoying the veg and fruit seasons we’d be a good way to cracking man’s mucking up the planet.


  8. Hope you feel better soon.

  9. I'm having an 'off week' as well. Things are irritating me.

  10. Sounds like you've got a bug. Take it easy. Read some of your stack of books. I just devoured two books: Mistress of the Ritz and Pattern of Lies. Time to return to the library.

  11. This changeable weather doesn't help. Hope you are feeling better.

  12. Do hope you feel better soon, life can so easily overwhelm one. I am reading A banquet of consequences by Elizabeth George, an Inspector Linley novel, can thoroughly recommend.

  13. Hope you feel better soon, meanwhile snuggle up with Wimbledon and a good book.

  14. Must be something in the air, my mum is having a very off week too. My dad died three months ago and I think its just hit her like a ton of bricks this week for some reason. I hope everyone feels better again soon. x

  15. I never thought that beans lurked, but that is a great way to put it. I pick and always find that I have missed a few the next day.

    Hope you are feeling better.

    God bless.

  16. Sorry to hear you're not feeling right, taking it easy sounds like a very good idea. I hope you get some sunshine.

  17. It sounds like you needed a little lurking of your own. It's perfectly acceptable to have off days, we all do. Looking forward to your next post to see what else you've been up to.
