Friday, 19 July 2019

Nuts, Whole Hazel Nuts

 Perhaps THIS year there will be enough Hazel nuts so that the squirrels will leave some for me

but I doubt it!

I wrote about Hazel nuts last year HERE.

Of course there is a Flower Fairy poem and illustration now I have the book.

So this is why I get no Hazel nuts.............because the Fairy give the squirrels first dibs..........and they are obviously greedier now than they were in the 1930s!

 And  more Hazels who aren't Nuts! sister in law is called Hazel and is married to a Steven and I have a cousin called Hazel also married to a Stephen - but with a different spelling.

 Back Tomorrow


  1. Ha! Guess what I am singing now?

  2. We had plenty of wild hazels on the farm but never managed to get a single nut - yes, the squirrels got there first.

  3. I wonder if they eat them or bury them somewhere? My mum had a squirrel who insisted on burying his stash in her planters, turfing out any bulbs etc that had been planted there!

  4. A neighbour has a tree and we are regularly visited by squirrels who then bury the nuts - we have 3 small trees (approx 1ft high) as a result :)

  5. I enjoyed reading about the squirrels, when I lived near Heathrow recently, the squirrels were a pest but now since I moved I have only seen one. My name is Hazel and my son's name is Stephen and my husbands name was Colin. Have a nice weekend Sue and everybody else. Hazel

  6. I had a school-friend called Hazel and I was with her when she first met her husband, but can't remember his name. My mil is Hazel, but she didn't marry a Stephen.

    I love ALL nuts, but sadly can't eat them any more as they get stuck in my throat.

  7. Bloody hell ... did you HAVE to!!

    Now I will be singing that bloody advert all day. Whoever came up with that particular little ditty/jingle should have been shot. 🤣

  8. No nut trees on our property and I don't know any Hazels either. Hope the squirrels leave some for you.

  9. I don't see many or any nut trees here on the southern part of the prairies. My Dad did take us for a drive one night further north where he was born and showed us some hazelnut trees that they gathered them from growing up. It was really interesting. Hope you manage to save some from the squirrels.

    God bless.

  10. Stupid jingle, isn't it? Enough to drive one up the wall! :-)


  11. Nutting day in September makes sense - but what about 'Here we go gathering nuts in May'?

  12. My daughter's name is is a family name on my husbands side. I was happy to go along with the name because it reminded me of Hazel who lived at Blackberry Farm in one of my books when I was a child. Hazel was a squirrel who wanted a green dress.
