Monday, 18 March 2024

6 Year Old Coffee?...................

..............will it be drinkable - or not - that is the question.

Bought from one of the house clearance people at the Saturday car boot sale - and they are particularly tight - not a lot given away!

So I didn't ask "how much?" but "how much for six year old coffee?". She then couldn't really charge me much and said £1 for the cafetière.

 I'm going to try the coffee and I'll let you know.

Comments open for a vote - OK or old, dusty and nasty?! 

Back Tomorrow


  1. £1 for the cafetiere is OK, might use the coffee to deter slugs!

  2. I think it will be ok because it looks to be vacuum sealed.

  3. £1 for cafetiere is a bargain. If the packs are still vacuum sealed it may be OK. That looks like Lidl packaging - and some of their ground coffee tastes excellent [eg Bellarom Gold ] Go for it!

  4. I say try it, you’ve got nothing to lose. If it’s pre ground and turns out to be yuk, you could always soak it then spread round your roses

  5. Only one way to find out!! You'll know by the look and smell and if it's off it can be added to the garden. £1 for the cafetiere makes it worth it though! :-) xxx

  6. Looks like a bargain to me. The coffee might well be past its best but am sure it will be drinkable. I am a black coffee no sugar person and really like Lidl’s Belloram Gold.

  7. Give it a go and see. I would guess maybe it's lost some of its initial ooomph but, as long as the vacuum is intact, it might be drinkable.
    As Ali said, the garden can benefit if it's too old for comfort.

  8. I reckon you'll be able to tell from the smell when you open the packet, so you don't need to risk poisoning yourself!!! Well worth the £1 for the pot alone.

  9. I'm curious to find out :) Although it was worth £1 for the cafetiere. X

  10. Is it just me or are English people incredibly tight?

    1. Good one Sue!

    2. We're not tight. A new small cafetierre is probably around £4. In this case the coffee possibly has no value depending on where it's been stored. Sue paid what the seller asked for, was she supposed to pay more?

  11. I think they are rancid - but if the vacuum seal is tight and they are stored in cool even-temperature place they might be drinkable. I don't drink coffee, so I shouldn't even be writing this ;-D (I'm just trying to see if this comment goes through blogger)

  12. The coffee will probably be all right, just not as full of flavour as it once was. However, I think I would probably play safe and use it to deter slugs, or whatever it does. I wouldn't drink it anyway, as I don't like coffee.

  13. All British people are very thrifty or tight as you say.

  14. Coffee should be fine Sue as it’s been in a sealed packet. Heather

  15. I'm thinking the coffee will be spoiled by now and as suggested above useful as a slug deterrent 😀
    Alison in Wales x

  16. It should be fine, yep I'm the eternal optimist. And if it's not the garden can have it and you can just keep the cafetiere, a bargain at a pound.

    And NO, Anonymous ... English people are not all 'incredibly tight', we just don't waste things, fill up landfill just for the sake of it, and we seem to try to look after the environment unlike some others!!

    1. I agree we shouldn’t waste things. But to offer a woman just £1 for a perfectly good cafetiere just seems mean.

    2. She didn't 'offer'. It wasn't some sort of auction. That was the price asked and that's what she paid.
      I've never heard of bartering up before!! :-) xx

  17. Well, you will have to post again tomorrow so we know you are all right. :) Good luck, Sue!

  18. Garden for me-I’m sure it will work better as a slug deterrent than to drink. Well done on betting the cafetière for £1! Catriona

  19. It should be fine. I buy at least a years worth in France and it last longer than this. Coffee is cheaper in France.

  20. My bet is that it's OK, but not much taste.

  21. That is a bargain. Does coffee go bad/rancid over time? I really do not know and I would not want you to get sick.

    1. It does have a natural oil so I assume it will have become rancid. Susan Bell

  22. I don't drink coffee so I have no advice. At least you can use it in the garden according to several of the commenters!

  23. I am going stale so weaker but not awful!

  24. Looks like it is sealed so it could be okay.

    God bless.

  25. One sip will answer your question.

  26. I'm not a coffee drinker so I couldn't say as it all tastes bad to me! Worth it to try though lol

  27. How I would have loved to weigh in on this. It looks as if the bags are vacuum sealed, so I would have expected it to be good. Some of your comments here are gold.
